Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1043

No matter what point it is, we all feel that it is very difficult to gnaw down the bone of Zhao theorem.

Therefore, they no longer have illusions about Zhao theorem.

But I didn't expect that the old tree blossomed.

But Li Xiaoyun looks at, also is not how unusual girl.

There is no difference between them and the more outstanding female employees in their company.

And they inquired that Li Xiaoyun was an ordinary staff member.

There is no special outstanding characteristic.

Second, there is no outstanding family background.

What does Zhao's theorem look at?

Finally, they get the news that Li Xiaoyun and ye Fei are best friends.

"Is this the legendary building near the water?"

"Can only say, fate, just let her catch up."

"Well, this is the life of a person. Who let her catch up with such a time?"


Li Xiaoyun did not know that he had already caused a heated discussion in Changlin.

What's more, Zhao made such a remark in Changlin.

At this time, Zhao theorem has come to sharp potential.

He's pinching it.

He said that he would talk to Li Xiaoyun at noon. So, isn't he coming?

This time, Mr. Lin responded quickly.

Mr. Zhao had just stepped into the gate of Ruishi when Mr. Lin heard about it and rushed down to meet it.

"Mr. Zhao!" Mr. Lin ran all the way and held Zhao's hand excitedly.

After a few shakes, Zhao quickly released Mr. Lin's hand.

A man's hand, what to hold.

"I'm looking for Xiaoyun." Zhao said with a smile.

Mr. Lin, listen!

It's all called Xiaoyun. It can be seen that their relationship is unusual.

Ren Li Xiaoyun how to deny, others Zhao theorem personally to admit!

Mr. Lin became very Winky and immediately said, "in this way, I won't disturb you. Mr. Zhao, do you have an appointment with Xiao Li to wait here, or go to the business department to find her?"

In an instant, President Lin changed the name of Li Xiaoyun into "Xiao Li".

"I'll go to the sales department. I'm afraid she doesn't know I'm here. It's not good if she has already made an appointment for lunch." Zhao said.

President Lin immediately sorted out the information from the words of Zhao theorem.

I didn't tell Li Xiaoyun.

This is to give Li Xiaoyun a surprise!

Mr. Lin immediately showed his "I understand" expression to Li Xiaoyun as he did in the morning, and immediately said: "so, let's go to the business department?"

Mr. Lin wants to stand on the front line of eating melons.

Zhao theorem then said with a smile: "I know the way of the business department, I can go directly."

After a pause, Mr. Zhao hinted to Mr. Lin: "if you go too, it will change your taste. I'm afraid Xiaoyun will be uncomfortable. "

Mr. Lin is so close to him that he knows that the relationship between Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun is much closer than it seems.

Mr. Lin immediately said, "OK, I won't disturb you. Have a good lunch."

Mr. Lin smilingly sent his most sincere blessing and watched Zhao go to the elevator.

President Lin did not forget to call his secretary: "inform all departments that Zhao theorem has come to our company to have dinner with Li Xiaoyun. Let them not disturb Zhao theorem, and everything will come according to normal."

"Normal?" Asked the secretary.

"Yes, it's what it used to be. It's what it is today. There's no need to change anything." Mr. Lin said.

"Zhao theorem is to surprise Li Xiaoyun, so we don't know anything. In addition, we must remind everyone to get along with Li Xiaoyun as usual, and don't ask her those gossip to annoy her. " Mr. Lin asked.

"Yes, I'll pass it on." The Secretary said immediately.

Li Xiaoyun does not know that Zhao has already come to the company.

She is also going to have dinner with Zhou yunyun and Lin Lingli.

At the moment, she's working on the final closing of the document.

Save this file first.

Li Xiaoyun is not used to doing something else half way.

In particular, the document is still a little bit to complete, leaving a small tail, always feel uncomfortable.

So, I'll finish this and check it again before I'm ready to eat.

Li Xiaoyun is doing the final check on the computer.

The office suddenly fell into a strange silence.

But Li Xiaoyun is checking carefully, and his spirit is focused on the documents on the computer screen.

I didn't see the sudden appearance at the door, nor noticed the strange silence in the office.

Other people were supposed to go out to eat with each other.Like Zhou Chuanwu and Wang Honglin, because Zheng Xuelin has been dismissed.

They are no longer the doglegs of Zheng Xuelin, so now they are good partners hand in hand.

"What shall we have for lunch today?" Wang Honglin asked Zhou Chuanwu as he walked.

"How about a casserole?" Zhou Chuanwu said.

"Yes." Wang Honglin had something else to say, but Zhou Chuanwu suddenly stopped.

Wang Honglin also stopped and saw Zhou Chuanwu looking at the door in shock and rigidity.

Wang Honglin followed him.

I saw Zhao standing in front of the office of the business department.

Wang Honglin even closed his eyes and squeezed out the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

Open your eyes and see, Zhao theorem is still there.

So he rubbed his eyes, and Zhao's theorem was still there.

I'm sure it's not him.

Zhou Chuanwu was speechless.

Zhou yunyun and Lin Lingli are not sitting next to each other.

Therefore, Zhou yunyun quickly sent a wechat to Lin Lingli: "Lingli, look at the door, don't make any noise!"

Lin Lingli looked up and saw Zhao theorem. She immediately took a deep breath and stifled it without making a sound.

Brother Chen and Sister Li also saw it.

Manager Tang has just received a message from President Lin that Zhao is here.

But also get the command of general Lin, as usual, don't show too serious performance to Zhao theorem.

Therefore, manager Tang simply hid in the office, did not appear.

And Zhao saw that people had found him.

But Li Xiaoyun, for whom he came, was still concentrating on his work.

Most want to be found, but did not find her.

But Li Xiaoyun this attentive appearance, but let Zhao like, can't bear to disturb him.

Zhao Xiaoyun looked at Li Xiaoyun at the door, and his mouth unconsciously filled with a soft smile.

People usually even Zhao theorem are rare, let alone see him so gentle smile.

Besides, they are friends, which is insulting their intelligence.

However, no one dares to disturb the Zhao theorem at this time.

Li Xiaoyun finally checks all the documents. After saving them, he moves his neck and gets up to call Zhou yunyun and Lin Lingli.

Now relax, mind is not in the work, only to notice the strange quiet in the office.