Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 773

During the four-day holiday, five members of the Ji family flew to a small island with few tourists but beautiful scenery.

Ji Rui, who is in his 40s, is still very strong, diving and surfing with his three children. As the only duck in the family, Letong is very comfortable lying on the couch, listening to music, reading and looking at the scenery.

Among the girls, Niuniu's physical strength is very good, and her motor cells are also very developed, but compared with the three strong men of Jijia, she is still a little behind.

As a result, she went crazy with three men for most of the morning. Like Letong, she lay under the sun umbrella and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine.

When she was tired, she took out her SLR camera and photographed the three vigorous figures on the rough sea.

"Niu Niu, Si Jun will leave the day after tomorrow. Would you like to take half a day off to see him off?"

Probably do not want to hinder Niu Niu's studies, before no matter how Niu Niu asked, Si Jun is not willing to disclose the specific time to go abroad.

"Morning or afternoon?" In addition to relatives and family members, Si Jun is the best friend with Niu Niu, so even if she has to ask for leave, she will go to the airport.

Letong knows Niuniu's mood very well, so she helps her find out the exact time in the morning, "morning!"

"Brother is also the flight in the afternoon..." Niuniu was in a bit of a dilemma.

Originally, Xiaobao didn't plan to send him back to school, but if she asked for leave to see Sijun off, she didn't send Xiaobao, no matter what.

And, to be honest, she was also afraid of Xiao Bao's anger.

Ji family men, from father to brother to Xiaobao, have a common problem, that is, they are very possessive, and they are especially true in their feelings.

Letong gives her a soothing look. "Don't worry, it's on mommy. It's estimated that Xiaobao won't be jealous. He'll be back in two weeks, but Si Jun won't be back until next autumn. "

Other girls may not believe it, but she believes everything that mommy promises.

Niuniu thought that Mommy would wait until she got back from her vacation to tell Xiaobao about it. Who knows, when Xiaobao came to have a drink, she heard Mommy say to Xiaobao.

"Honey, your flight on Wednesday afternoon, Si Jun's flight is in the morning. Your sister can only ask for half a day's leave. Do you want to ask for leave to send Si Jun, an outsider, or leave to send you?"

Xiaobao drank all the drinks in the cup at one go, and then casually dropped a sentence, "sister, you go to see Si Jun off. After all, he is an outsider."

Then he threw the towel on the couch and ran to compete with his father and brother.

Niu Niu gave mommy a thumbs up in an incredible way, "Mommy, how did you do it? If I tell him, he will definitely be angry with me. "

Letong glanced at her with a smile. "Silly girl, when negotiating with Xiaobao, a young master with such a proud and delicate temperament, you must pay attention to time and skills. He's having a good time now. He doesn't have time to care about who is more important in your heart. On the other hand, I say that Si Jun is an outsider, which gives him a sense of superiority. Since he's one of his own, he's naturally embarrassed to care with you about such trifles as sending or not! "

Niuniu looks at Letong admiringly, "Mommy, are you a human heart fluoroscopy machine? It's amazing. From today on, Mommy, you are my idol!"

Letong is amused by Niuniu's shining eyes. She pinches her tender face, moves her head closer to her, and quietly teaches her the experience she has accumulated over the years.

"You have been spoiled too much by your brother Dabao since you were a child. He is in front of you, almost everything is accommodating you, so, many of his true temperament, you don't quite understand. But in fact, the three men in the Ji family have something in common. "

Niuniu nods her head again and again, feeling that mummy is very reasonable.

She also has to admit that Dabao is really too good for her. As long as her words and deeds are not against the law, Dabao will probably tolerate it.

So it's true that Dabao is accommodating her.

"Mommy, tell me, daddy, what do they have in common?"

Letong's smiling eyes cast to the three vigorous figures chasing each other in the distance, and slowly opened his mouth.

"First of all, they are all masters who are soft but not hard. As long as they care about you, they can't see that you are wronged at all. Therefore, as long as you are soft, even if they are wronged by themselves, they will give in obediently."

Niuniu thought, indeed, as long as she flattened her mouth in front of her brother, her brother would be too nervous.

"Second, they all like to act coquettishly. Although they are all very smart and powerful, each of them will act coquettishly as soon as they seize the opportunity and feel miserable."

Niu Niu looked at the three figures thoughtfully and said, "Mommy, Xiao Bao loves to be coquettish. I know that my brother also loves to be coquettish, but he only loves to be coquettish with you. Daddy, he shouldn't be coquettish."

Yue Tong smiles and shakes her head. Sure enough, the girl is still too tender.

"Silly girl, Xiaobao loves to be coquettish with everyone because he is the youngest in the family. So he can be coquettish regardless of the audience, because he doesn't need to care about the image. But your father and brother are not the same, so they are very particular about the objects and occasions of their coquetry. "

Niuniujing Letong made such a point, a little understood, "Oh... Mommy, what you mean is that daddy is only coquettish to you, and won't let us see it, right?"

Letong nodded with a smile, "well, he does act coquetry in front of me, but this is our secret. You don't know, OK?"

Letong secretly said to the tall figure surfing there: Mr. Ji, I'm sorry. For the happiness of your eldest son in the future, I'll sacrifice your tough image.

Niuniu nodded her head. "Of course, I won't say it. What's more, I can't imagine my father's coquetry, hehe. "

Niuniu scratched her head and laughed a little embarrassed.

"Can you imagine your brother being coquettish?" Letong finally brought the topic to the point.

Niuniu has a clear look on her face. "Yes, I've seen a lot of brother's coquetry to you!"

Letong is very inhumane and lights a candle for her son in silence!

"Silly girl, it's human instinct for a son to be coquettish with his mother. Mommy means to be coquettish. It's your brother's coquettish attitude towards people other than me and your parents. Can you imagine that? "

Niu Niu looked puzzled, frowned and thought for a while, then shook her head in distress.

"Mommy, I can't imagine."

Yue Tong patted her head, "then slowly think, I believe, one day, you will be able to imagine."