Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1004

Li Xiaoyun has no such ability, so he doesn't know how long it will take him.

So, we prepared snacks for Zhao, so that he would not be hungry.

Then, he brought a teabag and said with embarrassment, "my family only has this kind of Peach Oolong teabag, and then it's peach water. I'll buy what you like to drink. "

Zhao theorem is so careful to buy what she likes, she can't let Zhao theorem make do with it.

"It doesn't matter. When I was there just now, I tasted it and thought it was delicious. I'll drink this Peach Oolong right now. " Zhao said.

He also wants to try some of Li Xiaoyun's favorite flavors.

Li Xiaoyun then put the tea bag into the glass for him and connected the hot water.

"I can do it myself." Zhao said, "you don't have to take care of me like this."

"Then I'll make dinner first." Li Xiaoyun said.

"Good." Zhao nodded, "if you need any help, just tell me."

"No problem." Li Xiaoyun said, was about to go to the kitchen, was called by Zhao theorem.

"By the way, can I have a look?" Zhao asked again.

Li Xiaoyun looked at his apartment.

Although the area of the small apartment is not large, because of the upper and lower floors, she lives on her own. She thinks the space is OK.

But in fact, just standing in the living room and looking around, you can see her home.

I really don't know how else to visit.

However, Li Xiaoyun nodded and said, "whatever, whatever you like."

Her loft bedroom is also open.

Upstairs is an open platform to serve as a bedroom.

She put a Simmons mattress on it and didn't buy a bed.

Because in terms of space, if you put a high bed on it, it will take up too much space and appear small.

It's better to have just one mattress.

In this way, the vertical space will be larger.

Because there is no door, the space is open.

So the place where she sleeps can be seen at a glance.

Fortunately, the upstairs is not chaotic, so it doesn't matter to be seen by Zhao.

Moreover, even if Zhao theorem does not go up, just sitting in the living room, looking up can also see.

With that, Li Xiaoyun went to prepare dinner.

Zhao Xiaoyun carefully looked at the layout of Li Xiaoyun's home.

Although Li Xiaoyun's house is not big, it is very warm, which is very different from his simple and clear layout.

The platform at the corner of the two-story stairs is very large, and Li Xiaoyun put a wardrobe there.

So her bedroom will look more spacious.

When she went upstairs, she saw a mattress in her bedroom.

On one side of the mattress was a long, low table with a laptop on it.

It's just that the mattress can also function as a cushion.

There is a very vivid picture in Zhao's mind.

When Li Xiaoyun was at home, he sat here working overtime.

Or watch a play on the computer.

There is also a portable projector beside the computer.

Look at the position. It's right on the wall on the other side of the mattress.

At night, Li Xiaoyun can sit on the bed and watch the projected movie.

Think about it, this small life is also very comfortable.

Zhao just made up the picture and couldn't help smiling.


and he Haoran, after getting Li Xiaoyun's business card, rushed back to the hospital.

I still remember Chu Zhaoyang and Shi Hongze's instructions in my heart.

He Haoran rushed to the door of Chu Zhaoyang's office and knocked on the door of Chu Zhaoyang's office.

"Come in." Chu Zhaoyang said inside.

He Haoran immediately opened the door and came in.

Seeing that Chu Zhaoyang was the only one in the office, he Haoran said, "president, I just came back from fourth uncle Zhao. Is Dr. Shi still in the operation? "

"You should ask." Chu Zhaoyang asked.

He couldn't have asked himself.

"When Shi Hongze comes out, you can say it together." Chu Zhaoyang said.

Otherwise let Shi Hongze know, he Haoran came back to tell himself, and Shi Hongze is not.

There's more trouble.

Chu Zhaoyang said that this is caused by the emptiness of Shi Hongze's spare time life.

If Shi Hongze could fall in love or something, he would not have to stare at other old light sticks' love life every day.

He said that Shi Hongze's psychology now is that he can still hold on to other elder bachelors even before they take off the single.

Always feel that someone is still with him, he does not have to worry too much.

It's not too late for him to be accompanied anyway.As a result, all the people he was staring at took off their orders.

Can Shi Hongze not worry?

He Haoran went to ask if Shi Hongze's operation had come out.

I called and learned that Shi Hongze had just finished the operation.

So, after waiting for a while, Shi Hongze came.

"How's it going? Do you know anything? " Shi Hongze asked as soon as he entered Chu Zhaoyang's office.

He Haoran took out Li Xiaoyun's business card: "I got Miss Li's business card."

He Haoran put the card on Chu Zhaoyang's desk: "you don't know. I offended uncle Zhao for this card."

"I finally asked Miss Li for a business card, but fourth uncle Zhao wanted to go back. That's not going to work, so I ran away with my business card. " He Haoran said.

"Fourth uncle Zhao keeps a close eye on Miss Li. He doesn't let anyone near her at all." When he Haoran talked about the rise, he didn't regard Chu Zhaoyang as his boss.

It's like facing two gossip friends.

"You don't know. I can't even shake hands with Miss Li." He Haoran said, "I don't want to take advantage of Miss Li, or shake hands out of social etiquette."

"Who knows the hand stretches out to be stopped by Zhao Si Shu." He Haoran said, "Uncle Zhao is really careful

"I'm not taking advantage of it!" When he Haoran talked about this, he felt very angry.

It's like he's taking advantage of others.

"Oh, uncle Zhao is very careful." Shi Hongze said gloating.

"I'm serious." Chu Zhaoyang nodded.

"It's rare that when Uncle Zhao is so old, he can even get a chance to take off the single." According to Shi Hongze's idea, in fact, he thinks that Zhao Hongze wants to die alone.

I didn't expect that Zhao was so lucky that he could still meet true love at this age.

It's called luck.

Chu Zhaoyang coolly looked at Shi Hongze: "even fourth uncle Zhao is going to take off the single."

And you're still single, trash!

Although Chu Zhaoyang didn't say the following words, Shi Hongze understood them through Chu Zhaoyang's disgusting expression.

Shi Hongze

"Cough!" Shi Hongze thought he didn't hear Chu Zhaoyang's words.