Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 821

The four members of Letong's family arrive in the capital and finally get in touch with Uncle Jing. Uncle Jing's voice is calm on the phone. He only tells Letong the specific hospital and ward number. As for the old man's condition, uncle Jing doesn't say a word.

Letong, Ji Rui and their children arrive at the hospital mentioned by Uncle Jing as soon as possible. In the special passage, a nurse with a little familiar face comes up and takes Letong's family into the elevator.

"Miss nurse, how is the old man now?" Without waiting for Letong to speak, Ji Rui asks.

"Mr. Yang is optimistic. Don't worry." The nurse gently smiles at the crowd and presses the top button.

Letong finally remembered that this nurse was the assistant of grandfather's personal doctor, surnamed Lu.

She was slightly relieved, "Miss Lu, who is accompanying my grandfather now?"

"Uncle Jing, there are several bodyguards." In addition, Miss Lu didn't say anything more. Obviously, it was not because she didn't know it, but because of her professional habits that she didn't say anything casually.

Miss Lu led the crowd out of the elevator. The corridor was covered with thick carpets. The group walked by quietly. Presumably, this area is not an ordinary ward, or it is not necessarily a ward at all.

Turning up the corner, from a distance, she sees several big men in black standing at the door of a room. Letong intuitively thinks that is the room where her grandfather lives.

If you come closer, you can see that those big men are indeed the bodyguards of the Yang family.

"Hello, Miss Tong and uncle!" Several big men respectfully said hello to Letong and his wife, then knocked on the door and said, "master Jing, Miss Tong and uncle are here."

Soon, the door opened from inside, and it was Uncle Jing's old face that came out from behind.

"Uncle Jing, my grandfather, he..." although Letong lowered his voice as much as possible, uncle Jing still made a silent gesture to her, said hello to her and Ji Rui with his eyes, flashed aside, and let the four of them in.

"Your grandfather is OK, but he just fell asleep!" Uncle Jing closes the door and whispers to Letong.

Letong couple with a pair of children went to the hospital bed to have a look, then with Ji Rui and king uncle into the next room.

Niuniu and Xiaobao sat in front of the hospital bed, and no one spoke.

The old master of the Yang family frowned slightly even when he fell asleep, and his face was not as ruddy as usual. He didn't look like a person who had nothing to do.

Niuniu looked at the old man carefully for a while, then turned to Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao came over and whispered in her ear, "don't worry, mommy and daddy will deal with it."

Niuniu nods and looks at the electronic clock hanging on the wall. It shows that the time is exactly four o'clock. Her brother will arrive as soon as an hour later. I don't know why, she suddenly misses him!

Normally, with Mommy, daddy and Xiaobao, she shouldn't feel lonely.

But now, she really wanted to see him.

Probably, the feelings for my brother are very different from those for my dad, mom and Xiaobao.

The sister and brother sat by the bed for a while. Seeing that the old man was still sleeping well, they moved to one side of the sofa and sat down.

For fear of quarreling with the old man, neither sister nor brother dared to speak.

After uncle Jing arrives at Ji Rui and his wife next door, they go there for a long time. Gradually, Xiaobao, who had been trying to persuade Niuniu not to worry, finally gets a little upset.

Pick up the phone and send a message to Dabao, "brother, have you arrived yet?"

Soon, the mobile phone on the palm vibrated and turned on. It was Dabao's reply.

"In the elevator."

Xiaobao hands the mobile phone to Niuniu. After reading the message, Niuniu and her brother have a good heart. At the same time, they stand up and walk out of the ward to meet Dabao.

"Brother, you are here at last."

Xiaobao looks like a little adult in front of others. When she sees Dabao, she habitually leans to Dabao like Niuniu.

The dusty Dabao, with his backpack on his back, raised his hands and rubbed his younger brother and sister's head vigorously. "It's really a child..." his tone was full of indulgence and tolerance.

The two children put Dabao's arm around each other and went to the door of the ward. Niuniu released her arm and pushed Dabao.

"The master is still sleeping. Brother, go to see him first, and then come out for a breath."

Dabao understood that his younger brother and sister were probably tired of staying in the ward before. He pointed to a room next door, "you go to that room to have a rest. The computer and TV in it can be used."

It seems that Dabao is familiar with this place.

Niuniu and Xiaobao obediently enter the room. Inside, the pattern is similar to that of the next room, which is the pattern of a double room in a hotel. However, in addition to the TV, there is an extra desk with a desktop computer on it.

The sister and brother turned on their computer and looked for a movie. The movie lasted 90 minutes. After watching the movie for more than half of the time, they said that they would go in to see the great treasure that the prince came to accompany them, but no one had seen it yet.

Presumably, when he went in, he happened to see the old man wake up.

Just when Niuniu was thinking about whether to go next door to see if the master was awake, a knock on the door rang out, and it was the master's bodyguard who pushed in.

"Master Huan, Miss Sihan, Master Yu asked me to take you home first."

Niuniu and Xiaobao look at each other. Now, they can be sure that the old man is awake.

"Well, please uncle."

Niuniu and Xiaobao, who did not ask, did not insist on going to the next door to see the old man, obediently followed the bodyguard to the parking lot.

"Uncle, is my grandfather awake?"

Niu Niu choked all the way, the car out of the parking lot, she dare to ask.

"Well, the master should be OK, young master and young lady, don't worry."

It seems that Daddy, mommy and brother are left by the Lord to discuss countermeasures.

Back at Yang's mansion, I don't know if it's a psychological effect. Niuniu feels that there is no popularity in it.

"The bedroom has been cleaned up. You can take a bath first, and the nanny will ask you to have dinner later. Master Yu said that if they haven't come back at ten, you should go to bed first."

Niuniu and Xiaobao didn't want to make trouble for the adults either. They responded obediently and went back to their rooms to take a bath.

During this period, Xiaobao also sent a message to Dabao. After all, he has been with Yang Sheng for more than half a year. Maybe he can help a little bit.

"No, you stay at home with your sister. We have other things to do."

At dinner, Niuniu asked Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, did Daddy and mummy call back?"

Xiao Bao shook his head. "No, I guess I'm busy. But my brother sent us a message to let us stay at ease, eat well, sleep well, and don't worry about it. "

Niuniu nodded, bowed her head and ate in silence.

After dinner, she sneaked into the room and called.