Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1063

Group is even less, there is no set message to avoid disturbing group is 8864 group and Zhao family group.

So hearing the tone, Zhao immediately took out his mobile phone to see.

Seeing that it was Li Xiaoyun's news, Zhao Xiaoyun thought with a smile that Li Xiaoyun is really making progress now.

Li Xiaoyun had just separated for a while, and he even knew that he had taken the initiative to send him a wechat.

Let's look at the content from Li Xiaoyun.

She is sure to be promoted.

This is what Zhao's theorem had expected for a long time.

Li Xiaoyun's power, plus his blessing.

As long as the brain is still normal, we will definitely choose Li Xiaoyun.

Moreover, in addition to Li Xiaoyun, no one else is suitable.

Zhao theorem immediately back to her: "congratulations."

"Let's celebrate in the evening. What would you like to eat?" Zhao asked, "don't worry about answering me. You can think about it one day. When you think about what you want to eat, tell me. I'll book a restaurant. "

Anyway, Changping's restaurants cover almost all the cuisines in China.

No matter what Li Xiaoyun wants to eat, Changping's restaurants can satisfy him.

Even if he went to pick up Li Xiaoyun at night, Li Xiaoyun thought of what he wanted to eat in the car.

He can still guarantee that there are positions for him and Li Xiaoyun in the restaurant.

"Good." Li Xiaoyun agrees happily.

It's really something to celebrate.

"Now you return to my wechat, have you already arrived at the company?" Li Xiaoyun only now remembers this matter.

"Just arrived, in the parking lot." Zhao reported his location in detail.

"Then I won't disturb you." Li Xiaoyun said quickly.

After the chat, Zhao still didn't get off immediately.

He looked at the heat preservation bucket on his leg and thought that Zhao Gushen had to have his wife's meal every day before.

Zhao's eyes narrowed.

So, Zhao also "click" to take a picture, directly sent to Zhao Gushen.

However, only one photo was sent and nothing else was said.

After seeing the photo, Zhao Gushen put up three big question marks on his small head.

Zhao theorem, what kind of style is this.

Zhao got out of the car with a heat preservation bucket and entered the company.

All the way to meet the company's staff, are saying hello to him.

Zhao theorem also can't come back, can only light nod.

I looked down at my cell phone.

After a while, I received Zhao Gushen's reply: "yes."

Zhao's theorem

It's no fun talking to Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen is pretending to be confused!

Zhao said: "your husband and wife called in the middle of the night, which caused us to lose a lot of sleep. Xiaoyun also got up at 5 o'clock in the morning, just to make soup for me. "

The taste of showing off is very strong.

This is a screenshot of Gu Shen's chat in the office.

Zhao Gushen: "grandma, you see, the fourth uncle has begun to show off. It's estimated that he and Li Xiaoyun are fast."

Zhao Gushen also sent the same news to the third master.

In addition, he added: "we have all the love soup. You should remember to ask the fourth uncle how far he has progressed."

Others don't know, doesn't he?

Zhao theorem this has not yet got people's routine, he is eager to come to him to show off.

He let the three masters go to his heart.

Three old man asked Zhao theorem, did you catch up with Li Xiaoyun?

Let's see what Zhao's theorem can say.


Not yet?


"Three old men"! "

I called Zhao theorem yesterday, and Zhao theorem said that he was not a girlfriend.

The results of today's love soup?

This kid lied to him?

Zhao Gushen didn't know that Zhao Gushen was busy sending messages to his elders.

I thought that if Zhao Gushen didn't reply to him for such a long time, he must have been awed by his love soup. He was envious and envious, and didn't send a message immediately.

Until entering the elevator, Zhao Gushen finally wrote back: "you let Li Xiaoyun get up so early and sacrifice his sleep to make soup for you? Do you have a conscience? "

"I've never been willing to let my family, ye Fei, do it for me." Zhao Gushen said, "Ye Fei prepares a love lunch for me, but it must be based on the premise of not sacrificing her rest time."

Zhao Gushen said to Zhao: "fourth uncle! To marry a wife is to spoil, to hurt, not to let her be your nanny! Do you have no money for a babysitter or something? Let Li Xiaoyun work so hard! I can't even watch it! ""Tell me about you. Before you can catch up with someone, let someone do these things for you. After you catch up with someone, do you have to be more demanding! You can't do this, I'll tell you! " Zhao Gushen said.

Zhao's theorem

This shit!

I'm here to show off to you. Who said I took Li Xiaoyun as a nanny!

Zhao Gushen was such a stir, Zhao theorem did not show off the mood!

Zhao theorem had to gnash his teeth to explain: "I have told Xiaoyun that she is not allowed to do this again. Even if you like me and love me, you can't sacrifice your rest time. "

"I believe in the first sentence, and you really say so in the second?" Zhao Gushen asked.

Zhao's theorem

"I can give ye Fei a screenshot to ask Li Xiaoyun." Zhao Gushen added.

Zhao's theorem

How can this nephew be so annoying!

"Respect your future four aunts. How can you call them by their first name?" I don't like it.

Zhao Gushen: "you let others become my future four aunts. Does Li Xiaoyun know?"

Zhao's theorem

Zhao theorem is really very angry by Zhao Gushen.

His uncle is to show off, Zhao Gushen how can't cooperate!

He had to be shut up in the morning.

Originally happily in the morning, the mood was lost by Zhao Gushen.

Before Zhao had time to reply to Zhao Gushen, the third old man called again.

Zhao's theorem

How did his father call him this morning?

Just then, the elevator stopped.

When he got out of the elevator, he picked up the phone.

"Dad." Cried Zhao.

"You've been overtaken, girl? Do you have a girlfriend? " The third old man asked.

Zhao's theorem

"No, it's not so fast. Didn't I tell you last night? Not yet, but soon. " Zhao said.

"Since you haven't caught up with others, why let them cook soup for you early in the morning?" Three old men.

Zhao's theorem

He finally knows why his father came to him early in the morning.

It's all the good work of Zhao Gushen!

"No, she loves me. I've already told her not to be so tired. It's the same for me at the weekend. " Zhao said.