Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1049

"Don't worry." Zhao said with difficulty, "I have a sense of propriety."

Besides, Li Xiaoyun is Ye Fei's best friend.

How can he mess about.

Although the old lady asked more.

But in essence, I still trust Zhao's theorem.

"All right." The old lady said, "today's opportunity is rare, so I don't insist that you bring Xiaoyun to dinner."

"But you'll have to bring them back in a few days." The old lady said, "you have to give someone a place."

Zhao's theorem

How come it's up to the top of the list.

He's not even catching up.

"When you have such a good relationship with people, you have to bring people to see your parents to make them feel better." The old lady said, "it's just right. I want to make it clear that our family likes her very much."

"No matter what seniority problem does not exist, let her feel at ease with you boldly." Said the old lady.

If you listen to this, you can have it.

"All right." Zhao agreed happily.

"I don't think it's too long. Just this weekend, you can choose one day and bring her back." Said the old lady.

This vigorous and vigorous, very sharp strength, can really let Zhao theorem.

"All right." Zhao agreed again.

"Let your father come then." The old lady said, "I just called your father."

"I know we just finished the call before you called." Zhao said.

"That's just right. Your father said he wanted to see Xiaoyun. I thought, how embarrassing it is for you to go home with Xiaoyun and stare at your father. Does your father know how to talk to a little girl? " Said the old lady.

Zhao's theorem

I don't know.

"So, let's get together and be more lively and less embarrassed." The old lady said, "it's settled. I'll hang up."

With that, without waiting for Zhao theorem to say goodbye, the old lady quickly hung up the phone for fear that Zhao theorem would refuse again.

The old lady hung up and said to Ye Fei with a sigh of relief, "as long as I hang up fast enough, I won't be able to refuse."

Ye Fei

The old man "hehe" laughed, but he couldn't tell whether he was sincere or not: "you are really smart."

After Zhao hung up the phone, he took the initiative to tell Li Xiaoyun: "it was just the old lady's phone call. I should have heard Ye Fei say that we were together and wanted to ask us to go back to dinner."

Zhao was very satisfied with what he said.

It sounds like they are going back to their elders' home for dinner together.

"But aren't you going to make me soup? So the old lady said, "let's go at the weekend." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun

"I just want to go to the supermarket and buy the ingredients. It must be too late to cook tonight." Li Xiaoyun originally wanted to get up early in the morning.

Just in the morning, I cooked porridge for Zhao.

Get up early to cook soup and let Zhao take it to the company.

In this way, whatever he eats at noon, even if he is busy with work, he will have soup at least.

Zhao theorem then intentionally said: "let's go to the old house now?"

"Not at all." Li Xiaoyun was scared to death.

Even if she and Zhao are friends, it's an exaggeration to go to the elders' home for dinner.

So he drove into the parking lot of the supermarket.

They went to the supermarket from the entrance of the parking lot.

Li Xiaoyun, holding a mobile phone, compares the list of ingredients sent to her by purchasing Ye Fei one by one.

After you buy it, make a mark on your mobile phone.

Zhao theorem followed, he and Li Xiaoyun did not understand, completely according to the list.


after talking to Li Xiaoyun, ye Fei misses Zhao Gushen a little.

Now Li Xiaoyun and Zhao Xiaoyun are both right.

By a phone call tonight, she really miss Zhao Gushen now.

I don't know when he will be back.

Afraid to disturb Zhao Gushen, now this time, his side should be in the daytime.

During the day, he must be talking about things.

Therefore, ye Fei only sent a wechat: "when will you come back?"

However, there has been no reply from Zhao Gushen.

Ye Fei thinks that Zhao Gushen should be busy.

I just don't know what I'm busy with. I haven't been able to reply for such a long time.

Zhao Gushen has been jet lagged with her these days.

But as long as it's not when he's sleeping, basically the reply time will never exceed half an hour.

Today is the longest.Ye Fei coaxes the little guy to sleep before returning to his own yard next door.

Before she lived in her own home with the little guy, she just felt that there was space at home.

As soon as Zhao Gushen left, his family suddenly became very empty.

Let Ye Fei at home, even if there is a little guy to accompany, also feel too cold.

Even when Zhao Gushen was there, there was only one more person like him.

But there is a big difference.

After ye Fei brought the little guy to the old house, she felt much better.

She got used to it again when everyone was making a lot of noise.

Ye Fei laughs at the thought.

She used to take the little guy by herself, but she didn't feel lonely.

In the life many Zhao Gushen, after was used to, again also lost.

Even if Zhao Gushen was just on business, she didn't feel used to it.

So habits are really scary.

After coming to the old house, ye Fei feels better.

It is because of Li Xiaoyun's influence tonight that I begin to think about Zhao Gushen again.

After coaxing the little guy to sleep, he came back to his yard and remembered that every time he came back to live in the old house, Zhao Gushen accompanied her.

Now she lives here by herself, and the courtyard is very empty.

After washing, ye Fei lies on the bed and looks at her cell phone again.

There is still no reply.

It's been more than two hours.

She sighed. She didn't know what Zhao Gushen was up to.

Ye Fei puts Zhao Gushen's wechat portrait in a stuffy place: "I can't even remember my daughter-in-law when I go out on a business trip for a few days!"

Look at him coming back, how she will deal with him!

Because in mind, ye Fei can't sleep for a while, so she has to get up and go to the wine cabinet to take out a bottle of red wine and pour herself a small glass.

Don't you think there's a way to sleep with red wine?

Now she has to try.

I didn't expect that. It's really useful.

She drinks and watches a video.

Not long after drinking, she watched the video and fell asleep.

She didn't know when the video was over and the iPad went black.

What's more, Zhao Gushen just got off the plane.

Zhao Gushen came back two days earlier than originally scheduled.

In order to give ye Fei a surprise, I didn't tell her.

When ye Fei sent him a message, he was still on the plane, so he didn't receive it.