Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 908

Sure enough, the shoes of this kind of international brand shop are not affordable to the ordinary wage earners like her. Even if you choose the cheapest pair, it will be enough to pay her a month's salary.

"Sister Fang, do you want to buy a pair for brother Zhihao? Many of the shoes here are handmade, so they are very comfortable to wear! "

Tian Fang grinned, "Niuniu, this is the same price as cutting my meat. Do you think I can afford it?"

Niu Niu took her boots and was stunned.

After a while, he said to Tian Fang with a guilty face, "sister Fang, I'm sorry!"

Tian Fang was flustered. "Ouch, my little ancestor, you have no reason to apologize to me. You have nothing to do with me!"

Niu Niu put her boots back on the shoe rack, turned around and faced Tian Fang with a formal face.

"Elder sister, you see that I have only received one play this year. You have a basic salary plus commission. If I receive more work and pay more, your income will be higher!"

Tian Fang also Leng next, this wench, when also became shrewd rise, still think she doesn't care about these things to money at all.

But it turned out that she didn't care because she had a habit of treating money very lightly.

"Sister, don't worry. After the Spring Festival, I will work harder. At that time, as long as you think it's OK to work, it doesn't matter!"

Seriously, Tian Fang was really moved.

"Fool, I don't say OK to your job. You have to be nodded by the four smart people in your family before you can take it!"

Tian Fang felt that, looking at the whole performing arts circle, she was afraid to be the agent who had no initiative. But even so, she still thinks it's good to follow the little ancestor, especially now, this feeling is especially strong!

Niuniu, on the other hand, crowed her eyes and made a cute face. "Don't worry, elder sister. As long as you think it's OK, I'll have a way to make them nod and agree!"

Tian Fang couldn't laugh or cry, reached out and patted her forehead, "then if the east window incident happens, am I the principal offender or the accomplice?"

She is still young. She cherishes her life very much, but she doesn't want to be hunted down by any one of the four people in the Ji family who can cover the sky with one hand!

"It's none of your business. It's all my business. My career is mine." Niu Niu is loyal and straightforward to take the responsibility on herself.

Even if don't want to admit, but Tian Fang must admit, she now, really by this silly girl deeply moved!

My hard work over the past year has not been in vain!

Here, Tian Fang and Niu Niu are shopping in the city. Dabao in Yang Sheng's office receives a call from the editor in chief of a well-known media.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang!" Dabao got on the phone with a bad feeling.

"Yu Shao, we just received an information call about your sister. I'll send it to you now."

Dabao frowned slightly, almost without thinking, he could guess who the informant was“ What's the name of the source? "

The editor in chief didn't say a word. It was tacit.

"The information has been received, please Mr. Zhang. I'll ask you to help me with the next thing. "

This is not the first time. Naturally, it can not be the last.

"I understand, Yu little rest assured, if there is any leakage of this information, you only have to ask me!"

After hanging up the phone, Dabao points out the information he just received. Although many of the contents are facts, they are not supported by any real evidence. Most of them are the guesses of the informants. The most convincing one is a picture of Niuniu and Yang Sheng embracing each other.

Dabao raised his lips slightly, and his eyes were full of irony.

"What's the matter? Who is so ignorant that he bumped his head into master Ji's muzzle?"

Yang Sheng, who had been busy on one side, knew Ji Dabao very well. When he looked up and saw the hairy smile in his eyes, he couldn't help being curious.

My nephew is much more difficult to understand than Ji Rui, the president of poker.

He is not easy to get angry. On the surface, he seems to be a moderate clique, but on the truth, he is a deep-seated guy. Although this boy, who has been known as a little devil since he was a child, was transformed by his sister to be sunny, some of his dark nature is deeply rooted in his bones and can never be changed.

"Who can be, the boy who just came to pick up Niu Niu."

Dabao said, and moved the laptop slightly, so that Yang Sheng could see clearly the picture and text report that had no chance to see light at all.

Yang Sheng gave a cursory glance and could not help shaking his head. "Tut, this boy is bold enough. He's crazy about money! If this report is really out of the street, don't say you won't let him off, I won't let him off. "

Because, apart from guessing that Sihan is the real niece of the Yang family, the one surnamed Qu also made another guess, that is, Sihan is actually Ji Rui's dry daughter, so he is reluctantly related to the Yang family

In recent years, any relationship with "Gan" can easily be associated with many dishonorable relationships. Especially in the performing arts circle, most of the relationships such as "Gan Mei", "Gan Da", "Gan daughter" and "Gan son" are just to cover up some kind of relationship which is not obvious.

In fact, since Niu Niu decided to fully participate in the performing arts circle, both Niu Niu and Ji's family have been psychologically prepared. Sooner or later, Niu Niu's surname Ji will be known to the public.

In their opinion, if they know, they will know. It's no big deal. But this kind of knowledge must be known through normal channels, not from the hyped gossip reports.

The man surnamed Qu, in addition to hyping her life experience, also added a subjective guess to increase the hype and eye-catching. He probably didn't know that the last few guesses were enough to make him more guilty!

Because, although Niuniu is indeed an adopted child, both Ji family and Yang family regard her as Ji family's own child since childhood.

For them, although Niuniu doesn't have the blood of the Ji family, she is the flesh and blood of the Ji family who grew up eating the food of the Ji family and enjoying the love and education of the Ji family. Outsiders have to judge their relationship with secular vision and values. It's not only superficial and ignorant, but also hateful!

"It's all settled?"

Yang Sheng didn't worry that Dabao would let this surnamed district go, but he asked a lot.

"Well, it's done!"

Before Dabao replied to Yang Sheng, he had forwarded the report that the chief editor sent to his mailbox to Mr. Mai's mailbox. I believe that the result will come soon!

"Don't be so cruel..." at this time, Yang Sheng still wanted to laugh.

Dabao shrugged. "It's not my business. It's Mr. Mai's business!"

Dabao is good at this kind of thing!