Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1110

Ye Fei saw that the roadside was really clean. Even if it was spacious enough to park, there was no car there.

On the contrary, there is a row of bicycles on the curb.

Bicycles are put on the parking rack in order.

"This is a bike sharing program in Changping college." Lu Chenghong explained.

All the bike sharing brands on the market have contacted Changping University before.

Although compared with the outside city, the area of the college is not enough.

But in school, the frequency of use is high.

Moreover, the quality of the students is not bad, compared with the damage and theft that often happen outside.

It can be used for a long time in Changping college.

Cost reduction, high frequency of use, in fact, is not a small profit.

But Zhao Gu Xian didn't even plan to make money for those companies.

It's not so easy to make money from them.

Anyway, it's not difficult to develop a small program.

The difficulty for bike sharing companies is product promotion.

But they don't need to promote it in their school. They just put their cars there. You can ride them if you like.

The internal scope of the school is small, in Changping's view, there is almost no cost.

That is, the cost of developing a small program and then buying a bicycle.

Small program development is quite easy, quickly completed.

The bike purchased by Changping is different from the bike sharing outside.

More high-end.

Different from the bicycles that only have the most basic functions outside, Changping bought a variable speed one, which saves time and effort and is faster.

Lu Chenghong explains this to Ye Fei. As like as two peas,

is not in order. Even the style and color are exactly the same, just like wholesale.

Immediately, ye Fei said to Zhao Gushen with a smile, "I didn't expect Gu Xian to be very independent. Even this little money can't be cheaper for other companies."

Zhao Gushen said with a smile: "Gu Xian beat children is a principle, as long as you can make money, never cheap others."

"If the cost is high and the profit is low, it's better to cooperate with others." Zhao Gushen said, "but things like sharing bicycles on campus are not troublesome and need not be promoted. It's better to do it on your own than to cooperate with outside companies and only take part of the fixed fees."

"But if we cooperate with outsiders, doesn't it cost nothing?" Ye Fei asked.

"It costs a lot to buy a bicycle, but it's nothing compared with the profit. Moreover, although the unit price of these bicycles is more expensive than that of ordinary bicycles, they are still in use and will not break down for a while. " Lu Chenghong said, "although all the students in our school are spoiled, their basic qualities are not good enough. I won't leave my bike everywhere. It's all in order. In this way, the service life is longer. "

"Instead of waiting for others to give us the money, let's take the initiative." Lu Chenghong explained, "our headmaster doesn't like to wait passively for others to give us money."

Changping has always been the only one to share with others. Let Changping wait for others to share with him?

It can't.

"I didn't expect that Gu Xian was very enterprising, but he was much better than the third uncle." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"On the whole, I followed my uncle." Zhao Gushen couldn't help laughing at the thought of Zhao Dinglian and his son.

"The third uncle is completely put off the son to say what all don't do, you give him he also don't accept." In fact, it's more or less related to their father.

Or because Zhao Dinglian and Zhao Dingye's father is too persistent, even to the point of paranoia.

Zhao Dinglian had to let himself do nothing but be a dandy.

Otherwise, even if Zhao Dinglian is too lazy to do too much work, like Zhao Guxian, it is OK.

Moreover, Zhao Dinglian's ability is much stronger than Zhao Dingye's.

Zhao Gushen sighed and didn't say it here.

After all, there is Lu Chenghong.

It's not easy to talk about your own affairs in front of others.

"Gu Xian doesn't take the initiative to take over his work. Give him less. He is willing to have more rest. But as long as it is given to him, he is sure that he can do a good job and do his best. " Zhao Gushen said.

"That's why you have to slowly fill him with more and more work." Ye Fei now understands.

Zhao Gushen nodded: "since he has this ability, why don't I put it away?"

"He's been given too much work all at once. I'm afraid he'll give up." This is not Zhao Gushen's blind worry. Zhao Guxian really can.

"But slowly give him the same thing. After he has done the same thing, I find that it's very relaxed. I still have plenty of time to rest. It's not very repulsive. I'll add another one to him."

"Gu Xian's work efficiency is very high. Even if he is given extra work, he feels that the extra work takes up his rest time, so he can complete it more efficiently. Then he found that his work is still able to solve the problem, without any pressure on himSo, Zhao Gushen is like this, little by little to Zhao Guxian increase work, constantly in Zhao Guxian's bottom line repeatedly horizontal jump.

Found that Zhao Guxian still can complete the work very well, not tired.

Ye Fei

She thinks that Zhao Guxian is really the place where Zhao Gushen calculated.

No wonder Zhao Gushen got Zhao Guxian the position of vice president of international Chefs Association, and he had to work for him again.

Ye Fei thought that Zhao Gu Xian would work more and more in this way?

It turns out that Zhao Gushen has been doing this all the time.

And zhao gu Xian has been able to deal with very well, and there is no case that can not be dealt with.

As a result, Zhao Gushen is still testing the limit that Zhao Guxian can bear.

Suddenly, ye Fei feels that Zhao Gu Xian is like a bottomless hole.

It seems that no matter how much work he is given, he can finish it well, and there is no pressure at all.

However, this also shows his ability.

Lu Chenghong followed and listened. He nodded and agreed: "our headmaster is really a thief."

If you want him to say it, it's much more powerful than Zhao GuQing.

Just the same job for Zhao Guxian, Zhao Guxian certainly reluctant.

That is to say, Zhao Gushen cooked frogs in warm water. He cooked Zhao Guxian slowly and succeeded.

"This is our teaching building." Along the way, Lu Chenghong said.

"This is the atlas of our school." Lu Chenghong gives Ye Fei the atlas directly.

Ye Fei watches and listens to Lu Chenghong's explanation. She follows him to each classroom to visit and understand.

"This is the place where students usually practice. You can come at will. Just register." Lu Chenghong said.