Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1056

The little guy looked at zhao gu with pride. His black eyes said: "look, I'll tell you! I'm growing up. I'm not getting fat! "

But the little guy didn't finish this, so he went straight to the second elder and complained: "it's dad. He asked me if I was fat."

"Oh, listen to him The old lady said without hesitation, "we are not fat!"

The old man stretched out his hand directly and pinched the little guy's fleshy wrist: "look, our little Mo is thin. This arm is too thin!"

Zhao Gushen

Zhao Gushen smoked the corner of his mouth fiercely.

Small Mo this year just 5 years old, arm can not thin?

Compared with other people of the same age, a little guy is not fat.

Meat at most.

It still looks more symmetrical.

Although the elder has not restricted him to eat.

But three meals have ye Fei to recuperate, even if eat more snacks, occasionally eat midnight snack, also fat not where to go.

Especially now that he is growing fast, it is time to develop.

It's active again.

The daily consumption is also very large.

So even if you eat too much, you don't accumulate too much fat for yourself.

It's just a soft looking and lovely child.

"You usually have a lot of activity, so you have to eat more to support yourself." The old lady put some bean sprouts in cold sauce for Xiaomo.

Little guy is good everywhere, but he doesn't like to eat food.

So the nutrition is not balanced.

Although at ordinary times a variety of vitamin tablets to supplement, but with the serious food supplement, or not the same.

The old lady felt insecure when she was partial to food.

Fortunately, the little guy is very filial.

As long as it's the food that the second elder brings him, even if he doesn't like it, he will eat it all.

He will eat as much as he can.

Zhao Gushen thought, just like this, it's not fat.

When Zhao Gushen came back, the old lady remembered one thing.

He asked Zhao Gushen, "you're back. Do you have to move back with Xiao Fei tonight?"

The old lady never mentions the little ones.

Zhao Gushen understood it as soon as he heard it.

Zhao Gushen has been seizing all kinds of opportunities to throw away the little guy, so that he and ye Fei can have a chance to have a world of two.

Hearing the old lady's question, Zhao Gushen immediately said, "if you don't want to leave Xiaomo, let him stay here for a few days."

The little guy is so filial and will please the elder.

Usually I have a very good relationship with ER Lao.

What's the matter, the second boss is on his side.

Just like just now, er Lao said that he didn't gain weight at all.

If the little guy doesn't stay, how can he be worthy of being treated by Er Lao.

Zhao Gushen is too cunning.

Although the little guy did not expect these twists and turns in Zhao Gushen's heart.

But it's also true that, as Zhao Gushen thought, he can't say no to the elder.

Although he likes his grandfather and grandmother very much, he is still reluctant to leave Ye Fei.

Hear Zhao Gushen say so, immediately feel the fried dough sticks in the hand are not crisp.

So, the little guy bowed his head, quietly nibbling his fried dough sticks, and then nibbling some pea seedlings from time to time.

However, the elder didn't embarrass him at all.

The old lady directly said to Zhao Gushen, "you are an unfilial grandson. Do you want us to be the villains who break up Xiaofei's mother and son? You are alienating our feelings. Do you know? "

The old lady pondered that they had nothing to do with Zhao Gushen.

Why did Zhao Gushen do this to them?

It can only be said that this dog is really more and more dog, even they are not let go!

Zhao Gushen

He didn't think so!

How could the old lady have wronged others!

"I didn't mean that." Zhao Gushen said quickly, "don't you want to be a little stranger?"

"We don't want to leave Xiaomo. Are you going to let Xiaofei separate from Xiaomo?" The old man glared at Zhao Gushen. That one glared at him.

"Why don't you want Xiaofei to stay?" The old man said, "I see you. Grandma is right. You just want to stir up our relationship!"

"Let Xiaofei hate us, let Xiaomo not kiss us." Said the old man.

Zhao Gushen: "where are these?"

This morning, where did he come from!

Zhao Gushen said pitifully: "grandfather, grandmother, you two don't have the heart to separate Xiaofei from Xiaomo. Do you have the heart to separate us?"

The old man sneered: "so, you are so smart, you should know how to do it."Zhao Gushen

Originally, I just wanted to have a two person world. Even if I had one more little guy, I could bear it.

But I didn't expect to have a big family now.

Zhao Gushen sighed and said, "I'll stay with Xiao Fei. When are you going to bother us? Let's go?"

The old man immediately showed a happy expression.

The speed of face changing is amazing to Zhao Gushen.

Just now, I still stare at him as if I were not a good son.

Now I'm not happy.

Zhao Gushen didn't know that the old man was still an opera master.

Old ladies used to do this.

"Not for long." The tone of the old lady seemed to dislike them.

Of course, Zhao Gushen felt that he was probably the only one the old lady disliked.

Zhao gu deeply felt his face and didn't know how the world changed so fast.

Didn't he just go on business for a few days?

How to come back? All the feelings have changed?

Zhao Gushen immediately nervously looks at Ye Fei. Ye Fei hasn't changed to him!

Zhao Gushen even doubted whether he had returned to the wrong home.

Ye Fei can't laugh or cry at Zhao Gushen. Her eyes are soft and she is familiar with Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen was relieved.

Then the old lady said, "you will live until this weekend. Your fourth uncle will come to have dinner with Xiaoyun. After dinner, you will follow me."

The old lady also knew that it would be inconvenient for young people to live with them.

If they didn't really like Xiaomo, they would not be embarrassed.

After breakfast, Zhao Gushen and the little guy went out together.

Ye Fei thinks of Li Xiaoyun and doesn't know how her stomach soup porridge is going.

I called Li Xiaoyun.

Because the old house is far away from Changping and little guy's kindergarten.

So they left earlier than usual.

It's only 7:40.

When Li Xiaoyun receives ye Fei's call, she is watching the fire in the kitchen.

She woke up less than five o'clock today.

It's not even light outside.

Fortunately, all the ingredients for this morning were ready last night.

Just take it out of the fridge and put it in the pot.

All she has to do is watch the fire and don't be in danger.

Nothing else.

Li Xiaoyun realized the feeling of marriage ahead of time.