Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 964

After the award ceremony, there was still a reporter interview session.

And Sihan, the latest best actress, became the most eye-catching and eye-catching one in the whole award ceremony because she confessed on stage and was proposed.

Reporters beat chicken blood around her and inquired about the origin of Mr. Ji Yu.

"Sihan, is Mr. Jiyu the same artist as you

Sihan, who seems to have returned to her normal state, shakes her head. "I'm sorry to disappoint you. He's a businessman."

To reporters, businessmen are equivalent to ordinary peddlers. At that time, no one went too far to study the meaning of businessmen in Sihan's mouth.

Until a big website came out, Ji Yu was not a peddler, but the prince of Ji's group, whose gross domestic assets had been ranking the top three in China. When Sihan was the adopted daughter of Ji's family, netizens and readers quickly exploded!

Those tabloid reporters, only then suddenly realized!

Why do I always hear rumors about Sihan with a strong background before? It turns out that those rumors are not groundless.

Sihan's moving video at the awards ceremony was quickly forwarded on the Internet. Together with Ji Yu's and Sihan's identity information posts, Sihan's comments were also hotly forwarded.

Many netizens have said that it's no wonder Sihan always has a noble temperament. It turns out that Sihan is immersed in such a big family as the Ji family.

Of course, in the eyes of netizens, such a rich family as Ji family is mysterious and unattainable. But I don't know. In fact, the daily life of the five members of the Ji family is no different from that of an ordinary family.

While netizens are talking about the identity background and love story of Ji Yu and Ji Sihan, Dabao, who has just received a congratulatory call from his family and uncle, is pulling Sihan into his arms after taking a bath.


Dabao put his arms around Niuniu's waist, buried his head in her soft back neck, and rubbed her smooth skin with his lips.

Niuniu put her arm around his head and gave him a kiss on his smart and beautiful forehead.

"Mr. Ji..."

Dabao shakes!

In view of the fact that Niu Niu used such a name to express herself to him in front of thousands of people and hundreds of billions of people a few hours ago. For Dabao, the title "Mr. Ji" is undoubtedly full of love and makes people feel numb to the bone, but Su De can't.

"Well? My wife, what can I do for you? " Ji Dabao was in a bad mood. He smeared sugar and oil on his mouth. Although he was oily, he was sweet and greasy.

Niuniu put her hand on the back of the hand he held on her waist. With Dabao's puzzled expression, she gently brought the broad palm to her abdomen, which was still very flat for the time being.

Dabao felt a little shiver in his heart and thought, won't it? Is there going to be a surprise double cannon tonight?

Dabao waited patiently for her to come down, trying to restrain her ecstasy and wild horse imagination.

Niu Niu turned her head and looked at him, "in a few months, you will be a father..." although she tried to suppress it, her voice was still with a tiny tremor.

Dabao looked at her for a long time, then carefully turned the person around and let her sit facing herself, holding her face in one hand and gently sticking it to her abdomen in the other, carefully confirming, "Niuniu, do you mean, our child, now, here?"

Niu Niu's eyes were hot, she bit her lip and nodded, "well, our child, he's here..."

Dabao, a big man who is not easy to be emotional, gently covers his eyes with wet water. He leans over, carefully holds her in his arms, lowers his head and catches her soft lips.

After the kiss, he gasped, and his lips slid from her cheek to her ear“ Why didn't you tell me earlier? Well, Hum, a punitive nibble on her earlobe.

Niu Niu gasped and went into his arms and explained, "in fact, I only knew last night..."

Last night, the test results of two test boxes showed that after she got pregnant, Niu Niu began to struggle. In the end, is it the first thing to tell her brother about having a baby, or to propose first?

For the order of the two, Niu Niu struggled all night.

After waking up, she decided to propose first.


Although, regardless of the order, the result is the same.

But she didn't want Dabao to be a little bit reluctant, and she didn't want him to decide to get married because he had children!

Marriage is sacred and inviolable, the purpose is for love, not for anything else!

Of course, Dabao is not really strange to her. On the contrary, at this time, he wanted to hold her in his palm and protect her well.

Dabao leaned over Niuniu's abdomen, gave her a kiss, straightened up, took the phone and pulled it out.


Of course, his joy should be shared with his parents and family for the first time.

"Bao, what's the matter? I'm not going to get married tomorrow. If so, your mom and dad can't do it! " As soon as she heard her eldest son's voice, she began to laugh and joke.

"Mommy, you're going to upgrade!"

Dabao's lips are slightly raised and his arms are tightly tightened silently, holding his future and hope tightly in his arms.

Le Tong, on the other end of the phone, was silent for a long time, then her voice suddenly rose eight degrees, "Ji Dabao, I'm going to be a grandmother, aren't I?"

Dabao is hands-free. Niuniu in his arms heard the exclamation from the microphone and coughed with embarrassment, "Mommy, yes, you're going to be a grandmother!"

On the phone, there was another silence, and then Letong yelled, "Mr. Ji, Congratulations, you are going to be a grandfather, young master, you are really a little uncle..."

Dabao has a smile in his eyes. His mommy, the vice president of Ji's, is just an ordinary woman!

"Mommy, Niuniu and I will fly back tomorrow morning. What can I do for you tomorrow?"

Although Ji Dabao shared the good news with his parents and brother for the first time, he wanted to be gentle with his baby for the next time.

"Ji Dabao, it's none of your business. Let me talk to Niuniu. It's not long since I was pregnant. There are many things to pay attention to."

Yue Tong over there, after ecstasy, soon regained her rationality.

"Say it, Mommy. I'm listening."

Niu Niu, nestled in Dabao's arms, responded obediently.

So, Ji Dabao with a bit helpless and doting, holding Niuniu, and she obediently listen to the phone side of the mummy said a lot of pregnant after both sides need to pay attention to.

This phone call lasted for more than an hour, until Niu Niu accidentally yawned and was heard by Le Tong at the other end of the phone, and then hung up after a few words of advice.