Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 97

After lunch, the teacher's mother said that the air here is very good, and suggested that we go out for a walk.

Letong has no opinion, but after going out, she has some regrets.

As soon as she went out, she took the professor's arm, and she was forced to walk slowly along the path beside the flower bed shoulder to shoulder with Zhong Hao.

Fortunately, Zhong Hao is a very nice person. Although both sides know that this is just a blind date in disguise, Zhong Hao has never asked any sharp questions. He just tells Letong about many interesting things he used to do in school, such as that professor so and so's class must arrive, and the food in the canteen is terrible. These things that Letong has also experienced sound very intimate, Chatting and chatting, they became familiar with each other.

Originally, Zhong Hao would stay in the evening to go out to dinner and celebrate with his teacher's mother, but when he came back from a walk, he suddenly answered the phone and said that there was something urgent in the company and he had to go back to deal with it.

So the dinner for four people in the evening became the dinner for three people.

While eating in the restaurant, Yang Sheng's congratulatory phone calls in. His teacher's mother talks with him for a long time, and then hands the phone to le Tong.

"Tong Tong, ah Sheng is looking for you."

Le Tong answered the phone, "elder martial brother, is everything going well over there?"

Although Yang Sheng's work is not on the table of Ji, Ji's people don't know much about it. However, Letong has been helping Ji Rui and Yang Sheng to sort out the information and know the whole story.

"Well, not bad! When you come back to r city the day after tomorrow, give me a call. I want you to do something for me. "

Yang Sheng came to her for business.

Yang Sheng over there only thinks that Letong has a three-day holiday. Here, Letong hesitates.

"The day after tomorrow... I'm not sure about the time... Otherwise, wouldn't it be the same for you to ask the president for help?"

"President Ji is not in R City, otherwise, I don't have to look for you." Yang Sheng sounds very anxious.

"Is the president on a business trip? I remember that he didn't have this item in his itinerary! "

In recent days, although Letong works with the idea of muddling along, she is used to doing her duty. She doesn't care what she says. In fact, it takes a lot of effort to let herself ignore Ji Rui's business and the mountain of work. As for Ji Rui's journey, she can remember it clearly within two weeks.

"Mr. Ji has gone on a trip!" Yang Sheng on the other side of the phone said.


It's really strange that Ji Rui, a workaholic, would spend so much time traveling?

"Well, the baby's birthday tomorrow, he took the baby out to play for a few days."

"Bang!" The cup in Letong's hand suddenly falls off on the table.

The table was made of marble. The glass fell, broke, and splashed all over the table.

"Tongtong, what's the matter?" Yang Sheng's voice is very nervous.

Yue Tong calmed down and took a napkin to wipe the tea all over the table.

"No... it's OK. I accidentally dropped the cup!"

"Didn't you hurt your hand?"

"No! I'll call you later. "

Yue Tong said, hung up the phone in a hurry, her pants were a little wet by tea, called the waiter to clean up the table, herself, ran to the bathroom to deal with the tea stains on her pants.

She went there for a long time. She didn't come back until half of the dishes were served.

"Tong Tong, why have you been so long? I almost have to go to the bathroom to find you!"

"Well, there's something wrong with my stomach."

Yue Tong said and lowered her head to sit back on the seat.

"Tong Tong, why are your eyes red?"

But even though she lowered her head, the teacher's mother still saw her eyes.

"It's windy outside, and the sand blows into my eyes. I rub it a few times, and that's it."

This is a farmhouse restaurant. The way to the bathroom is an open path. Outside, it's really windy.

The professor and his teacher's mother did not doubt that he was there. They asked her to have a quick meal. There were three of them. After dinner, they walked home slowly.

Considering that Le Tong came here early in the morning, I'm afraid she was tired. In addition, the professor and his wife's work and rest time is also early to bed and early to rise. Therefore, it's only after nine o'clock, so they took out the birthday cake, made a wish and blew out the candles. After eating the cake, they went back to their rooms to have a rest.

After taking a bath, Letong comes out and sits cross on the bed. Looking at the phone, there is an unread message in it.

"Tong Tong, do you want to stay outside for a few days?"

"Yes Letong went back to the past.

The phone rang quickly. It was Yang Sheng.

"Tong Tong, you can go and play with ease. I'll handle my own business."

As soon as the phone is connected, Yang Sheng says to Letong.

"Don't you really need my help?"

Letong feels a little sorry. Yang Sheng seldom asks her for help. It's rare for her to take the initiative to ask for help once, but she refuses him.

"No, it's fun. Of course, if you see anything delicious and funny, remember to bring it back to me as a gift. "


In fact, even if Yang Sheng didn't explain it, she would buy some special products to take back.

"Then I'll hang up first. Remember, have a good time and don't embarrass yourself."

Holding the microphone, Letong answered again, "well."

This night, Letong tossed and turned, clearly the temperature here is very suitable, but she has always felt cold, even covered with quilt, still feel cold from the bone.

Finally, she had to take two sleeping pills out of the suitcase, and lay in bed for more than an hour. It was nearly dawn before she fell asleep.

The next day, she obediently accompanied the professor and his wife at home, except for the yard, she did not go out all day. He just sat on the sofa chatting with the couple and cooked two meals for them.

On the third day of the holiday, Letong was sent to the airport by her professor and started her journey alone.

In these four days, Letong turned off her mobile phone and cut off all contact with the outside world.

In these four days, she went to see the majestic sea, the maple leaves all over the mountains and the steep mountains.

In the vast nature, she once again felt her own insignificance and loneliness!

On the eighth day, she returned to Ji's at 8:30. Until this moment, her mobile phone was still off.

"Good morning, sister Ling!"

Unexpectedly, she saw Lin Ling at her desk.

"Oh, Tongtong, you are back at last!"

As soon as Lin Ling saw Letong, she was as happy as if she had seen the Savior. In the meantime, she got up and left her chair to return her seat to Letong.

"Sister Ling, you've been working hard these days!"

Lin Ling patted her shoulder with a bitter smile and said in a low voice, "Tong Tong, I'm working hard. It's OK, but it's you. You'd better be prepared."

Le Tong is very puzzled, puzzled to look at her, "sister Ling, I'm not in these days, what happened?"

Can't it be that Yang Sheng's business has been publicized and brought back to the company?