Dad: At the Beginning, The Empress Brought Her Daughter to the Door to Force Her Marriage

Chapter 486

After playing for a while, a light wind blew and brought a strange fragrance of flowers into the bedroom.

Xuanzhu and their four little babies all sniffed, and their big dark eyes were wide open.

"Wow, what a delicious smell!"

"It tastes a little sweet!"

"Go and see what it is!"


The little girls quickly got up from the recliner, completely forgot their previous fatigue and ran out of the bedroom.

Soon they saw that several pots of new flowers appeared in the garden.

The flowers in these pots are purple and blue, the green leaves are as wide as a bed, and the flowers on them are like golden stars.

The sweet smell of flowers just now came from these flowerpots.

Xuanzhu\'s dark big eyes turned: "is this the star honey flower that Aunt Tong said?"

She remembered that when Tong Shuzhu came to send flowers last time, she specifically mentioned that there would be a new variety of flowers next.

From the shape of these potted flowers, the little girl decided that they should be the new flower, star honey flower, as Tong Shuzhu said.

Xuanhan likes flowers and plants best and pays special attention to the nature of flowers. She nodded:

"They are as like as two peas," she said. "It must be the star honey flower!"

Xuanxi squatted beside the flowerpot and counted the flowers with her small hand:

"What beautiful flowers, there are nine in this basin alone!"

Xuanhan\'s beautiful big eyes blink and blink:

"I remember aunt Tong also said that star honey flowers grow very fast. They can double in three days at most."

"Why don\'t we count the total number of flowers here, and then count them again in three days? What do you say?"

Xuanzhu, xuanxi and Xuanyou clapped their hands at the same time: "OK, let\'s count together!"

With the arithmetic method Lin Xuan taught them, the little girls quickly counted out that each pot was nine flowers.

Then add all the nine pots of flowers together and calculate that there are 81 flowers in total.

Xuanzhu said, "it\'s 81 flowers now. In three days, we\'ll see if it\'s 162."

"Yes!" Xuanxi nodded.

Xuanhan thought for a moment and asked, "would it be troublesome for us to count on the sixth day after three days?"

The little girl thought, although they all know basic arithmetic.

But it seems troublesome to count so many flowers first, and then add them one by one. Some of them are beyond their understanding.

Xuanzhu thought for a moment and nodded:

"Xuanhan is right. Since you want to count the stars and honey flowers, of course there must be a better way."

"I remember that brother Haoyu\'s college will teach them a way to quickly calculate many numbers. If you use that method, you will be able to count more star honey flowers several times!"

"Uh huh!" Xuanxi also remembered that emperor Haoyu once showed off his arithmetic, "let\'s let dad teach us!"


Xuanzhu, Xuanhan and Xuanyou nod without hesitation.

And the little girls think that maybe the method taught by Lin Xuan will be better.

After all, he is the most powerful father in the world in his mind.

As long as it is the way he teaches, it must be the best way in the world!

"Daddy daddy!"

The little girls rushed into the kitchen and hugged Lin Xuan\'s thigh at the same time.

"Can you teach us a great method of arithmetic?"

Lin Xuan put down his kitchen utensils and looked at four little meat faces with a spoiled face: "of course!"

Xuanzhu said, "it\'s better than brother Haoyu\'s teaching in their university!"

"Just now we counted the star honey flowers and found it difficult to count them in a few days!"

Xuanxi nodded: "yes, it\'s difficult to calculate with the previous method!"

Xuanhan looked firm: "I believe dad must have the most powerful method in the world!"

Seeing the girls\' expectation and trust, Lin Xuan said confidently:

"Don\'t worry, dad will let you learn the most powerful arithmetic method."

With the holy book of Jidao, he knew that the level of arithmetic in this world was not developed.

The university where the Eastern Emperor Haoyu is located is the top university in North Xuantian, but in fact, arithmetic is still at a very low level.

And have the perfect daddy tutorial.

Lin Xuan can immediately find an advanced arithmetic method suitable for xuanzhu\'s study.

That is the necessary arithmetic artifact in primary school

Nine nine multiplication formula!

Several spiritual fires pop up to control the cooking temperature. Lin Xuan comes to the bedroom hall with four little girls.

Then he took out a piece of paper and wrote down the 99 multiplication formula on it.

Xuanzhu, they were stunned: "what is this? It looks so powerful!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile, "this is called 99 multiplication formula. As long as you remember the knowledge above, a lot of huge things can be calculated at once."

"Nine nine multiplication formula!"

Xuanzhu\'s eyes brightened when they heard this.

"This must be very, very powerful!"

Little girls used to know that there were pithy formulas for cultivating skills, but they didn\'t expect that there were pithy formulas for arithmetic.

It is conceivable that this must be the most powerful arithmetic method in the world!

"Dad, please teach us quickly!"

Being pestered by the little girls, Lin Xuan\'s father love burst out for a while: "good, good, dad will teach you now!"

"First of all, this\' one by one \'means that if there is a flower in a flowerpot, it will be one flower in total."

"\'one, two, two \'means that there are two flowers in a flowerpot, so there are two flowers in total."

"By analogy, \'three three gets nine\' means that there are three flowers in each of the three pots, a total of nine flowers."

In order to facilitate the little girls to understand, Lin Xuan specially used flowerpots and flowers as examples.

Xuanzhu turned her beautiful big eyes and raised her hands excitedly:

"I see! Just now we had nine pots of flowers. There were nine flowers in each pot, that is\' 9981 \'flowers!"

Xuanxi and Xuanhan nodded: "yes, it\'s really fast with this formula!"

Xuanyou bit her finger and studied it for a while. Her big eyes suddenly brightened: "Oh, it\'s like this!"

Seeing that the daughters understood it quickly, Lin Xuan added:

"Multiplication is a simple arithmetic method derived from addition. Combining it with addition can calculate many numbers faster and better!"

"For example, if eighty-one flowers are doubled, we divide eighty-one into eighty and one, multiply them by two, and add them up, that\'s..."

Xuanzhu, xuanxi, Xuanhan and Xuanyou thought for a moment and raised their hands: "one hundred and sixty-two!"

"By the way, babies are so clever!"

Lin Xuan laughed with joy.

With the growth of age, the reaction ability of these little cute children has been greatly improved.

The speed of their study is really appalling.

As the father of these smart and lovely little shells, Lin Xuan\'s heart is full of pride and pride.

"Next, you should firmly remember the formula of 99 multiplication, and then use it more."

"I see! Dad is great!"

After Lin Xuan and the little girls finished, he let them go out to play by themselves, and then turned to the kitchen.


The mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Your quick thinking makes your daughters master the most important arithmetic formula. Reward: Jidao sword!"