Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 801

Niuniu didn't know that she was just buying a bunch of flowers to see a doctor, which made her brother depressed all day. If she had known in advance, she would never have bought this bunch of flowers.

Ten students went to see a doctor together. When they got on the bus, they all took out their car cards and swiped them. Only Niu Niu, who had never been on the bus, stood in front of the swipe card machine and was stunned for a moment. When she reacted, she remembered that she had never had a car card at all. She took down her schoolbag and wanted to find some change to put in the coin. The monitor behind her pressed her hand and helped her swipe the fare together.

"Thank you

Niu Niu made a big red face. After she sat down in her seat, she turned out two yuan and returned it to the monitor.

The monitor's name is Du Xin. He is small and cute. He is not the same type as Niuniu at all. However, she was very talkative. She took Niuniu's two yuan and put it away. Then she chatted with Niuniu.

"Yuhang is very happy to hear that you are going to see him."

Du Xin takes down the bag and holds it on her lap. She looks at Niu Niu with a smile and says.

"Xinxin, don't talk nonsense." But in one day, Niuniu became familiar with this lively monitor.

"I'm not talking nonsense, ah! By the way, you don't know, do you? Aerospace and I are neighbors, so I know more about him than anyone else. "

Niu Niu "Oh" to should a, but did not go to the detailed, Du Xin specially stressed this point, in the end is for that.

"Are you childhood friends?" Niu Niu looked envious in her eyes.

In her opinion, there is a beautiful story behind every couple.

Du Xin seems to understand something from her eyes, hands in front of her.

"Hey, hey, don't think about it. My relationship with astronautics is not what you think."

Niuniu laughed, "what's the relationship? I didn't say anything. Xinxin, are you three hundred taels of silver here? "

The two sitting together, laughing and talking to the destination, and Niu Niu, always think that Du Xin and Guo Yuhang must be more than ordinary students.

It's like I'm like brother Dabao.

He is the one who knows you best, and you are also the one who knows him best. You are used to interdependence and the existence of each other. Such two people with incomparably close relationship are definitely more likely to spark than others.

"Sihan, I'll meet Yuhang later. Don't talk nonsense. He hates people talking nonsense about my relationship with him."

Standing in front of the ward, Du Xin holds Sihan's arm and specially tells her.

Niuniu nods. She is not a fool. She knows what to say and what not to say.

"Astronautics, who have I brought?"

Du Xin pushed the door open, but the man was still standing outside the door. He yelled at the inside with his throat.

Niuniu and other students follow behind Du Xin. After hearing what she says, they rush into the ward from the door.

Fortunately, Guo Yuhang lives in a single ward. Even if he is noisy, no one has any opinions.

Guo Yuhang, who is reading in bed, raises his head and looks behind her expectantly after hearing Du Xin's cry.

"Astronautics, is it better?"

Niu Niu said with a smile, went to the hands of the flowers in front of Guo Yuhang.

"Wow, Yuhang, you are so lucky that there are girls sending flowers!"

Behind several boys began to coax, in fact, visiting flowers is just a kind of etiquette. When Niu Niu bought it, she didn't think much about it, but now she was coaxed by several classmates, and she felt embarrassed.

"Hey, don't make a fuss. Aerospace is a patient. Isn't it common to collect flowers?" Niuniu's face turned red, but she still explained it.

Du Xin helps to take over the flowers and helps Niu Niu to get out of trouble by the way.

"Are you envious? If so, I will stay in hospital for a few days, and Sihan will still send you flowers. "

He helps Sihan out of the siege, but his face blocked by flowers is squeezing his eyes at Guo Yuhang.

Guo Yuhang said "thank you" and then asked each student to sit down.

Niuniu also goes to the bathroom with Du Xin to arrange the flowers. When she comes out, the boys are eating the fruits and snacks they bought together.

"Are you pigs? These fruits are for astronautics. How can you eat them by yourself

As soon as Du Xin saw it, he couldn't help but let the big boys come. And those boys who were scolded, but no one in general continue to eat them, do not care about Du Xin's poisonous tongue and shrewdness.

Niu Niu is not familiar with these boys. Du Xin and Guo Yuhang are the most familiar. This listen to Du Xin so casually scold them, can't help but some envy.

"You have a good relationship!"

Du Xin took a box of juice into her hand, a look of disdain to sweep a few stay in the hospital with their own general casual boys.

"You don't have to envy me. You are too busy to take part in the activities of the class. Otherwise, you will be bored to death by their brainless pigs."

Niu Niu nodded with emotion, "yes, it's all my fault. I'll try my best to participate in any activities in my class in the future."

Ning Yan's thing, say to have no influence to Niu Niu, that is a lie.

After glimpsing the complexity of the circle, Niu Niu increasingly cherishes and cherishes the students who seem to have no brains and are more loyal than anyone else.

"Oh, we can't wait for the class flower to return to the collective! Since you have such an idea, I will inform you of any activities in the future. Don't let me touch you! "

Du Xin is indeed an excellent monitor, but in one day, he brings Ji Sihan back to the class.

"Sihan, I encountered many problems during the winter vacation, which are all written down in my notebook. Could you please help me transfer them to your brother?"

Because of the illness can't move at will of aerospace, specially raised the voice to say.

Niu Niu turned to face him, "yes, but do you really need to do that? It's time to have a good rest and have fun during the holiday. Who cares about the problem bank all day like you? "

Guo Yuhang doesn't seem to mind Niu Niu's teasing at all. He takes a small book under the pillow and hands it to Sihan.

"I'm not smart, so I can only spend other people's time studying."

Guo Yuhang said very seriously, Niu Niu is a look of admiration, but caused a look of disdain Du Xin.

"Nerds are nerds. Why do you explain so much?"

Guo Yuhang seems to have been used to Du Xin's teasing. After giving the book to Niu Niu, he points to the drawer of the desk and says to Du Xin.

"There are your favorite snacks in it. You can take them back later. Anyway, I can't eat them like this."

Niuniu feels that the atmosphere between them is a little strange. She doesn't believe that they have nothing!