Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 994

"You investigate me?"

Bamboo light rain obviously unhappy up, slightly raised his head and looked at the opposite, a casual dress but can not hide the noble man.

In the final analysis, she is only 18 years old girl. Even if she pretends to be calm again, most of them can't calm down.

The young master shook his head. "I didn't!"

He just inquired about her basic information. This kind of thing that everyone can hear on the surface, he didn't think it was an investigation.

But his trust value is negative in Zhu Qianyu's mind. In her eyes, he was a playboy with no credibility, so his denial was expected by her.

Can even be expected, her face or involuntarily cold down, "don't tell me is a chance encounter!"

In fact, no need to ask, she also knew that he must have investigated her, otherwise, the day before yesterday and yesterday, he would not have happened to meet her in the library, let alone even brought medicine and wine.

The young master saw her reaction in his eyes. He knew that he was not a fool when he met this man. In fact, from the beginning, he didn't want to fool her at all. In fact, she was one of the few people he wanted to treat with sincerity except his family in the past 21 years.

To her cold eyes, he raised his hands to surrender.

"I admit that I have read your basic information and inquired about your usual living habits. I know that your name is Zhu Qianyu. You are a XX student of the director department of r university. You have just passed your 18th birthday in May. You study very hard and have good grades. You usually have no class and like to stay in the library or read books here. That's all I'm asking about. I don't know anything about your other privacy, and I absolutely don't want to investigate it. "

His frank, only let bamboo light rain gas stare big eyes, round rolling beautiful apricot eyes full of sullen.

"Ji Huan! Don't you think you're trying to be reasonable and sophisticate? "

Clearly admitted to inquire about her basic information and living habits, but did not admit that this is an investigation, not a sophistry. What is it?

The young master's face remained unchanged. He shook his head again and answered her rightfully.

"I don't think anyone can get the basic information. It's all superficial. How can it be regarded as an investigation? In my opinion, it's only investigation if we go down to find out what other people don't want to know. "

Bamboo light rain was angry speechless, this man's brain in the end is what structure?

Although the Chinese language is extensive and profound, its original intention should never be used as a tool for such hypocritical people to excuse themselves.

"Ha ha, it seems that you don't want to know my privacy. In my opinion, you just don't have such ability, do you?"

Zhu Qianyu thinks she's from a good family. It's not easy to find out about her. Although the name of the sixth miss of the bamboo family has always been shameless to her, she has to admit that it has brought her many conveniences and privileges.

However, she did not expect that the rich young man sitting opposite was bigger than the bamboo family.

"No, I have the ability!" The young master is very sure.

When he said this, he didn't mean to show how powerful his means and background were. He just said that if he wanted to know, let alone her privacy, he was afraid that even she didn't know anything about the eighteen generations of her ancestors.

Zhu Qianyu has never met a person who is so shameless for doing bad things. However, this is understandable. This man is a master of telling lies. Even his sons and daughters can be said to be hypocrites of nephews and nieces.

She has always avoided such people.

"Good! I believe that you have such ability, and thank you for not taking away the eighteen generations of my ancestors, OK? Now, can you get out of my sight, please? "

Zhu Qianyu thinks she has a good temper, but at this time, she has to fight back her anger, so she doesn't take her coffee and pour it on the handsome face of the man who wants to cut flowers with a knife!

How can the young master not see that she is fighting back her anger?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just want to make friends with you!" Even though her eyes were full of murderous and Tao Tian's anger, even though he was a little hurt in his heart, he still said very sincerely.

Bamboo light rain clenched hands, took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

After a while, she calmed down and said slowly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in making friends like you."

She said faintly, lowered her head to continue to read her book, do her notes, completely, sitting opposite him as nothing.

Young master has lived a life full of stars from childhood to adulthood. No matter where he goes, even if he is not a young master of Ji family, he can get a lot of praise and flattery just by his excellent appearance and smart mind.

She was one of the few, if not the first, people who would so obviously dislike and sneer at him.

Think about it, in front of this bamboo light rain, it seems that he has never been given any preferential treatment.

Even, has been inexplicably hostile and excluded by her.

He is not a saint, but he has gained such "kindness" from his kindness. It is a lie to say that he is not suffering.

He tried to recall the process of knowing her, as if he had not offended her.

Of course, he has to admit that what he has done in recent days means a lot. But he left her enough respect and room, not half aggressive momentum and strength.

Since there is nothing wrong with his practice, where does her obvious prejudice and dislike come from?

Can we say that she had any intersection with him in the past, and had any misunderstanding?

But even though he racked his brains and rummaged, he still couldn't figure out what he had in common with her before he met her in the small park.

"I'm sorry to make you sick." He said softly, then got up and sat down at the next table.

Perhaps it is because of family education, or perhaps under the influence of a good family atmosphere, his heart has always been very respectful of women. Even though he often scolds his sister as a fool, in fact, he never despises her. At the same time, he always puts women in an equal position.

Therefore, at this moment, there is absolutely no such arrogance in his mind that he is a little childe of the Ji family. Instead, seeing her nose askew with anger, he knows that his explanation will only make her more unhappy.

Sorting out the pros and cons of cause and effect, he sat quietly at the next table, drinking his coffee and doing his own business, just like the previous two days.

He won't force her, but he is not the one who gives up easily.