Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 947

After visiting abroad, Niu Niu began to devote herself to the preparation of the album.

As the boss's assistant, Si Jun is not in the heart for more than half of the time, but as long as he is there, he will listen to the discussion between Sihan and Ningyi Jiahao. In his words, the boss attaches great importance to Sihan's new album, so he tells him to pay attention to the progress of the album all the time.

Sihan, the first sister of Xinying, is becoming more and more popular. In the past two years, Xinying entertainment has been developing at a flying speed. The company's artists have grown from Sihan at the beginning to dozens of people now. Among these dozens of artists, there are some specializing in big screen, some in TV, some in variety show and some in music.

Of course, some of them are versatile. After they have made small achievements in their specialized projects, they begin to develop to multi habitat. Sihan is one of them.

However, most of the development routes of other artists are set by companies and agents. Only Sihan decides all her work and direction by herself.

The company gave her a lot of freedom, which made her think more about the idea that she was just going to release a love song album for Dabao. Or, in addition to singing to her brother, she can also make some songs for the majority of girls to show her love.

With this idea, she has become more demanding about the quality and requirements of songs, striving for perfection.

There are several pieces of music, and she even invited her teacher to play violin accompaniment for her.

Originally, both Sihan and Xinying didn't sell teacher fan's accompaniment as a gimmick of the album.

But the media is always the best professional who is good at digging out the impact topics to attract the audience's attention. Originally, it was just the deep friendship between teachers and apprentices. Under the sensational words of the media, it became Sihan's pursuit of high-profile and high-grade albums, and invited his mentor to accompany her. These topics, Ling Sihan's album, which is composed by all the lyrics and songs, has been the top search list in the music section before it was released.

At present, Mr. Fan is a well-known violinist in China. If he can be invited to accompany him, not only Sihan's face will shine, but also the entertainment level of Xinying will be upgraded.

After all, violin playing is the representative of elegance and classicality, while entertainment companies are more popular. If they can invite Mr. Fan to accompany them, they will promote the entertainment of heart shadow from a vulgar commercial company to an art company.

As a result, this is a simple move made by Sihan in pursuit of the perfect effect of the song. However, due to the sensational hype of the media reporters, Sihan, Mr. Fan and Xinying entertainment have become hot topics. Not only has Sihan's album not been released, but even Mr. Fan's concert tickets held in the summer vacation have been nearly doubled in price.

Seeing this, Mr. Fan simply made an appointment for Sihan's schedule. For several concerts held in big cities, Sihan will appear as a special guest

As soon as the news came out, Mr. Fan sold out tickets in advance on the Internet for concerts in several major cities within 24 hours.

Sihan, who has to prepare for both the album and the concert, is more busy than ever.

In June, the film "double faced man" began to enter the publicity period. Sihan once again incarnated as a flying man and followed the crew to publicize.

This time, however, it was not Tian Fang who followed her around.

Two or three days before the promotion of the film, Tian Fang learned that she was pregnant. At the beginning of her pregnancy, she and Zhihao were very careful. Naturally, they could not accompany Sihan around any more.

On the day of departure, Sihan is sent to the airport by Dabao. Sihan is still curious about who the company will send to accompany him around the major cities. In the airport, he is waiting for Sijun.

Sihan is a little surprised, but Dabao doesn't have the slightest difference when he sees Sijun. He just pats Sijun on the shoulder and instructs him, "Niuniu, please take care of her these days."

"Don't worry, Yu. I'll take good care of Sihan."

The flight took off nearly two hours later than the scheduled time. This time, Niu Niu and the crew sat together, while Si Jun sat next to her.

After the plane takes off, Si Jun considerate let Sihan sleep for a while, probably, is to see her face slightly tired.

After more than two hours, the leading crew, who got off the plane, rushed to the propaganda place under the urging of the left director. Because of the flight delay, we didn't even have lunch time.

On the bus to the publicity site, Si Jun takes bread and milk from his backpack to Sihan.

Sihan is really hungry, but she doesn't eat it immediately. Instead, she breaks the bread in half and hands half to Sijun.

"This is the only bread you have, isn't it? Half for you. "

Si Jun did not answer, "you eat, later you want to walk the red carpet, I do not."

Sihan looked at him with a funny look, "are you afraid that I will be hungry and fall? Don't worry, I'm not so weak! " Then he handed half of the bread to Si Jun.

Si Jun still doesn't answer, "when you walk on the red carpet, I can find something to eat in the backstage."

Si Jun and Si Han have been friends for so many years that they don't know that this girl has been raised by the Ji family since she was a child. She can't stand a little hunger.

Sihan can't resist him, so she has to take back her hand, drink milk and chew bread.

And others, can only look at Sihan dry swallow saliva, and then not without envy said, "Sihan, your handsome assistant really careful."

Sihan said triumphantly, "of course, this is our boss's gold medal assistant!"

Si Jun's time in Xinying was not long, but he was highly praised by the staff of the company. As far as Sihan knows, there are several female artists who even openly give him frequent glances. However, he seems to be totally immune to the initiative of others, and has never seen him respond to anyone.

Sihan knows that she shouldn't be too lenient, but Sijun is a good friend she cares about, so she doesn't want to give him any ambiguous thoughts.

"Si Jun, Xiaoyu seems to be very kind to you. Why don't you pay attention to her?"

Because it's more than an hour's drive away from the publicity site, Sihan starts to whisper with Sijun.

As for Sihan, this little fish is a newly signed artist of Xinying. She has just graduated from the Conservatory of music. She is a very talented woman. She is also very pure.

Si Jun looked at her deeply, "no feeling!"

Si Jun has a lot to say with Sihan. But at this time, he put on a cool face.

Obviously, I'm not happy.

But he is not happy, does not mean that Sihan does not say, because she really does not want to delay him.

"Like Xiaobao, you say you don't feel it all day. How can you know you don't feel it if you don't get along with him? Do you really believe in love at first sight? "