Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 962

"The winner of the 32nd Golden Lion Award for best actress is..."

In the meeting hall, the drum beat suddenly, beating on Sihan's heart.

She thought that she was really not nervous, but at this moment, she found that she was so nervous that her palms were full of sweat.

As always, the guests sold the key, listening with a smile to the fans shouting their love bean's name, wave after wave of calls, as if they could overturn the stage.

"Yesterday, there was an equally authoritative award ceremony..."

As soon as he said this, the people under the stage almost fell down and called out the name of "Sihan"!

"That's right. The winner of this Golden Lion Award for best actress is Sihan, the heroine of double faced man."

As soon as the voice of the awarding guests dropped, thunderous applause broke out from the stage.

The camera on the stage quickly captures Sihan off the stage.

Sihan is more excited than she expected. She takes a deep breath, tries to adjust her breath, and stands up with Dabao's powerful arm.

Dabao reached out and picked up his coat. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. For a second or two, the suit coat completely covered their heads. Dabao's lips accurately captured Niuniu's lips, printed them gently, and whispered in her ear, "honey, Congratulations!"

When the camera captures Sihan's face, it is found that not only her eyes are red, but also her face seems to be red.

Of course, no one thought that, just at the moment of lifting the coat, a man had passed his blessing to his favorite baby for the first time.

Sihan stood still and took a deep breath. She put her right hand on the ring finger of her left hand and turned the ring she had just put on consciously or unconsciously.

"Let's welcome our beautiful peacock princess, Sihan, to the stage to receive the award!"

The awarding guests yell again on the stage. Sihan turns her head and looks at Dabao deeply. Then, carrying her skirt, she steps to the stage step by step under Dabao's escort.

Dabao stood at the side of the stage until she came to the guests, then she walked back to her seat and sat down.

And the lens, several times to capture this mysterious man, but, the presence of people who know him is not many.

Of course, if there is a business tycoon sitting next to the TV at this time, you will naturally recognize that this is Ji Yu, the prince of Ji family!

At the ceremony, several investors knew him, and when they saw his face on the big screen, they all wondered, did master Ji fall in love with this actor named Sihan?

However, they also heard that the young master Ji has long had his heart and soul, and he is very clean. He doesn't have the style of a dandy. He is a very strong and practical young entrepreneur.

Those under the stage who don't know Ji Dashao guess the identity of this person one after another, and those who know him imagine the relationship between him and Sihan one after another.

It wasn't until Sihan took the cup that the audience's attention returned to the stage.

"Sihan, in more than three years, you have accomplished many things that people can't accomplish in their lifetime. Do you feel lucky?"

With tears in her eyes, Sihan nodded, "well, I always think I'm a very lucky person."

"Who would like to thank for winning this grand prize?"

Sihan raises her head slightly, and the corners of her eyes are crystal clear.

"Thank you to the company and all my colleagues, to the director and the crew, to the fans, and to all those who support me!"

At this point, Sihan stops.

The guest thoughtfully handed her a tissue. Sihan hung her head slightly and printed the corner of her eye with a tissue. As time went by, Sihan seemed to be in deep meditation. She kept her head down and didn't know what she was thinking.

The guest just thought that she was too excited and was speechless for a moment. He reached out and patted her on the back to appease her.

"Apart from the ones I want to thank just now, is there anyone else I want to thank in particular?" The guest kindly helped her out.

Sihan finally raises her head and shoots at a place in the audience with foggy eyes.

The photographer is very clever. He follows her line of sight and turns the lens to the direction of her eyes. There is a handsome man sitting straight.

"Today, I want to thank my family in particular. In addition, I want to thank one person in particular."

Sihan said affectionately, completely ignoring thousands of audience, persistently through the distance of tens of meters, and Jiyu, who was looking at her directly, was glued to her eyes.

"This man has been taking care of me since I was more than a month old. I am willful, he connives, I am unruly, and he tolerates. As a child, I was not a smart girl, but he was a genius in other people's mouth. I don't know why, as a genius, he indulged and tolerated me so much. Until one day, I found that I like him, and he, it seems, also likes me

Although Sihan's eyes are full of tears, her words are very clear, and all the audience can hear her clearly.

Hear this, it's completely blown up!

holy crap This is a public confession!

What a stirring thing it is for the empress of Xinke to say in public!

There was an uproar under the stage, but Sihan on the stage and Jiyu on the stage seemed to be the only two left in the world, staring at each other deeply.

Even though, separated by dozens of meters, it does not affect the two people from the fiery eyes to each other's continuous love.

"If people ask me what I think is the happiest. I will tell him, when you find that you like a person, and that person, just like you! That's what I think is the happiest thing

Standing beside Sihan, the guest finally reacts, glances down the stage and asks with a smile, "Sihan, is the person you like at the scene?"

Sihan nods firmly, hugs the cup in her right hand and raises her left hand. Under the camera, the ring on her ring finger is shining.

"Mr. Ji, I love you! Thank you for giving me so much love and tolerance in the past 22 years. You are the lover I want to go with for life. In the future, I will love you as well as you tolerate me. I will take care of you and tolerate you. Mr. Ji, please give me the chance to spend my whole life with you, OK? "

Under the stage, thunderous applause broke out again. With the applause, the audience was still shouting.

"Together, together, together..."

The camera, turning from the stage to the stage again, just catches the magnificent man who just helped Sihan to the stage. He stands up excitedly and strides towards the stage.