Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 992

Towards the end of the semester, the students of r university are all engaged in intense review for the exam. According to the news from Xiaobao, Zhu Qianyu is a good student. Not only during the review period, but also in the afternoon when there is no class, he often studies in the library.

So as like as two peas came back to the library, he saw the bamboo rain sitting in the corner yesterday.

Xiaobao's eyes crossed a black head and looked at it from a distance. Zhu Qianyu bit his pen cap and frowned at the book. He didn't know if he felt something. He suddenly raised his head. His amber eyes ran straight into Xiaobao's eyes and made Xiaobao's heart beat wildly.

It's not the first time Xiaobao has felt that his heart is so flustered and completely out of his control. Except for the one in the bookstore a few years ago, the other two times were all caused by the light rain of bamboo.

Her eyes are very bright and transparent, the afternoon sun through the curtains lightly reflected in her pupils, reflecting a little bit of gorgeous light.

Xiaobao looked at her from afar without blinking. She did not stay at her feet for a moment. As yesterday, she walked to her with firm steps, nodded to her with a smile, opened her chair and sat down.

Bamboo light rain has been watching him sit down, light asked, "are you a student here?"

In terms of age, it does, but in terms of temperament, it doesn't. What's more, he is clearly the father of a pair of twins. It's ridiculous to say that he is a student.

Of course, now college students can get married and have children, but the aura and momentum he exudes is not what a student should have.

Xiao Bao shook his head. "I'm not!"

People like Xiaobao never disdain to tell lies. Moreover, although he hasn't found her exact location, he knows very well that he doesn't want to build his relationship with her on false lies.

Bamboo light rain get expected answer, "Oh..." ground should a, turn to head, read his book seriously.

Today, she changed a book, Chinese, without the help of a thick dictionary, which let Xiaobao a little disappointed.

Because last night, he went back to look through a bunch of professional books related to directors and films in different languages. Now it seems that they are useless.

Disappointed to be disappointed, Xiaobao's face is not revealed at all. He takes out his laptop in an orderly way and deals with his work as he did yesterday.

"Mr. Ji..."

When the pleasant female voice came over, Xiao Bao turned his head slightly and was glad that he was no longer Mr. Ji, but Mr. Ji.

"Yesterday's medicinal wine is very good. Thank you." There is no expression on Zhu Qianyu's face, even no smile, which makes people wonder how sincere she is when she says thank you.

But even so, Xiaobao couldn't help feeling happy, "you're welcome!", Just want to say something, but see bamboo light rain from the bag out of the wallet, "how much? I'll pay you back! "

Xiao Bao choked for a moment. She wanted to refuse intuitively. However, she caught a glimpse of the determination in her eyes and pulled a number casually.

"No, fifty yuan."

He was not stupid. Since she asked, she said she didn't want to owe him. In that case, why did he embarrass her.

Of course, those bottles of medicinal wine are definitely more than that price.

"Here's the money! Thank you for bringing it to me

Bamboo light rain is actually very clear, the four bottles of wine, a single bottle price is more than 50 yuan, but he said that 50 is 50.

Xiao Bao took the money, folded it carefully and put it in his wallet.

"Here you are."

Xiaobao was surprised to see the paper box she had changed from magic to magic. "This is..." it looks like something like cake?

In fact, Zhu Qianyu is not sure that she will meet him today, but she still took advantage of the lunch break to make the cake in the baking room outside the school. No matter whether he will recover the money for the wine at the original price or not, she doesn't want to owe the favor just because she specially sent it.

"I'm learning to bake recently. It's not delicious. Please forgive me!"

Xiaobao, like Dabao, has been fond of sweets since childhood. She has no resistance to delicious cakes and desserts. In addition, she specially made it for him. When she thought about it, she could not control herself.

"Thank you. I like cake very much!" Xiao Bao's smile was so bright that he almost grinned to his ears.

Facing such a happy and harmless man, bamboo light rain is slightly stunned.

This man is so beautiful!

It's a pity that it's just a show!

"Don't expect too much, I'm just doing it for fun!"

This is totally modest. In fact, Zhu Qianyu completely inherited her mother's talent, and the cakes she made were comparable to those made by star bakers.

"May I have it now?"

The happy young master looked up and looked around to see if there were any no eating cards in the library.

Bamboo light rain and Leng for a while, by this handsome man undisguised childishness and naturally to make some confused.

The young master looked around and didn't find any no eating signs. He even saw some students gnawing bread, "I can eat, right?"

The joy of the young master is beyond expression. The joy is too obvious and the smile is too dazzling. Bamboo light rain wants to cheat him to say no, but he nods.


But after nodding, she remembered something.

"But I don't have a plate with me." When she said this, the young master had opened the box and carefully took out the cake.

"It's mango lasagna cake?" The young master's nose is smart. Before he cut the cake, he smelled the fragrance of mango.

"Yes, girls love this. Maybe you don't like it?"

Bamboo light rain completely did not expect, but in order to return his favor, but let him find a conversation topic.

But since she sent out the cake, she couldn't turn a blind eye to him.

"No, I love it!"

The young master's happiness is not pretended. He can't wait to pick up the plastic fork on the side of the box as a knife, skillfully cut out a small corner, fork up the cake and put it into his mouth.

It's very rude, but it's like a greedy child tasting delicious food. It's lovely and can't be blamed.

The young master narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed with enjoyment, "mmm... It's delicious. Beibei and Guoguo must also like it very much!"

Then, as if thinking of something, looking up at bamboo light rain, "beibeiguoguo, the day you met those two little kids, it's my nephew and niece."

Young master, this is not to explain the relationship between the two little boys and him. It's just to explain to Zhu Qianyu who beibeiguoguo is.

Bamboo light rain perfunctory nod, "well, I know."

But in the heart disdain, actually more and more big.

It's a son and daughter, but it's a nephew and niece. This man is really terrible. In order to pick up a girl, he doesn't even recognize his son and daughter.