Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1028

"Your behavior has caused extremely serious losses to the company, which is the decision made by President Lin himself." Manager Tang said, "let you leave immediately."

When the time comes, Zheng Xuefa will tell what the company has done.

Zheng Xuelin's behavior has nothing to do with the company and other employees.

Of course, if Ruishi does.

At least in this industry, Zheng Xuelin can't stay any longer.

No company wants him.

If you want him even after you know what he's doing, it will damage the company's reputation.

Zheng Xuelin is not valuable enough to let a company gamble on his reputation and charge him.

As for other industries, it may also develop.

But these are not in Lin's consideration.

Mr. Lin will not consider Zheng Xuelin's future job.

Manager Tang did not tell Zheng Xuelin about President Lin's decision.

One is that there is no need.

On the other hand, I'm afraid that if I talk too much, it will cause some unnecessary extra trouble.

"Although it's your fault, the company will still pay you an extra month's salary." Manager Tang said, "this point, the company has done the utmost."

"I've talked about so many contracts for the company. If you fire me, just give me a month's salary? Who are you going to send Zheng Xuelin is not happy to say.

Their business department is different from other departments.

They adopt the method of base salary plus business commission.

The larger the contract order, the higher the Commission and the higher the profit.

As a result, they usually don't think much of the basic salary.

Because of this way, the basic salary is not high.

Zheng Xuelin's basic salary is only 5000 yuan.

But I didn't like it before. Now Zheng Xuelin can see it very much.

After all, he's going to lose his job.

And judging from his current situation, it is very difficult for him to find a job in the short term at least after being dismissed by the company.

This time, the sharp situation has really caused a lot of trouble.

Not only Ruishi's own company, but also other companies have rumors.

In addition, there is Changlin among them, and Changlin has received more attention.

When you pay attention to Changlin, you will know something about Ruishi.

At least in the short term, it should be difficult for him to apply for a company similar to Ruishi.

It's not easy to say whether it's OK or not when it's over.

If it's a smaller company, maybe.

But small companies, low base salary, low market share of products, which means that the business is not so much, not so big.

In this way, the Commission is bound to be much less.

It's not too much to use the word "sudden drop" in income.

It's too far away from the sharp situation, and it's hard for Zheng Xuelin to accept.

But in any case, at least in the short term, it is not easy for companies, big or small, to accept him.

Zheng Xuelin himself is ready for a period of time without a job.

Naturally, the more compensation companies need, the better.

Now, the company only intends to compensate him for one month's salary.

Of course, there is only the basic salary of 5000.

Naturally, Zheng Xuelin was not happy.

He will not be able to work for at least a few months. Even after a few months, it will take time to find a job. It is impossible for him to put into work immediately when he wants to work.

How can 5000 yuan be enough for such a long time?

"It is clearly stipulated in the state that those who have worked for more than one year shall be compensated according to their working years and one month's salary every year." Zheng Xuelin said, "I have worked in the company for five years. You should compensate me for five months' salary according to the regulations!"

"Why are you fired? Don't you count? How much damage have you caused to the company, and you want five months' compensation? " This is what President Lin said.

As soon as President Lin came into the office, he heard Zheng Xuelin's words.

But Lin was very angry.

What Zheng Xuelin has done has brought so many losses to the company.

It's good to give him compensation. Is he too little?

General manager Lin rushed over, and Zheng Xuelin said, "you have to act according to the regulations! Otherwise, I'll sue you, and I'll make a scene on the Internet! "

"It's easy to make things online now! When the time comes, the company will suffer more and more losses! " Zheng Xuelin said.

"I didn't want more, so I asked the company to compensate me according to the regulations. My salary for five months is 25000 yuan. " Zheng Xuelin said, "Mr. Lin, do you think it's appropriate to spend 25000 to send me away, or to let the company bear more losses?"

"At that time, the company suffered more than 25000 losses." Zheng Xuelin sneered.Mr. Lin is very angry.

Especially threatened by Zheng Xuelin in front of so many employees.

He lost face.

"Good." Mr. Lin gritted his teeth and agreed.

"For five months." President Lin can't care about his face in front of his employees now.

Now there is a sense of spending money on disaster relief.

Along with President Lin, there are also the security guards of Ruishi company.

"You look at him, let him put everything away, and take him to the personnel department to handle the resignation." Mr. Lin thinks that Zheng Xuelin is really desperate now.

Even a few months' wages have to be paid.

Mr. Lin said sarcastically: "watch him carefully and don't let him take away any property belonging to the company. Not even a notebook, not a pen! "

Didn't Zheng Xuelin make him lose such a big face?

Then he will make Zheng Xuelin lose face!

What's more, Zheng Xuelin is so down now. Who knows if he will really take advantage of this small advantage.

Zheng Xuelin also felt deeply insulted.

He turned red and went straight back to his position.

All the pens, staples, scissors, penholder and other things that belong to the company on the desk are swept to the ground.

These things "crackle" on the ground, making a lot of noise.

He was so crazy that his colleagues watched with caution.

Unconsciously, I want to distance myself from him.

Zheng Xuelin carried his bag on his back and didn't take anything in his hand.

He didn't put his own things in the company.

Zheng Xuelin strides over.

Colleagues see, and have to give in, anyway, do not contact him.

Zheng Xuelin ignored them and turned his head to stare at Li Xiaoyun.

That look is like a poisonous snake.

The onlookers all felt hairy, not to mention Li Xiaoyun who was being watched.

Li Xiaoyun frowned, listening to Zheng Xuelin hate voice: "Li Xiaoyun, you wait for me!"

Then he left the office and went to the personnel department.

"What does he mean by that?" Lin Lingli frowned, "do you want revenge?"