Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 957

"Girl, what's up? Is there a big harvest tonight?"

Although Ji Dabao has been urging Niuniu to be normal and not to pay too much attention to the awards.

But the representative of the award affirmed that his Niuniu did not give less than others. Of course, he hoped that she would be recognized by the jury at this most authoritative award ceremony.

"Well, won the best album, the most popular female singer and the best golden melody."

Sihan obediently finished the report and asked him, "have you solved all your problems? You'll have a good rest tonight. Don't rush here. "

She is more concerned about whether he has a good rest than that he can't share the joy with himself.

"Well, it's so late, I really can't make it. I've made a reservation for tomorrow morning's flight. You ask Si Jun to send me your itinerary for tomorrow."

After a few words of conversation, Dabao probably heard Sihan's noisy voice and told her not to drink as much as possible and to have an early rest in the evening, so he hung up.

The makeup artist is very familiar with Sihan. Seeing that she hangs up and stares at the phone in a daze, she teases her, "Sihan, boyfriend?"

Sihan didn't say yes or no. she just closed her eyes slightly, leaned back and said, "I'll squint for a while. Xiaorou, please call me."

Generally speaking, although Sihan openly admits that she has someone she likes, except for Tian Fang and Si Jun, many artists in Xinying, including Ning yijiahao, have never met Sihan, a mysterious lover. It's also full of gossip and interest to talk about it in private.

However, although we all don't know the real background of Sihan, we know that Sihan is the one they can't stir up. Therefore, eight trigrams belong to eight trigrams, and no one ever dares to pick anything from Sihan.

For example, now Sihan says that she is tired, so we don't ask any more questions. We just talk about gossip.

Sihan is not really tired to this extent. She is just not willing to talk about her private affairs with others.

Therefore, although she closed her eyes, her ears were full of their chattering voices.

A said, "my husband called just now and said that his son was so noisy that he couldn't live in peace. He thought I was so happy."

B said, "my mother's birthday this week, my mother-in-law actually asked us to accompany her to travel, my mother is not a mother?"

Sihan quietly lights candles for a and B in her heart, and secretly congratulates her brother for being a patient and gentle father, while Mommy is even less likely to become an overbearing mother-in-law.

C said, "sister xiaorou, I cheated me a few days ago that I had a male ticket. Guess what he said?"

Xiaorou's voice rang out in Sihan's ear, "how can he say that it's not to ask you to kill it?"

C has been talking to man Piao for several years, but C has wanted to get married for a long time. Man Piao has been putting off for various reasons, so she would cheat him with such words.

"That's not true, he said. How can it be? Your relatives came only a week ago."

Sihan was just listening to the bustling state of mind, listening to c this sentence, the heart inexplicably fast beating up.


When was the last time she visited her relatives?

Sihan doesn't care to close her eyes and pretend to sleep. When she opens her eyes, she opens her bag and takes out her mobile phone to open the memo.

oh My God!

The last time relatives came in mid December, now it's February 1, it's half a month late!

"Ha ha, you are very careful. Even your relatives remember so clearly when they came here. In this case, it's impossible not to know that you want to get married. You want to be crazy!"

Xiaorou says, seeing Sihan open her eyes and fiddle with something, thinking that she was woken up by the words of XiaoC and herself, she lowers her head and asks, "Sihan, are you right?"

Sihan's mind is not on it at all. When she asked, she had to prevaricate, "sister xiaorou said so much..."

At the celebration reception, Sihan was obviously absent-minded. Several times, someone familiar with her came to greet her, and she seemed a little at a loss. Fortunately, Sijun was there, which helped her solve a lot of problems.

"Sihan, are you not feeling well?"

Si Jun pulls Sihan aside, hands the dish with snacks to her, and stares at her fearfully.

Sihan's heart is in a mess. She can't say whether she is expecting or worried. Anyway, she just wants to leave the reception and confirm her current health in private.

But the uneasiness and expectation in her heart, of course, can't say to Si Jun, for his worried eyes, had to nod to admit.

"Well, I feel a little dizzy. Maybe I went to bed too late last night."

"Why don't I talk to the organizers, let's go first?"

Si Jun's proposal is in Sihan's heart.

The hotel is not far from the reception site. Sihan stops Sijun from taking a taxi because she wants to walk for a while.

Si Jun to Si Han is similar to Da Bao to Si Han. I wish I could spoil her and spoil her. Although I was afraid that she would be tired when she walked back, he couldn't stop her when she said that he wanted to absorb the fresh air in the street.

The hotel is not far away. Walking along the sidewalk, it's only a few hundred meters away. They walk slowly side by side. Several times, Si Jun starts to talk, but Sihan shows a general interest and absent-minded appearance. Si Jun has no choice but to sigh and walk with her silently.

About half way, Sihan points to the drugstore by the road and says, "Sijun, I'm a little sick in the stomach. Go in and buy some medicine."

Si Jun a listen to her say uncomfortable, quickly follow up, "is the food is not clean, do you want to go to the hospital to see?"

Sihan stood still, turned around and pushed his shoulder awkwardly, "you just stand here and wait for me, I don't have to go to the hospital, just take some medicine."

Si Jun looks at her suspiciously. After a while, he vaguely understands, and his expression becomes slightly unnatural.

"Oh... Then you go in and buy it, and I'll wait for you outside..." with hesitation, afraid Sihan is embarrassed, she automatically turns to face the main road.

Sihan, wearing a mask and sunglasses, went into the drugstore. First he took two boxes of pregnancy test boxes, and then he took a box of medicine and application for dysmenorrhea. The latter, of course, was used to confuse Sijun's audio-visual experience.

After paying the bill, Sihan puts the test box into her bag, and the medicine and application for dysmenorrhea, while she swings out with a big prescription in a small bag.

Si Jun's eyes are sharp. He glances at the name of the medicine in the bag, which is consistent with what he thinks. He doesn't ask any more questions, but when he passes a restaurant, he specially buys Sihan's favorite package, and asks the waiter to pack a cup of nourishing chicken soup.

"Si Jun, I'll go back to take the medicine and go to sleep. You can divide the bag into two bags."

Sihan is anxious to know her own situation at this time, so she sends Sijun back to his guest room as soon as possible.

Si Jun doesn't doubt him, so he directly asks the store to pack the bags separately.