Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 798

By the time Niuniu knew about it, it was two days later.

The way she knew it was not from the Internet, but that she had dinner with Zhang Ziwen. The other party mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, and she knew that something had happened to Ning Yan.

"Is this man really Ning Yan?"

Niu Niu points to the clear side face on the screen and asks Zhang Ziwen.

"Well, it should be..."

Zhang Ziwen, entrusted by Mr. Mai, goes to Sihan to find out and intercede.

Before, she didn't know whether the scandal of Ning Yan was inspired by Sihan or she didn't know it at all.

Now, seeing Sihan's startled reaction, she has a bottom in her heart.

It's not Sihan who gets angry with Ningyan, but her family. Or, to be exact, it is to annoy her elder brother, Ji Yu.

"Let's admit our fault sincerely."

Niuniu's thought is simple. In her opinion, since Ning Yan has done it himself, she should admit her mistake generously. This is what a man should do.

Zhang Ziwen's plea is blocked by Sihan's unexpected suggestion. She thinks that this girl really doesn't know whether it's the Ji family's advice or whether she's pretending to be stupid and shirking responsibility?

"No... Sihan, do you think there is room for maneuver?"

Zhang Ziwen's head is very big. After all, she can't afford to offend this young lady! I don't know what Mr. Mai thought. He asked her to ask for help.

Sihan obviously didn't understand her voice, staring at her with big black eyes and perplexed, "sister Ziwen, is there any room for maneuver? It's up to Ning Yan instead of me!"

If someone else hears this, it's like Sihan is refusing to help. But Zhang Ziwen knows that Sihan has not yet understood the connection.

However, if you want her to be an ugly person to remind Sihan that the informant of Ningyan's scandal may be her family, she has to weigh it. Is it worth offending Sihan and Jijia for Ningyan's sake?

In fact, the answer is obvious. It's not worth offending for Ning Yan!

"Sihan, I know it's Ning Yan's fault, but he's your partner. Can you help him?"

Zhang Ziwen didn't want to be such an ugly man, so he had to put it another way.

Sihan was even more surprised, and then she taught Zhang Ziwen a serious lesson.

"Sister Ziwen, it's him who is wrong. What you should do is to persuade him to come out as soon as possible and give an account to the public, instead of covering up the truth for him in other ways!"

A 15-year-old girl has a very clear judgment of right and wrong.

In Sihan's eyes, the logic of this matter is: as a public figure, Ning Yan has to admit that he is wrong, and only when he does, can he have the chance to change.

As for Zhang Ziwen's hope that Sihan can rely on his own imagination to think that the informant is the Ji family, this idea is undoubtedly delusional.

Zhang Ziwen suggested that it was invalid, but Mr. Mai said the loss was very serious, so he had to bite his teeth and let it go.

"Sihan, the public is more concerned about entertainment than the truth. Ning Yan's affair may have offended someone. That's why it was revealed. Your brother knows a lot of people. Let's see if he can help and let this website clarify."

Sihan finally understands. What Zhang Ziwen means is that Ning Yan has offended his brother, so his brother instructs the media to expose Ning Yan's scandal. And Zhang Ziwen today to find himself, not as she said is the brand business there something to convey, but simply for Ning Yan intercession.

Sihan is biting a straw in her mouth and sucking half a cup of juice in her glass. However, she is staring at Zhang Ziwen without blinking.

Zhang Ziwen's head is numb when she stares at him. I beg you to say something. Don't stare at me with this killing eye, OK?!

Sihan seems to see through Zhang Ziwen's mind, let go of the straw, light tunnel.

"Sister Ziwen, you all think my brother did it, right?"

Zhang Ziwen didn't say a word. He turned a white eye in his heart. Miss, is this not clear?

"Well, I think my brother did it! But have you ever thought that if the media didn't blow up his old stories, the news would be replaced by his ambiguous and imaginative report on me at the press conference. Sister Ziwen, if I remember correctly, when I signed the contract, I clearly stated that I was not allowed to use my identity and background to make any hype. If the media really exposed what happened at the press conference, it's hard to ensure that the paparazzi would not dig out my identity. In that case, can you bear the responsibility? So, it's his fault. Besides, flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Ning Yan's behavior is OK, even if the media wants to explode other materials, they can't start. "

What Zhang Ziwen didn't expect is that Sihan, who has always been gentle and lovely, has such strict logic. What's more, he didn't expect that the little girl who has always spoken softly and slowly can say such sharp and impeccable words.

What she doesn't know is that when Sihan signed the endorsement, she put the protection of family privacy in a very important position. In her opinion, it's not worth hurting her family for her own interests.

"Sihan, I don't mean to excuse Ning Yan, but he is your partner. More is better than less. Now let the paparazzi continue to dig, and Ning Yan is finished."

Zhang Ziwen did not dare to reason with the little girl in front of her. He just changed the direction and tried to make the situation more serious, hoping to arouse the little girl's pity.

"Sister Ziwen, it's right that I'm his partner, but his fault should not be borne by me. I don't know what your solution is, but I think that the best solution is to admit your mistakes generously and change them bravely. "

What Zhang Ziwen doesn't know is that Sihan is also a special protector. Especially for her big brother Dabao, she is very protective.

In fact, after she called brother Liu that night, she did have the idea of pleading for Ning Yan, but it was obvious that Ji Yu, who was aware of her intention, was angry.

Of course, she would not make her brother angry for the sake of an unrelated person. Moreover, after the event, she seriously thought about the cause and effect of this.

To be sure, Ning Yan's fate today is his own sin. If he had not delusionally misled the public on such an occasion, there would not have been such a scene that he could not handle today.

As Dabao's side, Niuniu knows better than anyone else that the consequences of angering her brother are generally very serious.

Just now, she took a serious look at the report. The wording was polite, but the photos showed Ning Yan's extravagant life style in front of the public.

So, even if it's really like Zhang Ziwen's guess, it's the elder brother's instigation, Sihan still feels that his elder brother has left enough room for Ning Yan.

At least, he left room and possibility for Ning Yan to turn over.