Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 784

Seeing that Dabao seemed to be swallowed, Niuniu immediately took a bottle of water, twisted it open, inserted a straw, and thoughtfully put the straw into Dabao's mouth.

Dabao was generally served by her emperor for a while. The sour feeling of her gums finally disappeared and she was happy. Then she took advantage of the red light of the car to kiss her on the forehead. "I'm ok. Don't worry."

Niuniu was relieved. She screwed up the bottle cap and lowered her head to put the water away.

The evening sun is particularly soft, from the window side slanting on her body, golden light in her beautiful outline plated with a layer of halo, cage in the shadow of the facial features to add a bit of hazy beauty.


Dabao's eyes were tightly fixed on her face.


Niu Niu didn't look up, but looked at the contents of the storage box.

What did Dabao want to say to her? Seeing her serious, he asked, "what are you looking for? What do you want to eat? "

Niu Niu still did not look up, "no, I want to see if there is stomach medicine here."

Big treasure is strange, this wench, how care these come?

"No, I never have stomachache. How can I have stomach medicine in my car?"

When Dabao said this, he didn't remember that just a few minutes ago, he used stomachache to cover up his fierce jealousy.

Niu Niu looked up at him in surprise, "you didn't have stomachache before, but you just said stomachache. No, I'll go back later. I have to ask mommy to prepare some medicine for stomachache in the car

Because Daddy has a stomachache, although the incidence of attack is not much, but almost every car in the family will prepare some stomach medicine, only Dabao this car, after Dabao came back, it will only carry three brothers and sisters, so Dabao only put in the snacks and some drugs for external use, stomach medicine and so on, naturally there will not be.

Now after Niu Niu reminded him, he remembered that he had just said the word "stomachache" casually, so he had to try to get the lie back.

"Fool, it's not a real stomachache. It's just because I'm hungry. I'll pay attention later. I don't need to prepare stomach medicine." He didn't want mommy and the little girl to worry.

But Niu Niu, who usually listens to him very much, didn't pay attention to his words this time. As soon as he got home, he told Letong about his stomachache.

Make Letong nervous quickly said to take him to the hospital to do gastroscopy, Dabao spent some time, it is not easy to pacify the two nervous women, mommy and Niuniu.

After persuading the two women to leave, Dabao lay exhausted on the sofa and finally understood what it meant to commit a sin.

Niuniu goes to the study to practice the piano. Letong and aunt Guan prepare dinner together in the kitchen. Dabao turns on the TV in a bored way. On it, a fashion show is replaying.

Dabao is not interested in these, just want to change the current affairs channel to see the current affairs news, a face gradually enlarged on the screen, this person, is not Ning Yan?

Dabao's fingers stopped on the button, staring at the ugly face of Zhang Junxiu.

If it's good-looking, Dabao never feels worse than this man.

If the charm, Dabao never think he is lower than this man.

Although the man had a cold expression that made the little girl scream, he was also wearing tight pants and exaggerated fur that showed his long leg advantages.

But Dabao is confident. This man is not in the same level of competition with himself.

But Guo Yuhang, his appearance can only be regarded as pretty, and his physique has not fully grown. He is obviously a weak chicken, but Dabao has not calmed down for the second time.

Thinking of Niuniu's look when she mentioned Guo Yuhang, Dabao couldn't help feeling upset again. As soon as she pressed her finger, the screen went black.

In fact, he knew what he was afraid of.

There is a saying that there is a generation gap every three years. He and Niuniu are six years apart. Strictly speaking, there is a double generation gap between them.

His world, Niuniu doesn't understand.

And Niu Niu's world, he thinks he knows, but in fact, no matter how smart and powerful he is, he can't fully integrate into the world of her age.

Guo Yuhang, on the other hand, is just like Niuniu, who is just in the corner of the budding area. They are enjoying the same sunshine and the same baptism of wind and rain.

Dabao sits on the sofa and thinks wildly. Suddenly, he hears a message sound from Niuniu's phone.

Originally, he didn't want to pay attention to it. After all, it was a little girl's privacy. Even if he liked her, even if he was her brother, he shouldn't pry into her secret too much.

Of course, if she's willing to show it to him, that's another matter.

But this prompt sound rang for a while, which means that someone sent a series of messages to Xiaoya's hair.

Maybe, something urgent?

The little girl has a very good habit. When she comes home every day, she puts mobile phone, iPad and other things together with her backpack on the display shelf. Then, she goes to practice.

Dabao took her mobile phone from the shelf and opened the screen, only to find that the sender was an unknown number without signature. There were 12 messages from the same number on the screen.

Dabao slightly frowned, but still restrained curiosity, took the phone into the study, pushed open the door of the piano room to interrupt.

"Niuniu, someone has shown you more than ten pieces of information. You can see who it is and whether there is something urgent."

Niuniu stopped, took the phone and looked at the number. Her puzzled expression was similar to Dabao's, "who is this? I don't know this person. How can I send me so many messages in succession? "

Mumbling, pointing, opening the message, starting with the first one.

Dabao didn't look at it. He just stood beside her.

"Who is it, fraud information?"

Niu Niu looked at two, then said, "it's not a fraud, it's Ning Yan."

"Ning Yan? What does he send you a message for? "

Dabao was a little annoyed, and the volume was raised. Niu Niu's endorsement for so many years, in addition to Mr. Mai and Zhang Ziwen, there is no one so ignorant to contact Niu Niu in private.

"I don't know..."

Niu Niu answered innocently, but she still looked down.

"Since it's irrelevant, just delete it." Dabao said angrily.

Niuniu quickly read all the information, handed it to Dabao, and put her mobile phone into Dabao's hand.

"Brother, you can delete it. I didn't expect this person to be boring."

Then he turned around and picked up his violin again.

Dabao is more comfortable. He picks up his mobile phone and looks at it. It just asks why Sihan doesn't bubble in the group. Then there are some Lala's usual words. I have to say that, just like Niuniu said, this person is really boring!