Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 951

Mr. Fan's music recital was very successful, especially when you Sihan was a special guest. The ticket price was even higher than ever.

As a result, some media reported that this is the best cooperation between fashion and classicism.

But Sihan didn't agree with this report.

Although, she is an artist now. However, she has been learning violin since she was five years old. Although she knows that she does not have much talent in this field, she has worked hard for more than ten years. When she stands on the stage and holds her beloved violin, she is a performer, not an actor or a model.

Therefore, when a reporter later told her about this report, Sihan's answer was, "as long as I stand on the stage of playing, I will no longer be an actor. Sihan, being an actor or a model, may be my interest for five or ten years, but my love for violin is of a generation."

The reporter seems to have captured some amazing information, "Sihan, do you mean that you will specialize in violin in a few years? Do you want to be a violinist? "

Sihan, however, was not annoyed. She said frankly, "it's not easy to become a violinist. Of course, I will take this as my lifelong goal, but even if I can't become a famous violinist, it should be OK to take violin teacher as my lifelong career."

As soon as this interview came out, Sihan got another nickname, called "Sihan teacher".

With Sihan's workload and busyness, she naturally can't find the time to teach violin, and her volunteer work in the welfare home teaching children violin has to be suspended since she entered the performing arts circle three years ago.

Just because she can't teach children by herself doesn't mean she gives up helping these music loving children.

After the concert tour, Mr. Fan received a donation of 5 million yuan from Sihan. The designated purpose of the donation is to invest in the facilities of the art center.

Teacher fan takes the check. After being surprised, she calls Sihan.

"Sihan, why don't you name this art center Sihan Art Center?"

Although he is already a famous violinist, he does not have a lot of savings. He is full of enthusiasm to set up this art center. He does not have a detailed account of the investment and expenditure. It is only when everything is put into practice that he finds that his savings of more than one million can not be achieved.

And Sihan's five million dollars solved his urgent need.

"Mr. Fan, my original intention is the same as you. I just want to help more children, so you can call whatever you want, and don't worry about me."

In the end, Mr. Fan followed Sihan's advice.

On the day of the opening of the Art Center, Sihan personally attended and improvised on stage to perform two songs. The video of the performance went crazy on the Internet. In one night, many fans and netizens responded to the appeal and raised hundreds of thousands of donations and a number of in kind donations for the Art Center.

After that, teacher fan once joked that Sihan was the most powerful publicity ambassador of the art center.

Sihan didn't resist the call, "of course, I have to make great efforts to publicize it. In the future, I won't act, and I still expect teacher fan to give me a place to teach children."

In fact, even though she is still acting, after the opening of the Art Center, she will still spare a few hours a month to teach children.

Her personal album, after more than half a year of careful creation, was finally officially released in October.

At this time, Sihan was a senior in the Conservatory of music of r university.

Compared with her classmates who are busy going after graduation, she is a successful person. And the price of her successful career is that she didn't enjoy her leisure and freehand college career.

In this regard, she has no regrets, because what she wants may not be the same as others.

For example, if an album is released, what others want is a big sale. All she wanted was to find a confidant.

At the release of the album, when the reporter asked her how much she expected to sell the album, she replied, "no expectation. Even if only one person bought the album, only he can receive the music I want to convey completely, I am very happy."

But even with her low-key estimation, this album, which is very well made and packaged, was put on sale on major websites on the first day of its release. A total of 100000 albums were sold out in the afternoon.

At the moment when the record industry is at a low ebb, the sales volume of 100000 albums is close to the sales volume of Tianwang Tiantian.

The sales volume of the album is gratifying. The company has arranged signing meetings in major cities one after another. Sihan's college career in the last academic year, which he thought could be relatively leisurely, is once again filled with various announcements.

A few days later, the songs of the album began to appear in the singles list of the major music charts one after another. The first hit song was the most persuasive music list in China, occupying the top position. As a result, many entertainment newspapers predicted that Sihan, as a newcomer in the music world, would become the biggest black horse sweeping the major award ceremony this year.

Sihan always laughs at these predictions. In November, the promotion of the album was basically over. Sihan asked Tian Fang to stop receiving any notice and work for her, because she had to prepare for her graduation.

Tian Fang now has a big stomach, but in addition to not following Sihan around, Sihan's work is still arranged by her. Since she became pregnant, Si Jun has taken over part of Tian Fang's work. Most of Sihan's outings or announcements are accompanied by Si Jun.

Slowly, many media know that Sihan has a handsome assistant, and even many directors or advertising companies have asked Sijun if he is interested in being a model or playing small roles.

For these olive branches, Si Jun declined them all. As a result, I don't know when it has been rumored that Sihan, a handsome assistant, is a graduate of a famous foreign university. He returned to work in Xinying because of Sihan.

Naturally, the reason for his great sacrifice is that he and Sihan are actually a couple.

Then, on the Internet, there are occasionally photos of Sihan and Sijun going in and out of some high-end restaurants or high-end clubs, together with some reverie conjectures.

Sihan never thought that her first gossip target would be Sijun.

The photos circulated on the Internet were actually taken by paparazzi when Si Jun had dinner with Ji's family or sometimes went to the club with Ji's brother and sister.

For these photos and rumors, Dabao rarely means to intervene.

As the party concerned, Sihan receives a tentative call from several familiar media reporters after the photos are published, and Sihan returns to the other party cleanly.

"Si Jun and I are old friends. We have no chance of becoming lovers."