Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 753

Niuniu is tossing and turning in Dabao's bedroom. Obviously, she is just chatting with dabaosa like before, but she has made Dabao angry several times.

But that silly girl didn't know it at all, until she saw that the time was almost the same, she yawned contentedly and said that she would go back to her room to sleep.

In the middle of the walk, she turned back and knelt down on the edge of the bed with a kind of lazy little sexy girl. She leaned down and gave Dabao a kiss on her lips. "Good night, brother!", Then, in the eyes of the petrified Dabao, he left without looking back.

On this night, Dabao felt as if he was in the fire. He was gnashing his teeth at the little girl, but he felt very sweet

The next morning, Dabao got up early and went out with daddy and mummy while Niuniu and Xiaobao were still sleeping like pigs.

First, he went back to Ji's home with his parents, and then he went to see his old subordinates and two old classmates. At noon, he pushed a warm invitation from his old subordinates, and went to the magazine alone to find Zhang Ziwen.

In advance, he did not make an appointment, so Zhang Ziwen, who just came out of the meeting, was obviously shocked when he saw him.

"Ji Shao, long time no see!"

Although I haven't seen him for more than three years, Ji Dabao is not a person who can easily be forgotten. Even if he is just a passer-by, he can leave a special stroke in each other's mind.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. I wonder if Miss Zhang has time. I'd like to invite you to dinner. By the way, I'd like to know something about my sister Sihan."

Dabao is still wearing ordinary casual clothes, as fresh and clean as ordinary college students, but his words and deeds are full of irresistible strength and momentum.

Zhang Ziwen knows that this meal is a grand banquet, but he can't find any reason to refuse it.

In fact, before the meeting, she received a call from Ji Sihan.

"Sister Ziwen, my brother has returned home. He said he wants to see you. Shall we have lunch tomorrow? When it comes to endorsements, please remember to give me some good words. "

Zhang Ziwen hasn't had time to make a good draft, so the difficult elder brother killed her one day ahead of time, which caught her off guard.

Thinking of Sihan's advice, Zhang Ziwen swallowed the word "good" back to his stomach. "Ji Shao, I'm in the afternoon..."

"Miss Zhang, your boss called me to make an interview before. I promised him this afternoon."

In other words, the person in charge of the interview is Zhang Ziwen.

Before Zhang Ziwen had finished digesting Dabao's words, the desk phone rang.

"Ziwen, Prince Ji has agreed to accept our interview this afternoon. You can call him now to see if you can ask him for a meal."

Zhang Ziwen glanced at Ji Yu in the reception hall not far away, "Mr. Chen, isn't this under the control of the finance and economics department? I'm the fashion section... "

Zhang Ziwen is still struggling to death, but Mr. Chen interrupts her in a hurry, "but he doesn't like the seriousness of financial reporters. After thinking about it, only you can do this job."

Mr. Chen said a long string of words on the phone, which made Zhang Ziwen's head jump.

"Well, Mr. Chen, just leave it to me!"

Ji Dabao, sitting in the reception hall, looks up at Zhang Ziwen and weakly hangs up the phone, laughing that Miss Zhang is toasting instead of drinking.

Ten minutes later, they sat down in the box of a Chinese restaurant opposite the magazine.

Zhang Ziwen, who is constrained everywhere, wants to win back the city first. After all, she agrees to Sihan to hold off master Ji.

"Ji Shao, why don't we talk about the content of the interview according to Mr. Chen's idea before the meal comes up?"

Dabao took out a stack of information from his backpack and handed it to her.

"Miss Zhang, I have written the answer to your interview. Just go back and sort it out. As for the photos, I have passed with President Chen. I don't want to expose myself too early. "

Although Ji Dabao has been abroad for three years, as Ji's future first in line successor, he can easily attract the public's attention even if he does nothing. What's more, despite his parents and background, his aura also blinds others.

Zhang Ziwen took the information in surprise and read it carefully from beginning to end.

I thought it was full of perfunctory information, but when I read it carefully, I was surprised to see that there were a lot of questions mentioned in the usual interview. Under the corresponding questions, the answers were humorous and easy to understand, but they were also wise.

From her professional point of view, if this is a star interview, I believe that 90% of the people who read this interview will turn from road to powder.

"Ji Shao, these questions were sent to you by President Chen in advance?"

Zhang Ziwen used to treat this so-called "interview" with a perfunctory attitude, because both she and Ji Yu knew that the main purpose of their meal was Ji Sihan, not the interview.

We can see that in addition to the usual routine problems, there are also some sharp issues related to privacy. These questions can only be raised by experienced and sharp journalists. But according to the attitude of general manager Chen just now, it is impossible to put this kind of problem which is very easy to offend people in front of Ji Yu.

But despite the fact that it is easy to offend people, the whole interview draft looks very smooth and wonderful. It is not too much to say that it is more interesting and readable than star interviews.

As for the sharp questions about privacy, the above answers are quite ingenious.

"No, it's listed according to the general mode of financial interview. I'm afraid you'll find it boring. I've added a few more powerful questions. Why, not satisfied?"

Ji Dabao puts down his tea cup. Influenced by his mother, he never drinks coffee or wine when he goes out. Instead, he drinks tea and juice.

For others, this habit of being close to children or old people will surely be laughed to death. However, Ji Yu always has the ability to be regarded as a benchmark by others no matter what he does. No one dares to make fun of him except his family and zhihaoweiqi.

"More than satisfaction, it's wonderful! Ji Shao, this manuscript of yours is absolutely to force the rhythm of us professionals to death! "

If it wasn't for a little sense and reserve, Zhang Ziwen would rush to embrace Ji Shao's thigh, who is not only handsome but also has the strongest brain.

"Just be satisfied! Since my performance has made Miss Zhang so satisfied, I hope Miss Zhang will also make me satisfied about Sihan! "