Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 787

That Ning Yan was taught twice by Mr. Mai, it seems that she really settled down. Until she met again, Niu Niu never received his chat up or harassing messages.

In a twinkling of an eye, it's mid November. The day of leaving Niuniu's country is approaching. On this side of the school, we need to ask for leave in advance. Niuniu is afraid that her absence from school for too long will affect her study. When she asks for leave, she takes the initiative to ask teachers for a lot of homework. Anyway, she has a free gifted tutor. However, during the period of going abroad, she not only has to work hard for herself, but also has to involve her brother to work hard with her.

Dabao, for sure, wanted to go out with Niuniu, so he began to speed up his work in early November.

In view of his brilliant achievements in brilliance a few years ago, people in the board of directors think that his guerrilla work among various departments is overqualified. At the board of directors, Ji Rui proposed several times that he should give Dabao a high-level position with real power. Otherwise, he can take charge of a subsidiary as he did a few years ago and make a lot of money for the group.

Ji Rui didn't take everyone's advice. As always, he respected his son's choice and let his free man wander in all departments.

Board members have expressed regret, but no one can convince Ji Rui.

In the three years since Dabao left, brilliant network has gradually moved closer to the dominant position. At present, the most popular online game market in China is brilliant and another online company called empire. Both companies account for almost half of the online game market.

And brilliant can have today's achievements, as the proposed acquisition of brilliant network predecessor company and later the manager of Ji Dabao, is absolutely the number one meritorious.

As a result, the members of the board of directors had been thinking when they heard that dabaohui would return to the company in August, that this little East, who is known as a genius, would make some amazing moves and bring us huge wealth and income as before.

However, this time, the wayward little boy returned to the East, but he didn't go as fast as he did a few years ago. Instead, he was mixing in various departments as usual. No one could guess what the purpose of his mixing was. Perhaps, Ji Rui and his wife knew it, but they wouldn't reveal anything. They just said that Ji Yu liked it.

In fact, even Ji Rui and Letong don't know the real reason why Dabao did it.

As for the real reason for Dabao's doing this, it may make the board members who have high expectations of him look down on him. He just transferred from department to department because he hasn't found a position of interest yet.

Not everyone can do this in different departments.

After all, in such a large-scale company as Ji's, each department has a clear division of labor and is extremely professional, and Dabao can walk freely in these departments with extremely detailed division of labor, not only because of his extraordinary talent, but also because he is a hard-working person.

Before, Niu Niu didn't want to bother him with her study, just because she thought he was very busy. In order not to make Niu Niu feel guilty, he moved part of her work to Niu Niu after she went to bed.

At first, Niuniu knew nothing about it, but on several occasions, she found that her always graceful and energetic brother secretly turned around and yawned a few times when she was tutoring her lessons.

In other people's affairs, Niuniu may not be so sensitive, but she is increasingly careful about Dabao's affairs.

Niu Niu studied carefully and understood that after her brother finished his homework with her every night, she would have to find time to do his own business.

"Brother, if you have something to do, you can take it over and do it together. If you don't understand, I will take the initiative to ask you."

Later, the brother and sister occupied a corner in the study. Niuniu did her homework and Dabao was busy with the company's affairs.

Niuniu's date of going abroad has finally been decided. At the beginning of December, Letong originally planned to go with her to have a look, but in those days, something happened to a branch of the company in other provinces. Letong rushed to deal with it immediately. Even on the day Niuniu and Dabao set out, they couldn't get back to take them on the plane.

Letong is very guilty about this, but Niuniu jokes on the phone, "Mommy, just stay with Daddy at home. My brother and I have thought about the world of two..."

Of course, the little girl just wanted to make Letong feel better, but after that, her face turned red and she looked around with a guilty heart. Fortunately, in the VIP waiting room, besides her and Dabao, there were only dad and driver Xiao Li left.

When she hung up, Ji Rui rarely put on a sad and sad face, "Oh, your mom and I have always been light bulbs?"

Niuniu casts a look at Dabao for help. Dabao shrugs her shoulders and hands to show that she can do nothing.

Niuniu had to spend a lot of time, and it was coquetry and coax to make daddy's face return to normal.

Ji Rui, who is a father, has lost his sense of existence in front of his baby daughter since he came back from Dabao. Now, he is coaxed by Niuniu, who pretends to be pitiful and cute. He feels a lot of pressure in his heart.

Niuniu finally coaxes her father. Over there, it's time to board the plane. Ji Rui sends a pair of children to the plane, turns to call his wife, and shows off the special treatment just given by his daughter.

Le Tong on the other side of the phone couldn't help laughing. After laughing for a while, she said, "Mr. Ji, you stay at home. Tomorrow I'll go home and live with you."

Niu Niu, who has been safely on the plane, knows that her parents are so happy with a joke. After chatting with Dabao for a while, she is a little tired and finds a comfortable place to sleep on Dabao.

More than ten hours later, the plane landed at the destination. The person who came to pick up Niu Niu was not Mr. Mai or the designer Niu Niu had met, but Ning Yan.

"Sihan, this way!"

Seeing Niu Niu's Ning Yan from a distance, he raised his hand and waved. Then, before Niu Niu had time to greet him, he rushed to this side.

"Hello, Mr. Ji!" Ning Yan, who rushes in front of them at a very fast speed, gasps and greets Dabao with a smile.

His hand reached out to take Dabao's luggage. Dabao nodded to him, "Hello!"

With that, he dodged without any trace, avoiding his hand, holding Niuniu in one hand and pushing Xingli towards the exit in the other.

By the cold and Ningyan Leng for a while, but soon recovered, turned to trot to keep up with Niuniu and Dabao.

"Sihan, Mr. Mai has arranged a hotel for you. Do you want to live separately from your brother?"

Dabao didn't wait for Niuniu to answer, so he answered first.

"We have a house here. We don't need to stay in a hotel. Go back and tell Mr. Mai that we have arrived. I will contact him later."