Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 796

Niu Niu sits on a high stool, holding a cake in her hand and Dabao beside her. She adds water to the pot, turns around and takes laver out to soak it.

"Brother, you are hungry too. Have a bite first."

The cake in Niuniu's hand was handed to Dabao in a twinkling of an eye.

Dabao smiles and opens his mouth obediently, biting off half of the cake.

Niuniu just took back her hand, put the rest of the cake to her mouth and ate it.

"Brother, don't you blame me for what happened today?" Niuniu asked, carefully observing Dabao's expression.

Along the way, Dabao did not mention the news conference, and Niuniu did not dare to mention it.

However, now Dabao's mood looks good, Niuniu has the courage to ask.

"I don't blame you!"

Dabao's face was mild, and he came over to kiss Niuniu on the lips.

"You're smart, you handle it very well!"

He not only didn't blame her, but also praised her.

If she had been slow at that time, Ning would have succeeded!

Fortunately, his Niuniu is just stupid in front of him and smart in front of others!

"I really didn't expect Ning Yan to touch my head suddenly... He usually talks more, but he never tried to do this to me!"

Niuniu is afraid that Dabao misunderstands that she has a good relationship with Ningyan in private, which leads to Ningyan's reverie behavior in public.

"I know!"

To Niuniu, Dabao is ten thousand to rest assured, also believe that she to Ning Yan, at most is the friendship of working partners, in Niuniu's mind, Ning Yan probably not even a friend.

"My girl is not a casual girl. How can she let other boys touch her head?"

Dabao said this way and that way, the pickled and washed laver was put into the pot.

"Brother, thank you for believing me!"

Niuniu had finished the rest of the cake, jumped down from the high stool, stepped behind Dabao, hugged his waist, and fell on his back.

"Fool, I don't believe you. Do you believe him?" Dabao patted the ring's hand on his belly, picked up the knife and quickly cut the bacon into small granules.

"Of course you won't believe him, but I was really afraid you were angry just now! Besides, I'm not familiar with dagger! "

Little girl this is to think of, after leaving Ning Yan, there is that designer surnamed Dai.

Dabao couldn't help laughing. "Silly girl, of course I know you don't know DAGO very well. Obviously, you're just taking him to cross the bridge. He doesn't like women, don't you know?"

Although Dabao doesn't know much about the fashion industry, as long as he has close contact with Niuniu, he will make an investigation in advance. Therefore, Dabao knows the identity and background of the staff around Niuniu, including Mr. Mai, Zhang Ziwen, director and photographer.

Only in this way can he put Niuniu to work in such an environment.

Moreover, in order to make Niuniu have an absolutely safe working environment, he even privately made a plan to restrict everyone, among which Ning Yan's!

Originally, if Niu Niu and these people are at peace, then these plans will not come true one day.

But now it seems that Ning Yan's plan is going to be implemented.

As for the degree of implementation, it depends on Ning Yan's own attitude!

Of course, Dabao didn't disclose more than half of these ideas and practices to Niuniu.

He never wanted Niuniu to know about things that didn't come to the table.

Sure enough, the simple girl's mind was hooked by the gossip about Dai Ge.

"Brother, do you mean that dagger likes men?"

Niuniu's excited face came out of Dabao's armpit, her eyes shining with a strong desire for knowledge.

"What else? Do you think he likes you? "

Dabao bowed his head in a good mood, pecked at the tip of her nose, poured some oil into the pan and prepared to fry eggs.

"Sit back on the stool, or you'll be fried. I don't want you!"

Niuniu turns her lips, lets him go and sits back on the stool, but she doesn't ask him to say that she doesn't want her. Instead, she wants to dig out more gossip about Daige.

"Brother, how do you know?"

Niu Niu feels strange. Normally, her brother doesn't spend as much time with Dai Ge as she does. But why does her brother know, but she doesn't notice at all?

"It's just that you're slow. Everyone knows except you?"

Dabao is telling the truth. Niuniu is very sensitive to things that are related to her. She is always very natural and insensitive to things that are not related to people.

"Everyone? Has Dagger's story ever been reported in gossip magazine? "

Niu Niu's curiosity is like the flood that has opened the gate. It can't be blocked.

Dabao rolled his eyes. "DAGO's boyfriend is the photographer who shot you! Stupid

Many times, when Dabao hears Xiaobao scolding Niuniu for being a fool, he can't help but want to smoke Xiaobao, but now, even he can't control his mouth.


Niuniu is obviously very surprised! After a while, I suddenly realized that I patted the cooking table with my hand.

"Oh! No wonder brother Liu ignored me just now. He misunderstood me

Brother Liu in Niuniu's mouth is the photographer.

Dabao glanced at her and shook his head helplessly.

"Girl, when you get along with others, remember to be more careful, you know?"

Niuniu nodded and agreed, then jumped down and ran out. Dabao estimates that she went to call brother Liu to explain.

Sure enough, the little girl ran out and came back in a hurry a few minutes later.

"Explain clearly?" Dabao divided the fried rice into two dishes and gave her an oblique look.

"Well, brother Liu said he didn't misunderstand it. Let me forget it."

Dabao nodded and pointed to two dishes of fried rice with his chin“ Take the meal out. You can eat. "

Niuniu obediently took out the meal. Soon, they sat at the table and enjoyed a simple but delicious dinner.

"Brother, let's go home tomorrow!"

Originally, the brother and sister planned to play for two days and then go back. When Dabao made this suggestion, Niuniu was very excited. Now she suddenly changed her mind, and Dabao was very strange.

"Well? Why? "

"Forget it, I want to go home!"

Niu Niu's mood, I don't know why, seems to suddenly become low down.

Dabao stares at her and is silent for a moment. He sees that she has been lowering her head and mixing the rice in the dish absently. Her eyes are heavy. He reaches for her head and rubs it. "Do you want to go back earlier because of Ning Yan?"