Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 971

Niuniu, on the other hand, picked out a picture of herself and Dabao, a picture of her family with Dabao, Xiaobao and her parents, and posted it on her Weibo with V. along with the photo, she also attached a paragraph:

Congratulations, Mrs. Ji!

This is Niuniu's first micro blog on the night after she won the music award. The number of comments on her micro blog on the night of the music award reached several hundred thousand. At first, these comments were all congratulations on her winning the award. Later, they became congratulations on her marriage with Mr. Ji.

In just three minutes after she posted the latest microblog, her comments had already exceeded 10000, and her tweets had been forwarded to 50000. Several major websites even forwarded her microblog at the speed of light, with the title of "Sihan drying wedding photos, Prince Ji and Sihan suspected to be married".

For these, Niuniu naturally won't pay attention to them.

Anyway, from the moment she decided to propose to Dabao on stage, she had already decided that she would never hide her feelings in the future.

She doesn't hype, but she doesn't want to give the media and the public too much room to speculate. She just makes these things public.

She can ignore it, but as her temporary agent, Si Jun, she has been bothered by the confirmation and gossip calls from the major media these days.

Fortunately, he also knows how to stop these people.

"I'm sorry, these are Sihan's private affairs. As an agent, I don't know and have no right to interfere. If you are still curious, you can call Mr. Ji to ask! "

Mr. Ji refers to the natural Ji Yu and the young master Ji.

How can anyone of these media reporters have the courage to offend master Ji?

As a result, the Internet and the outside world stir up a lot about Sihan and Jida, but the two parties are doing their own things in an orderly way.

Dabao will try his best to deal with the work in hand in the short time left. If he can't deal with it, he will try his best to share it with his subordinates, because after the wedding, he will accompany Niuniu for half a month's honeymoon.

Sihan, accompanied by Sijun, attended several awards ceremonies. Sijun was the first one who knew Sihan was pregnant, so she was extremely careful when accompanying her to attend these awards ceremonies. In addition, I made it clear to the Organizing Committee in advance that Sihan's time for appearance and interview should not be too long, otherwise, she would rather not attend.

On February 20, Sihan attended the last award ceremony of this year. After coming back, Sijun gave her a rough calculation. It's not hard to find that this year is a good harvest year for Sihan.

She won more than 20 awards in music and Film Awards, including best composer, best singer, best actor and so on. Two days later, some media began to call her the all-round artist of music and film Grand Slam.

February 22 is a happy day for Sihan and Jiyu.

Because Sihan's family is in the same family, the traditional ceremony of picking up the bride is omitted.

Only in the arranged wedding scene, Yang Sheng, the uncle, walks along the long red carpet with Sihan in his arm and solemnly hands Sihan to Ji Yu.

"Ji Dabao, from today on, Niuniu will be handed over to you! Treat her well, or uncle will skin you

Yang Sheng said this from the standpoint of sihanniang's family.

Ji Yu, however, didn't blame Yang Sheng at all. He held Sihan's hand seriously and carefully. "I will, uncle, don't worry! I will love her all my life

Yang Sheng nodded and patted Ji Yu on the shoulder.

The wedding site was chosen in the island resort where Dabao came back with Niuniu. Because it was the place where they fell in love at first sight, they both chose it.

Yuan'er stands beside Letong, pulling her with a smile, "Tongtong, it's not that we were joking, it's really come true! Dabao really brought back a child daughter-in-law for himself. "

Of course, Letong also remembers that year and says with a smile, "yes, you are actually their matchmaker. After a while, let Dabao and Niuniu offer you a cup of matchmaker tea."

Here, two elders are laughing and remembering that year. Over there, Dabao has led Niuniu, a beautiful white wedding dress, to the main ceremony.

The witness brought up the ring with a tray. The two people, who had been very calm, wore the ring for each other for a long time.

There was a lot of laughter under the stage, and someone laughed loudly, "Ji Dabao, how many years have you been, and you are still nervous!"

It was Yang Liu, Ji Dabao's cousin, who said this!

But she just teased, her mother churan stabbed her, "yes, I don't know who cried like a tearful person at the wedding, even forgot to wear a ring."

Yang Liushan laughed a few times and poked churan with her elbow, "Mom, be serious."

The newlyweds on the stage have already finished their vows, and the witness asks the handsome man seriously, "Ji Yu, would you like to marry Ji Sihan, regardless of poverty and disease, disaster and sorrow?"

"I will!" Ji Yu holds Si Han's hand tightly. They look at each other affectionately!

The witness turned to the beautiful woman solemnly, "Ji Sihan, would you like to marry Ji Yu and take him as your husband, regardless of poverty and disease, disaster and sorrow?"

"I will!"

Sihan affectionately finish, the people around have not had time to coax, Ji Yu has a hug her, bow to capture her lips, gave her a long and full of deep love kiss.

Under the stage, there were bursts of applause and cheers.

At the end of the ceremony, Ji Yu and Sihan offer tea to the elders present. The elder Ji has the largest generation, and of course he is the first.

"Please have tea, grandfather!"

Because Sihan is pregnant, everyone thinks that kneeling is not necessary. Therefore, a couple just bow to Mr. Ji.

"Darling, I wish you two a long life together."

Ji drank all the tea in the cup, took out a big letter and put it on the tray.

After father Ji, Ji Rui and Letong are the parents, then Yang Sheng's father, that is, Letong's uncle, and then Yang Sheng and churan.

After Yang shengchuran, he went to yuan'er as a godmother.

"Dabao, godmother is your matchmaker."

Dabao nodded and handed over the tea. "Thank you, godmother, matchmaker Lishi. I'm ready!"

Yuan'er only takes him as a joker. Unexpectedly, he actually takes a big letter from Xiaobao on one side and hands it to yuan'er piously.

Yuan'er is not a hypocritical person either. Knowing that this is everyone's good fortune, he happily accepts the profit.

After the wedding, Dabao and Niuniu fly directly abroad for their honeymoon