Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1016

Hot pot is a popular food, the price must not be too high.

It is more appropriate to belong to Changyi.

However, Li Xiaoyun was just a little strange, and did not go further.

As a boss, it's natural for Zhao to investigate.

"Good." Li Xiaoyun agreed to come down.

How can she refuse to say so.

After a while, I received a reply from Zhao: "I'll pick you up at six o'clock."

"You're going to pick it up?" Li Xiaoyun was shocked.

Originally, the company passed on her improper relationship with Zhao.

If Zhao's theorem reappears, won't she be confused?

Although the mouth is on others.

Even if she said a few words, she had a lot of meat.

But if it can be avoided, of course, it is better to avoid it.

"Why?" Zhao immediately asked, "don't you want to?"

"No Li Xiaoyun denied.

It hurt people's heart that she didn't like it when they were kind enough to meet her.

"It is..." Li Xiaoyun helpless, can only tell the truth, "our company in the spread that you and I gossip."

"Our gossip?" Zhao theorem pretended not to know, "what gossip?"

"Said I rely on accompany you..." Li Xiaoyun face hot, behind the words can't say, "from Zheng Xuelin's hand to grab the contract."

"So if you show up in the company, they'll think more about it." Li Xiaoyun returned.

"Why don't I go to your company and explain?" Zhao said.

"How do you explain this? I can't tell how many mouths there are. " Li Xiaoyun is helpless, "moreover, you personally come forward, on the contrary, the more you explain, the more counterproductive it is. They may not think too much."

"Besides, it's an exaggeration for you to come out in person." Li Xiaoyun said, "to be frank, you can explain yourself and give them face."

Zhao Xiaoyun looked at the mobile phone screen, Li Xiaoyun sent words, can't help laughing.

He didn't insist: "then my car is parked at or near the door of your company. What do you think is suitable? I don't get off. You come out of work and get in my car. How about this? "

Because he had a way to deal with it long ago, he didn't insist here.

Li Xiaoyun was also relieved.

At least if he doesn't appear in the company, he won't cause such a big stir.

However, let him also avoid the company gate, inexplicably feel a little aggrieved for him.

But even so, Li Xiaoyun had to first aggrieve Zhao's theorem and say, "or Do you stop at the corner of the road at the gate of our company? "

"You can see where you can stop and send me a wechat." Li Xiaoyun said, "as long as it's not the front door."

Zhao felt his chin and sighed in his heart.

Now he seems to be unable to see the light.

We have to be furtive and hide. We can't be fair at all.

But for the time being, I can only admit it.

"OK, I'll see you then." Zhao said.

"See you then." After Li Xiaoyun finished sending it, he looked at the chat records on his mobile phone and had a feeling that they were dating.

Li Xiaoyun quickly shakes off his head to get rid of this very unnecessary and superfluous idea.

He continued to work.

But I didn't work long, and I was busy for another hour, and it was time to get off work.

Li Xiaoyun has a look at the time when other colleagues in the Department are packing up and going to work.

Li Xiaoyun also turned off the computer.

There's nothing on the desk that needs to be received in the bag. Just take off the myopia glasses on the bridge of the nose, put them in the glasses box, and put them in the drawer.

Li Xiaoyun is just a little nearsighted, and his degree is not high.

But watching the computer is not so comfortable.

Instead of squinting, wear glasses at work.

It's more comfortable to work.

But outside the office, her eyes are still strong enough.

After they were all packed up, Li Xiaoyun picked up the bag and went out.

At this time, there are a lot of people who need to get off work, only a small part of them need to get off work.

Ruishi is not a company with a lot of overtime.

For example, their business department, in fact, most of the overtime is in the entertainment.

In other departments, the number of overtime days is not much.

So at the end of the day, there are a lot of colleagues coming out.

As soon as I went out, I received a wechat from Zhao Ding.

Zhao took a picture of where his car was parked.

Li Xiaoyun quickly recognized it.

It's their company. Turn left, near the signal.Li Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief.

When I talked with Zhao theorem about wechat before, I forgot to tell him never to stop at the subway station.

There are many colleagues in the company over there.

Most of my colleagues leave by subway after work.

In the evening rush hour, the end of driving is just blocking the road, which is very inconvenient.

So even if you have a car, you don't drive it.

But at that time, Li Xiaoyun forgot to say that when he looked back, he didn't want to disturb again.

I went back to ask Zhao to do this. How hurtful.

Now looking at the photo of Zhao Ding's haircut, Li Xiaoyun can't help but silently think that Zhao Ding is really careful.

Li Xiaoyun out of the company, on the stride to the direction of parking.

Most of my colleagues go to the subway station, but few go to her side.

Li Xiaoyun quickened his pace, trotted from time to time, and soon mixed in with the crowd.

Even if a colleague goes in this direction, it's hard to see her.

Sitting in the car, through the rearview mirror, Zhao Xiaoyun sees Li Xiaoyun trotting over.

At the moment I saw her, I couldn't help hooking up the corner of my mouth.

However, because Li Xiaoyun wants to keep a low profile, he can't get off the bus.

Li Xiaoyun had to wait for himself to open the door.

As soon as Li Xiaoyun sat in, he said sheepishly, "I'm so sorry. I'll make you sneak."

"It's OK. I know your difficulty." Zhao said with a smile, "fasten your seat belt first, let's talk while driving."

Li Xiaoyun forgot this. He quickly fastened his seat belt.

After confirming that she was tied up, Zhao started driving.

"You said before that there were rumors between you and me in the company." Zhao said, "what's the matter?"

"There are probably two reasons for this, not all of which are Zheng Xuelin's problems." Li Xiaoyun said, "Zheng Xuelin himself is not reconciled, and thinks that I have no evidence of him and vice president Lu, so I intend to do something wrong. At noon today, when there were a lot of people in the company canteen, they said I was accompanying... "

"In a word, you robbed him of his contract. It's not just up to you. I can rely on you this time. The contracts I talked about before must have been negotiated in the same way. "

"In fact, even if he doesn't say that, other colleagues don't say anything on the surface, but they think so."