Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 823

In the next few days, Niuniu and Xiaobao run between the mansion and the hospital. During the day, they accompany and take care of the old man in the hospital. At night, they go back to the mansion to have a rest.

In these days, Dabao didn't show up in the hospital or go back to the mansion. If Niuniu and Xiaobao don't ask, the old man won't say either.

Of course, if Niuniu and Xiaobao don't mention it in front of the old man, they don't want him to worry.

After returning home, the brothers and sisters still contact their parents and brothers every day.

From the daily short but fixed telephone communication, the sister and brother know that their parents, brother and uncle are busy dealing with the affairs of the company. As for rest, they stay directly in the hotel next to the Yang's building, so as not to waste time back and forth.

Niu Niu patted her parents and brother on the chest and assured them, "my father and Xiao Bao are responsible for taking care of him. You don't have to worry about my brother."

Probably because there are two brothers and sisters, a few adults can handle the company's affairs with ease.

In the twinkling of an eye, five members of the Ji family have been in Beijing for a week.

On this day, Niuniu and Xiaobao are using wheelchairs to push the old man for a walk in the small garden on the top roof. Uncle Jing comes up to the old man and says something in his ear. The old man nods after listening.

"Well, let's go back, too!"

The old man inadvertently showed a relaxed look, it is estimated that Yang's side of the matter is almost handled.

Niuniu and Xiaobao look at each other for a moment, and they tacitly turn off the wheelchair and push it to the elevator.

Uncle Jing pressed the button of the parking lot on the first floor. Needless to say, the things on the other side of the ward have been cleaned up.

At this point, Niuniu was more sure that the master was not ill, and she came to the hospital to live here just to hide people's eyes and ears.

Or, if you don't want those unworthy children to go back to the mansion and annoy him, simply say that you are seriously ill.

Or both.

Anyway, Niuniu and Xiaobao didn't ask, and the old man and uncle Jing pretended to be stupid.

"Baby, what would you like to eat at night? Let granddad Jing ask people to prepare now. "

The old man arranged the dinner with great spirit, and the two children naturally responded positively. The old man himself can only eat liquid food now, so he carefully arranged the dishes for dinner, just to make the younger generation have a good time.

As dinner time approached, Yang Sheng was the first to enter the mansion, followed by Chu ran, and naturally Le Tong and his wife and Dabao.

Five people look very tired, but with a smile on their faces, it seems that the matter should be solved perfectly.

During the dinner, a large group of people chatted about their daily life. No one talked about the internal strife of Yang. After a noisy meal, they moved to the living room for chatting.

Even the old man, who usually goes to bed on time at nine o'clock, is sitting in the living room chatting with everyone.

"Sheng boy, you should be the same as Tong Tong, and leave your children around, so that you can be popular at home." The old man was always worried about Yang Sheng's sending a couple of children abroad to study. He could not help complaining again.

"Grandfather, isn't there Dabao Xiaobao and Niuniu with you?" Yang Sheng had already been able to cope with his complaint.

"Niuniu, how about coming to Beijing to study in University, just like Xiaobao." The old man's idea is very good. If Niu Niu comes to Beijing to study at University, he can see her often.

For example, Xiaobao will spend some time with him every week this year. If Xiaobao doesn't show up, he will ask Uncle Jing to send him to B university to find Xiaobao.

Niuniu did not answer immediately, but did not take a deep look at Dabao before answering the old man.

"My grades are not so good, so I can only test in the University of r city."

Everyone in the audience showed a smile of "I understand", while the old man mercilessly exposed her.

"Come on, don't you just say you want to be Dabao's schoolgirl? Why beat around the bush. "

Niu Niu's face is slightly red, but she still has the cheek to argue.

"My Lord, I just want to be mommy's schoolgirl. Isn't that ok?"

The old man pinched her face, "hum, you are clear that there is no silver here."

When Niuniu and Dabao can finally be alone, Dabao comes up to her with a bad smile, "niu'er, you want to read r university. Do you really just want to be mommy's schoolgirl?"

Niuniu gave him a white look, "what else?"

Dabao smiles and kisses her on the mouth. He lies down on the bed with his head resting on her thigh. He looks up at her from bottom to top and says pitifully with a bitter face.

"I've been working hard for a week, can't you make me laugh? Even if it's a lie, it's good to cheat me to be happy! "

Niuniuming knew that he was playing poor, but she couldn't help but soften her heart. She looked down at him gently, and her white hand gently stroked his chin with a slight green stubble.

"You know, I want to go to r university because of you!" Curly hair half covered face, with a bit shy.

Even though Dabao knows that this is the real answer in Niuniu's heart, it doesn't feel good to hear her admit it!

Dabao, who is extremely tired but in a lighthearted mood, props up with his elbow and kisses the little girl on the face. He slides down again, takes her legs as the pillow, and puts her hands around her waist, tightly encircling her in his arms.

"Fortunately, you have such awareness, otherwise, I'm really afraid that I will force you to go to any university in r city. In a word, I declare in advance that you'd better not even think about going to other places to study in universities! "

Dabao said, burying her head in her clothes room and taking a deep breath of her own.

Niu Niu naturally saw his tired eyes and protested, "brother, you are so overbearing!", Hand is gently on his head, learn the movements of the masseuse to him gently press the head and neck.

At first, Dabao gave her some advice from time to time, such as too much strength or inaccurate acupoints. After a few minutes, she lost her breath completely, and her breath became even. But her hand around her waist never relaxed.

Niu Niu knew that he must be very busy and tired these days. She carefully broke off his hand and let him lie comfortably on the bed. She pulled up the quilt and covered it. Then she bowed her head and kissed him, saying "good night" in a soft voice

The next day, when Niu Niu woke up, it was still early, but the other side of the bed was empty.

Niu Niu clearly remembers that after settling him down last night, she read books for more than an hour. When she slept next to him, he still slept like a pig.

Niu Niu closed her eyes and thought about whether her brother went back to his room to sleep last night or got up in the morning?

Ear, came a creaky sound of the door, "lazy pig, wake up how not to get up?"

Niu Niu suddenly opened her eyes, turned her head, and looked at the bright but funny eyes of the handsome man who came out of the bathroom.