Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 789

Although Dabao said that she had made an appointment with Mr. Mai, Niuniu still called Mr. Mai herself.

Mr. Mai's tone was as polite and kind as ever. He called her to the children with a smile and let her sleep for a while. He would arrive at the designated place at three in the afternoon.

Niuniu was relieved. After breakfast, she dialed the home phone and chatted with her parents for more than half an hour. Then she reluctantly got up and walked around the garden.

I didn't notice when I came in yesterday. After a careful look, she found that the flowers and plants planted in the garden were similar to those in the yard. She asked the nurse who was watering. She said, "yes, Miss Le bought all the flowers and plants herself."

Niuniu increasingly thinks that mommy is a powerful woman. She can not only advance and retreat with daddy in her career, but also take care of the little things in her life. No wonder all the people in her family respect and love Mommy.

Carefully took the aunt gave her a few new cut down the yellow rose, put it under the nose to smell, bursts of fragrance refreshing, can not help but put the idea out of my heart.

"My mommy is so powerful..."

"Yes, beautiful, capable and good tempered!" My aunt seems to be quite familiar with Letong.

When she heard that other people praised and affirmed her mother, Niu Niu went back to the house with a smile on her face and a yellow rose in her hand. She found a vase to put the flowers in. She took a picture and sent it to the micro blog. The picture attached with the words: the rose that mommy planted has opened! pretty

Soon, Letong forwarded her microblog and attached a beautiful photo of Niuniu, which read as follows: my little princess has grown up! Beautiful!

Niuniu is lying on the sofa with her mobile phone in her arms, giggling happily. Then Dabao, who claimed to go out to work, also forwarded her microblog, with an ugly picture of her doing her homework with her eyebrows frowning a while ago, with the following words: my little pig has grown up! Stupid!

Finally, even Xiaobao also joined the ranks of play, attached with a silly picture of Niuniu holding Dabao, attachment: my October mustard started! Flower maniac!

I thought it would be lonely to see my family when I went abroad for a few days. After interacting with my family all morning, Niu Niu, who was far away from home, didn't feel lonely at all. Although she couldn't see them, looking at the warm photos, Niu Niu felt that they were just around her.

Niuniu's lunch is very simple, just a bowl of noodles. Of course, it's not the nanny who is lazy, it's Niuniu who says she wants to eat noodles. After eating enough, she goes to bed and has a rest for more than half an hour, and brother Zhang takes her to see Mr. Mai.

The place where Mr. Mai asked Niuniu to go was the show that was going to take place two days later. When Niuniu arrived, Ning Yan stood at the door waiting for her.

"Sihan, Mr. Mai asked me to take you backstage."

In Niu Niu's side repeatedly bumped into the wall, but did not let Ning Yan retreat, on the contrary, the more frustrated the more courageous momentum.

Niuniu is not familiar with her life here, and her spoken English is not very proficient. Brother Zhang, who accompanied her, is not familiar with the people in the fashion circle. Therefore, although Niu Niu resists Ning Yan's initiative and hospitality, she has to accept it.

"Sihan, have you had lunch?"

When saying this, Ning Yan glances at the elder brother Zhang who follows Niu Niu.

Brother Zhang has been with Ji ruiletong for several years. He is not just a driver. He usually helps to manage some interpersonal relationships. So even if Dabao and Niuniu don't explain anything, he still buys some cakes and snacks on the way here. Now, he and the two bodyguards who accompany him carry a lot of things.

"Well, yes. Have you eaten? I've brought some cakes. We'll have some later. "

Ning Yan is a professional model, often hungry all day because of the show.

And the backstage models are basically the same as him. As a result, when brother Zhang greets the backstage staff and models to have a snack, the backstage atmosphere becomes lively.

Originally, most of the people were xenophobic and hostile to this new little sister. Even if Mr. Mai repeatedly stressed that they should be polite to this little sister, the more so, the more unwilling the models were.

It's said that taking people's hands short and eating people's mouths soft. Brother Zhang brought these exquisite and delicious snacks, which in the blink of an eye smoothed the reluctance and dissatisfaction of these models and staff members.

In addition to Ning Yan, several male and female models came forward to greet Niu Niu.

Niuniu stands beside Mr. Mai and uses her non pure English to communicate with her brothers and sisters. I don't know whether it's because of the excessive popularity or shyness around her. Niuniu's delicate and beautiful face is red, and her dark eyes are dimly floating when she looks at others.

Such a harmless, shy, and even lovable little sister quickly changed the attitude of most people who were wary of her, and more and more people came around.

Mr. Mai never thought that the arrival of the little girl would cause such a big sensation. He raised his hand to attract a yellow skin woman in her thirties. "Zhou, Sihan is with you these days. Now you take her around. By the way, tell her some precautions. Others will continue to train after eating snacks."

Niuniu nodded to the woman obediently, "Hello, sister Zhou, please give me more advice."

Sister Zhou kindly took her hand and took her away from the center of the encirclement. "I often hear Mai mention you and see you with my own eyes. It's really lovely."

Niu Niu's face turned red again. "It's Mr. Mai who flatters me!"

Although Niu Niu has been acting as the spokesperson of this brand for several years, she has just taken plane photos and short films with photographers and directors before. She has never been to the headquarters, and she has no experience of walking on the stage with so many models. Therefore, she is very nervous at the moment.

Although Mr. Mai had asked the teacher to teach her a lot of show skills before, Niu Niu, who had no actual combat, said she was not nervous.

"Sister Zhou, I'm a new person who doesn't know anything. If there's anything wrong with me, please tell me more about me."

Niuniu has the consciousness of a new person, her mouth is sweet, and her words are very sincere. Sister Zhou led her around backstage for a little while, and her eyes gradually began to explore more real warmth.

Brother Zhang and the other two bodyguards have been following Niu Niu all the time. It is estimated that Mr. Mai told sister Zhou in advance, so sister Zhou turned a blind eye to them.

However, other models and staff began to whisper and guess what this little girl was.

The first day, I brought a lot of limited special snacks to visit the team, and there were bodyguards behind me. Needless to say, they must be children of rich and powerful families.