Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1037

In the past, I would have scruples. I'm sorry to rub Li Xiaoyun's hair like this.

But now, Zhao theorem seems to have no such scruples.

It's too natural. It's too easy.

After all, it's a dark rub. I've thought about it for a long time.

But Li Xiaoyun is petrified now.

How do you feel like it's different from entering Zhao's home.

The man suddenly seemed to be a different person.

It seems that her attitude and distance have changed.

Li Xiaoyun's brain is still in disorder at the moment, and he feels that there is still the breath left when he is just near.

Listen to Zhao theorem said: "you clean up, and so on, if you are not tired again."

Zhao Xiaoxiao: "take your time, don't worry."

With that, he went out of the bedroom first.

Li Xiaoyun is still in a daze.

Now I don't even have a clue to pack.

Only the sound of the trunk wheel sliding on the ground was heard.

Immediately after that, I heard Zhao's voice again: "I've brought you my suitcase. You're free, just like you're at home."

With that, without waiting for Li Xiaoyun to respond, Zhao left again.

Li Xiaoyun took a deep breath several times.

Now what she wants is not to pack up first, but to talk with Ye Fei first.

Li Xiaoyun sighed.

But it's a little late now. It's hard to disturb Ye Fei.

Li Xiaoyun had to calm down and said to himself, "don't think about anything else. You'd better pack your luggage first."

Now packing is the most important thing.

Otherwise I can't sleep.

Li Xiaoyun patted his face again: "Li Xiaoyun, wake up!"

Then, I started to open the trunk and clean it up a little bit.

The closets are empty.

Li Xiaoyun's clothes are not satisfied at all.

Put away the pajamas, underwear, and clothes for work.

The rest is skin care products, these scattered things.

The room has its own bathroom. Li Xiaoyun puts toothbrush and other things into the bathroom first.

Because there is no dressing table, skin care products will also temporarily put on the washing table.

At this time, Zhao theorem knocked on the door again.

He came in with a tray. "Here are new towels and towels, and toiletries."

"Great, I didn't bring any of these." Li Xiaoyun said.

"There are all ready-made ones at home. Why do you take them with you?" Zhao said with a smile.

"Ah, and toothpaste. I didn't bring it." Li Xiaoyun said.

Zhao Xiaoyun liked Li Xiaoyun's way of asking for things. He immediately said, "wait a minute, I'll send it to you right away."

After a while, Zhao came back.

I brought a new tube of toothpaste to Li Xiaoyun.

"If you need anything more, just tell me." Zhao said.


Zhao theorem looked, originally empty room, because Li Xiaoyun came over, put a lot of enrichment.

"All packed?" Zhao asked.

"Well." Li Xiaoyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm tired after cleaning up.

"I want to take a shower first." Li Xiaoyun said.

"Oh, good." Zhao said, "you wash first."

Zhao left again.

However, sitting in the living room, uncle Zhao was in an uneasy mood.

Living with Li Xiaoyun, Li Xiaoyun is still taking a bath.

How can we calm down.

Sitting on the sofa brushing mobile phone, but the heart has long been flying to the door of Li Xiaoyun's room.

Every few minutes I wonder if Li Xiaoyun has finished washing.

Zhao himself, all moved several places on the sofa.

Finally, Zhao heard the door open.

He quickly sat upright, pretending he had never been curious before, and kept looking down at his mobile phone.

Until hearing the footsteps, Zhao feigned to look up, as if to find Li Xiaoyun out.

"Washed?" Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun wore a two-piece Pajama with a long sleeve top and trousers, which was very conservative and ordinary.

Can be worn out of pajamas.

"If you're not sleepy, let's choose the furniture in your room?" Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun really can't figure out why Zhao is so persistent in buying furniture in her temporary room.

Maybe to make her feel at home?

I don't want her to feel any inconvenience here.Just now Zhao theorem said to punish her things, really let Li Xiaoyun long lesson.

Don't be polite to him any more.

Zhao decided not to change the theorem.

Try to say what you think and take the initiative to say what you need.

When Zhao mentioned the theorem, she thought it was ok, so she agreed not to be afraid to trouble him.

Anyway, she's really not sleepy now. It happens that Zhao's theorem has come up. Li Xiaoyun thinks it's better to choose.

Otherwise, Zhao theorem must take this matter to heart.

As a man who does great things, he keeps such small things in mind every day, which really takes up some space in his heart.

"I've selected several brands, and I think they're all good." Zhao sent the shop to Li Xiaoyun, "you see what you like."

It's convenient to buy online, but the delivery is slow.

It's better for him to send people to the store to pick up the stock.

When Li Xiaoyun looked at it, he listened to Zhao's theorem and said, "besides the dressing table and sofa, what else do you want to buy?"

"I really don't need it. I'm not polite to you." Li Xiaoyun quickly said, "what else can I need in my bedroom? I don't have so many things in my own bedroom."

"OK, let's look at these two first." Zhao theorem finally let Li Xiaoyun go.

Li Xiaoyun considered the overall color matching in the room, and then according to his favorite style.

I chose a dresser.

Instead of a reclining chair, she chose a sofa that could lie down and have a rest, similar to Zhao's room.

Because Li Xiaoyun's room is also a French window.

She thought, leaning on the sofa, looking at the scenery outside the window, or watching TV, drinking wine, this picture is quite comfortable.

Seeing her choice, Zhao chuckled.

He also found that Li Xiaoyun's sofa style is similar to his.

It looks like a couple.

Because the style of sofa is similar, so even tea table also simply chose the same model.

The most harmonious match is that style.

"Well, I'll have it done tomorrow." Zhao said.

He looked at his watch: "it's not early now. You have to get up early to go to work tomorrow morning. Even if you are not sleepy, you have to try to rest."

"Well." Li Xiaoyun nodded, "that Good night

"Good night." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun returned to the room, sleepless.

It's a different place. It's not her familiar environment.