Dad: At the Beginning, The Empress Brought Her Daughter to the Door to Force Her Marriage

Chapter 502

Lin Xuan and the Eastern Emperor Ziyou stand side by side. The beauty becomes a couple, as beautiful as poetry and painting.

Lin Xuan holds four porcelain dolls in his arms, which makes a family of six like a dream combination, which is also the envy of immortals.

However, eight old demons, such as the bloody devil and the nine refining devil, still couldn\'t help trembling and moved back half a step.

At the moment, they have no time to appreciate the beauty brought by Lin Xuan and the Eastern Emperor Ziyou, but a thick color of fear floats on their faces.

Lady xuanbing!

Beixuan emperor Fu!

These two names are thunderous and shocking.

They are old demons. Naturally, they have heard the name of the female emperor xuanbing for a long time. They have also heard of her man, the husband of the northern Xuantian emperor.

Especially in recent months, first, the Eastern Emperor Ziyou annexed Wanmo state and wusheng state.

Then Lin Xuan killed the four sides in the southern region, and his reputation was like waves.

It\'s hard for the bloody devil and others to know these deeds.

They did not expect that this powerful couple would appear at the demon king altar.

From the attitude of Qiyou devil and others, they are likely to come to help Qiyou devil and others.

Like the bloody devil, the xuanlun devil was also impressed by the temperament of Lin Xuan and the Eastern Emperor Ziyou.

He looked in awe:

"When I was in the southern region, the North Xuantian had a downward trend."

"Who can imagine that this evil couple has appeared in beixuantian now."

"The situation in the nine immortals and even the demon world is likely to change greatly because of them!"

Thinking of this, xuanlun demon king hurriedly followed Qiyou demon king to salute with them.

"See your majesty!"

"See you, Emperor!"

Words and attitudes are extremely complimentary.

The blood evil Lord frowned deeper when he saw this.

He felt that with their own strength and that of the ninth refining devil, he was not too sure to crush Lin Xuan and the Eastern Emperor Ziyou couple.

In addition, there are many strong people such as Qiyou demon king.

If you hit hard at the moment, it\'s easy to get no benefit.

But if you leave immediately, you are very sure.

Although Xingfeng magic sword is important, life is more priceless. It\'s best to leave as soon as possible.

To understand this, the blood evil Lord also said politely:

"It turned out that her majesty xuanbing and her husband arrived. It seems that the Xingfeng magic sword can\'t be obtained."

"In that case, I won\'t stay much!"

With that, he and the nine refining demon king tried their best to mobilize Zhenyuan.

Not only to leave as quickly as possible, but also to prevent Lin Xuan and the Eastern Emperor Ziyou from fighting.

"I let you go?"

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou\'s body flashed and blocked their way.

The jade hand danced lightly and held the ice Phoenix sword in the palm.

The bloody demon king\'s fishy eyes were cold: "lady xuanbing, take a step back, why don\'t you leave any room?"

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou smiled coldly, like a touch of sunshine on the top of the snow mountain:

"Room is not reserved for you!"

"When you were in power, you didn\'t do less harm to our northern Xuantian?"

After reading the ancient books, she naturally knows that the nine great demons such as the blood evil Lord are the founding demons of a country.

While they were in power, they repeatedly violated the northern Xuantian and harmed many creatures.

Before today\'s meeting, the Eastern Emperor Ziyou had no time to seek their revenge.

Now that we have met, it is a heaven given opportunity for the Eastern Emperor Ziyou. How can we let them go?

The bloody devil clenched his fist and said in a deep voice, "you have to repay the revenge so many years ago?"

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou has a firm face: "those who violate our northern Xuantian will rest until death!"


Her voice did not fall, and the whole audience was surprised.

She is worthy of being a strong female emperor. She is so aggressive that she doesn\'t give any room.

The implication is that no matter who has violated beixuantian, there is no other way but to die to apologize.

Xuanlun devil and Qiyou devil couldn\'t help sighing in their hearts: "this woman\'s domineering spirit is better than that of a man!"

"Under her rule, with the help of emperor Fu, the future of beixuantian is unlimited!"

In everyone\'s emotion.

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou is surrounded by immortals and demons. His brilliance is like a dream, his spirit is like a tide, and he suppresses the world.

"Let\'s go together!"

She poured her spiritual power into the ice Phoenix sword and turned a huge Phoenix virtual shadow around the sword.

The immortal spirit is strong, and the magic light is choppy.

Like the queen of destruction, he cleaved at the bloody devil with a sword.

"Immortal devil mind sword!"


The sword light spread for millions of miles, illuminating the whole buried devil valley.

"Fellow immortal and devil, this talent is too strong!"

"Good sharp sword Qi, fairy sword Qi and magic sword Qi match so perfectly, which is too rare!"

The eight evil kings, such as the bloody devil, were shocked by the purple sword Qi of the Eastern Emperor.

They can\'t help but praise in their hearts that the Eastern Emperor Ziyou is worthy of being an eternal empress. His talent is really a monster!

"Let\'s go together and kill her!"

The bloody devil roared, and urged the strongest magic skill with Jiulian devil and others at the same time, and rushed to the Eastern Emperor Ziyou with the momentum of killing the sky.

But when the two sides met, their combative expressions suddenly changed.

The faces of all the demon kings were full of horror.

"This sword spirit..."

They were shocked to find that their perception of the purple sword Qi of the Eastern Emperor was biased.

The real power of her sword Qi has reached the terrible point of cutting the stars and crossing the Galaxy!

This is by no means a mortal sword!


The bloody devil quickly roared and motioned the nine refining devil not to fight hard.

But it\'s too late!

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou holds an ice Phoenix sword, like a flying phoenix falling nine days. The momentum envelops everything, and the sword light dominates the whole world.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

Under the frightened gaze of the blood evil Lord and others, the sword light swallowed them in an instant and twisted them into ashes in the bright light and shadow!

This scene surprised xuanlun demon king and Qiyou demon king.

She couldn\'t help shouting: "the female emperor xuanbing is really a great evil!"

They couldn\'t help looking at Lin Xuan and thought that emperor Fu was so calm in the face of the sword. If he let him out of the sword, it might be more powerful than the female emperor\'s sword.

The couple really have a desperate sense of domination together.

The Eastern Emperor\'s purple jade hand turns gently, and his figure is like an immortal. Put away the ice Phoenix sword.

Turning around, he took a look at Lin Xuan and the little girls and found that they all looked calm and were not affected by the battle.

She couldn\'t help nodding. She thought that Lin Xuan and the children had performed very well and had a big heart.

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

Xin Xiaoman and Luo Wuhao behind him also witnessed the feat of the Eastern Emperor Ziyou killing the eight evil kings with one sword, and their awe for her was deeper.

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou nodded slightly and fell to the ground with Lin Xuan and his daughters.

Xuanlun demon king hurriedly said, "if your majesty wants to take Xingfeng magic sword, you can help yourself!"

Said, but also took the initiative to get out of the way, a submissive look, did not dare to stop at all.

The Eastern Emperor Ziyou shook his head slightly: "I\'m not here for the magic sword."

The xuanlun demon king nodded and looked suddenly: "yes, your majesty has a fairy sword in hand. Her strength is superb. Why use a magic sword?"

Xin Xiaoman saluted the mysterious wheel demon king of the previous dynasty: "Sir, your majesty brought your little daughter here to let her see my father."

Xuanlun demon king: "who is your father?"

Xin Xiaoman\'s eyes trembled: "Tianfeng devil!"