Dad: At the Beginning, The Empress Brought Her Daughter to the Door to Force Her Marriage

Chapter 344

Feeling that they had been completely involuntarily, Miao Zhenze and the three barely raised their eyelids and looked at Lin Xuan.

Their eyes were full of fear.

As demon dead, they have received countless training in secondary and death.

It can be said that he has already tempered his heart and turned it into an indestructible rock.

But under the pressure of Lin Xuan, they still had a feeling of fear from their bones.

Even if they try to suppress it, they can\'t stop the spread of this emotion in their bodies.

"This man\'s means are really terrible!"

"If he doesn\'t get rid of it, it will become a great disaster in our demon world!"

"It\'s a pity... His ability is incomparable!"

Miao Zhenze\'s veins were exposed on his forehead and he was sweating.

Lin Xuan asks xuanzhu and her family to continue to eat, while looking at the three at leisure:

"Tell me, who are you? Why are you targeting me?"

When Miao Zhenze heard this, they couldn\'t help looking annoyed and embarrassed.

Originally, Lin Xuan didn\'t know them at all, that is to say, Lin Xuan didn\'t come for them.

Everything... Is just a coincidence!

Their guesses were wrong before. It\'s really embarrassing!

Miao Zhenze snorted coldly, "we\'re not sorry for our death. You don\'t want to ask anything from us. Do it!"

"Really?" Lin Xuan smiled and saw a flash of gold in his eyes.

Miao Zhenze looked directly into his eyes and felt that an indescribable terrible divine power had invaded his eyeball.

This divine power is extremely powerful.

Directly penetrate all their nerves, rush into the deepest part of their knowledge of the sea, and frantically excavate all their memories.

"Ah ~"

The three shouted in pain at the same time.

Miao Zhenze quickly begged for mercy and said, "please show mercy to Emperor Fu, I say! I say everything!"

The feeling of being forced to open his mind is thousands of times more terrible than the greatest pain he has experienced before.

Even if he is a demon dead man, he can\'t bear such terrible pain.

Chu Xin and Shang Li, who were a little worse than him, had turned their eyes white with pain and nearly fainted on the spot.

Lin Xuan put away his mind and nodded calmly.

Subsequently, Miao Zhenze told all his three identities and why he shot Lin Xuan.

It turned out that the three of them were demon dead men at the command level, and their men led hundreds of people.

The task received today.

Just before midnight, cooperate with other demon dead men to sneak into the demon palace of wusheng country first, assassinate Prince Jing Taiyuan and Prince Jing Lun, and disturb the demon palace.

Other demons will attack the border defense line of wusheng country at the same time, and strive to cooperate with them to win wusheng country.

When they led the team through the capital of Dongling state, they planned to purchase some medicinal materials here and refine them into highly toxic pills to help complete the task.

Who knows, just came to the street and saw Lin Xuan appear with his daughters.

Because Lin Xuan\'s identity is extraordinary, and the time of his appearance is too coincidental.

The three couldn\'t help but come to spy on Lin Xuan\'s news, resulting in the previous funny scene.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan also smiled speechless.

If the three leaders of the devil dead were not too clever, he would not have met them today, and he didn\'t know that the devil dead had such a big move tonight.

"Who do you obey?" Lin Xuan asked later.

Miao Zhenze said, "we belong to the dark sky army."

"We don\'t know who is the leader of this legion, including who is cooperating with the Legion!"

Dark sky Legion?

After hearing Miao Zhenze\'s words, Lin Xuan fell into meditation for a while.

According to the records of xuanjue Tianshu.

In the demon world, there are many dead legions who are specially responsible for performing various dangerous tasks.

Their actions are ethereal and uncertain. Everyone in the Legion is extremely powerful and has a fierce style, regardless of life and death, which is very harmful.

The dark sky Legion is one of the leaders with a long history and terrible strength.

Ninety thousand years ago, its comprehensive strength ranked the top three among all the dead legions in the demon world.

And every dead Legion has an extremely strict hierarchy.

A small commander like Miao Zhenze basically doesn\'t know who is leading his regiment.

Because those who can create a legion of dead soldiers are also extremely terrible in their own strength.

According to Lin Xuan\'s understanding, every legion of dead soldiers is controlled by at least one hermit strongman in the great holy land.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find the behind the scenes from Miao Zhenze.

But for Lin Xuan, this is not a problem.

As long as he interrupts the dark sky army\'s plan in time, the other party will not stand idly by and show his feet sooner or later.

Lin Xuan then decided to help wushengguo solve this group of demons before midnight tonight.

Because xuanzhu and her family were still eating, Lin Xuan put away his pressure and waved to Miao Zhenze to leave.

Miao Zhenze left the restaurant full of doubts.

Just when I joined my men, a huge golden ancient giant God fell from the sky and chopped their divine knowledge with a huge golden magic knife.

After killing Miao Zhenze and them with the Luocha Dharma, Lin Xuan saw that xuanzhu and they all ate well.

Then he took the little girls out of the restaurant and prepared to continue playing everywhere.

"Uncle, the flowers here are beautiful and fragrant. Do you want to buy one?"

"Uncle, if you don\'t like my sister\'s one, I have many others here!"

Lin Xuan took his daughters not far away. A pair of seven or eight year old twin girls came to him with a flower basket.

Lin Xuan looked around and found that the two girls were wearing worn-out gray skirts with bright eyes and looked very spiritual.

Lin Xuan asked with a smile, "how do you sell this flower?"

The girl with a double ponytail on the left said, "uncle, a penny a flower!"

Lin Xuan took out a ingot of silver: "I want it all."

Anyway, the daughters like flowers, and the two little girls come out to sell flowers at such an age. They must be very short of money at home. Lin Xuan gives them a hand.

"There\'s too much silver in a ingot. We can\'t find it!" the twin sister with neat bangs and single horsetail on the right shook her head.

"Don\'t look for it. The rest will be given to you." Lin Xuan smiled, put the silver in the hands of the double horsetail girl, and then carried the flower basket to xuanzhu them.

"Wow, take a good look at the flowers!" xuanzhu said with a look of love on their faces.

The two twin girls, with a happy face, bowed to Lin Xuan: "thank you, uncle!"

At this time, they noticed xuanzhu standing beside Lin Xuan and were surprised when they looked carefully:

"Wow, as like as two peas!" four sisters!

Xuan Zhu only discovered as like as two peas, these two big sisters are exactly the same.

As like as two peas, the girls came forward and surrounded the twin sisters: "the two sisters, you are the same!"

Qi banged the girl with a smile: "yes, my mother said we were twins, so you are quadruplets!"

"Mm-hmm!" xuanzhu nodded and said politely, "my name is xuanzhu. What\'s your name?"

Qi bangs girl said: "my name is simple!"

The double horsetail girl said, "my name is simplicity!"

"Simple! Simple! What an interesting name!" xuanxi stretched out her little hand. "Hello, my name is xuanxi!"

"Hello, xuanxi!"

Simplicity and simplicity hold xuanxi\'s hand and get to know each other with Xuanhan and Xuanyou.

I thought I had something else to do at home. I was simple and simple. Then I said goodbye to xuanzhu and them.

Before leaving, they all looked at Lin Xuan with envy:

"Four little sisters, I really envy you for having such a good father!"

After that, he bowed to Lin Xuan, and then ran away hand in hand.