Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1078

What's your job?

Sister Wang shook her head in a daze, indicating that she didn't know.

What's the state of the family?

He shook his head again to show that he didn't know.

Except that the other side is a man, 29 years old, I don't know any more.

Do you have such an introduction?

Li's mother thought it was unreliable, but she didn't mean it. She refused and asked sister Wang to inquire about the specific situation.

At least you have to know what the other person does?

The next day, she replied that she was working as a clerk in an electrical product company, earning 5000 yuan a month.

Hearing this, mother Li frowned.

If the salary of 5000 is outside of city B, in the second tier cities, even in the first tier cities, mother Li can accept it.

Of course, the front-line consumption is still higher.

But mother Li's request is not high, so she can accept it.

But not in B city.

B city as the capital, high housing prices frightening, not to mention the daily consumption is also high.

The house is not afraid.

If the other party can't buy it, Li Xiaoyun has his own.

Although it's smaller, it's enough for two people to live as newlyweds.

Before giving birth to a child, work hard to save money. When the time comes, you need to change to a bigger one. It doesn't need to be too big. Two rooms are OK. At least you can have an independent living space when the child grows up. It doesn't seem so crowded.

It's OK to repay the loan by two people.

Down payment, mother Li's own can also help.

As for the in laws, we don't expect that they can help the best for the time being, but we should be prepared for not helping them.

Then there will be no gap.

However, even if it's a change of house, Li's mother never plans to let Li Xiaoyun sell her original house.

It was bought by Li Xiaoyun with her own ability, and it also wrote her name.

Marriage can't care so much, but it can't always suffer.

The man does not pay, let Li Xiaoyun sell his house for a new house?

What else should the man do?

We have to keep some way back and guarantee for Li Xiaoyun.

Li's mother thinks that her requirements are already very low.

Let's not talk about the house for the time being, but the daily price, consumption, transportation and other expenses in B city, as well as the inevitable communication in the workplace.

To be honest, 5000 is really less.

In fact, the bottom line of salary in city B is very high. After working in any company for two or three years, the salary can rise to at least 7000.

But the man introduced by sister Wang is 30 years old, and still stays on the salary of 5000.

What does it mean?

Either they can't do it, or they don't make progress.

I feel that my salary of 5000 is enough to feed my family.

Can be married, do not have to let her raise a wife, but raise children have to pay some, right?

The money for raising children, as well as the cost of children's education, is a gold gobbler.

What can I pay for this 5000 yuan?

Is the pressure still on Li Xiaoyun's shoulder?

She wants Li Xiaoyun to get married, but she doesn't want Li Xiaoyun to suffer so much in order to get married.

Li's mother doesn't want her partner to earn as much as Li Xiaoyun, but in terms of the overall wage level of city B, does it have to be $7000?

Especially according to the age of 30, we have to work for five or six years.

So mother Li refused.

Elder sister Wang asked enthusiastically. She thought it was not good. What kind of person would you like to find?

Mother Li said what she wanted.

"It's a bit too demanding," she said

Mother Li said, "if you put the offer in another city, I will accept it. But in the capital, it's really impossible. "

"All right." Sister Wang said nothing and left.

But in the evening, sister Wang didn't know what she thought of again. Suddenly, she sent a wechat to mother Li, saying, "I told her that if they can't meet your requirements, they won't be able to reach them."

Li's mother was very angry at this remark.

Don't think it's appropriate for each other. Why talk so weird?

Still high?

She is not demanding, and does not require the other party to have a house. After all, the house price in B city is high, so there is no need to put so much pressure on young people.

Her daughter has a room, and she doesn't ask others to have it. In the future, she will struggle together.

Even her salary is only one tenth of Li Xiaoyun's.

Why is it so demanding?

She doesn't look at other family conditions.

At this age, most parents have retired at least one of them.What else can we ask for?

She's not demanding, but she can't make Li Xiaoyun despised like this.

Her daughter's condition is good, so it's hard to find a partner. How can she become her daughter?

Therefore, mother Li and sister Wang have a sense of parting on bad terms.

Sister Wang thinks that mother Li's eyes are too high.

At this time, Li's mother was dragging her car home when she met sister Wang again.

Elder sister Wang saw Li's mother from a distance and thought of what happened before.

She an an curls a mouth, in the heart also say, also don't know Li Xiaoyun to find an object not.

I'm 27 years old. I'm 30 years old, but I don't have much time left for her to choose.

Thinking about this, sister Wang raised her spirits again and rushed to meet mother Li.

"Oh, so much today?" Sister Wang came over and said.

"Yes, if you go to the market, you can buy more. You don't have to go every day. It's a hot day now. I really don't like to go to the market. " Li's mother didn't say that there were guests at home and that she introduced Li Xiaoyun to her friends.

Otherwise, sister Wang will have to ask later.

If it doesn't work out, sister Wang has something to say.

"Yes." Sister Wang agreed. She just went home with mother Li and walked together.

"You're going home, too?" Li asked.

"Yes." Sister Wang said, "I just went to my daughter's house. Didn't I just come back?"

Sister Wang's daughter is married and has children.

She had been living with her son-in-law when she was married in the early years.

My son-in-law was a civil servant. Later, he got a house to buy and moved out.

I've lived here for a while since I had a baby.

Sister Wang helps to look after the children.

It was not until the child could run and jump that he went home again.

"Does your grandson have to go to primary school this year?" Mother Li doesn't remember very well.

"Next year." Sister Wang said with a smile, "by the way, is your daughter married now?"

Li mother a listen to this problem, the smile on her face are formulaic a few minutes, said: "not yet."

Elder sister Wang immediately came to the spirit: "can't you still be single?"

Li's mother smiles and says, "it's still alone."

"Oh, how can it be alone? The little boy I introduced to you last time has found a partner. He has also been introduced. He will get married in two months