Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 738

"No change!"

Niu Niu lowered her head and silently counted the number of bricks she had stepped over to overcome her nervousness.

Last night, she almost "escaped" from the "crime" scene with the speed of 100 meter race.

Back in her bedroom, until she was in bed, her heart was still beating very fast.

Even now, her heart is still palpitating.

So, just now she didn't dare to look him in the eye.

In the end, even she didn't understand why she was so bewildered that she suddenly went on kissing.

If he pretended to sleep last night, what would she do now?

Niu Niu pursed her lips and followed him slowly.

"Are you still going to the orphanage?"

On the day Dabao came back, he didn't hear his family mention Sijun. Naturally, no one mentioned the orphanage.

Dabao's topic has nothing to do with last night. Niuniu breathes a sigh of relief“ Well, I go there twice a month to teach the children over there to play the violin. "

Dabao reaches over to hold her hand. Niuniu subconsciously hides to one side. Dabao's hand changes direction, hands up and rubs her head.

"Si Jun, is he still learning violin?"

Dabao was very impressed by the pretty boy. It can be said that it was the little boy who made Dabao really feel jealous with other boys for the first time.

"I'm still learning. Mr. Fan accepted him as an apprentice. I'm his elder martial sister."

But Dabao is upset about Sijun, but Niuniu doesn't remember.

Or, in the past, Niu Niu, who was not yet enlightened, did not know that her brother had eaten the vinegar of the whole vinegar factory for the sake of Si Jun.

After three years of separation, Dabao obviously figured out a lot of things, including the role of Si Jun in Niuniu.

Because we have figured it out, we can see the truth of many facts more rationally.

"Should he be a sophomore? Is he going to find a supporter or work study himself

Because I am rational, I have to find out the current distribution of my rivals in order to deploy a fast and efficient pursuit plan.

Niu Niu, a silly girl, how can she know her brother's thoughts?

In the heart only secretly congratulates, last night oneself cannot help the action, has not been discovered by the elder brother.

"Mommy helped him, don't you know?" Niuniu seems a little surprised.

In her mind, her brother is always omniscient and omnipotent, and he knows everything about the family.

Dabao was not surprised by this answer at all, because before he went abroad, mummy had expressed her regret for Sijun many times.

"In fact, mommy not only helped him, but also helped several children who passed the key high school in the same period."

Niu Niu's vigilance weakened little by little. Unconsciously, her tone became more peaceful.

She may not have noticed the change, but Dabao, who was walking slowly with her, couldn't help but lift her lips.

If he guesses correctly, this little girl's indifference and alienation to herself is clear and intentional!

"What about you, where are you going to study in high school? Are you going to go straight or get into a high school outside

Niuniu's current school, that is, Dabao Xiaobao's school from kindergarten to high school, is an aristocratic school. Its teaching method is more humanized, and it will not blindly implement cramming teaching in pursuit of achievement and enrollment rate.

To be fair, Dabao hopes Niuniu to stay in her original school and finish her high school studies. Anyway, her excellence doesn't need to be proved by her examination results.

In other words, her excellent, her good, as long as he knows enough!

"Daddy, mommy and Xiaobao both want me to be promoted, but I want to see the results of the senior high school entrance examination before I decide."

Niu Niu's age is exactly what she wants to prove her age and decide her future.

"My ideas are similar to those of my parents, but no matter what you choose, I will support you."

Now Dabao thinks that she has enough ability. No matter where she is, he has the confidence to encircle her heart.

Of course, the premise is that he has to let her know that he is not her brother!

And this matter, it seems to involve a lot of things, in advance, he had to discuss with mom and Dad, try to let Niuniu less hurt.

Everyone knows that he is the only one who wants to change the nature of her relationship.

In the eyes of mom and Dad, Niuniu is always the daughter they love as a little princess.

For Xiaobao, Niuniu is always a stupid sister who needs his protection and love.

"Well, that's what they say, daddy and Mommy."

Many of Niu Niu's classmates have been scolded and complained by her parents more or less because of her grades, but she has never had a similar experience.

I think she is really lucky and happy.

"What do you think? Do you think this school is not suitable for you? Or do you want to have more contact with the outside world? "

Dabao knows that Niuniu's grades are very good now, so if she plays well in this exam, it should not be difficult for her to enter a key high school.

She has few friends. Si Jun and the children in the orphanage are just some of her few friends. Therefore, Dabao guesses that the school she wants to go to is probably the key high school that Sijun and his students attended.

In fact, Letong has asked Niuniu about Dabao before. Of course, the starting point of Letong and Dabao is different.

"Now this school is very good. However, students of my level should go to a school with tense learning atmosphere. I hope that the tense learning atmosphere can stimulate my greater potential."

Dabao is a little distressed. This girl is really dragged down by herself and Xiaobao.

"Why do you think that? Is it because of me and Xiaobao? "

Niuniu nodded first and then shook her head again.

"Yes, but it seems not. In fact, if it wasn't for you and Xiaobao, I would never have the ambition and the desire to win. "

15-year-old Niu Niu has gone through the initial period of perplexity. Her inferiority complex and negation have become a driving force in her doubts and affirmations over and over again.

Now Niuniu has a tough and strong heart.

Of course, Dabao didn't know that.

In his mind, Niu Niu still stays in the appearance of a little girl who can cry for a little thing.

"Fool, you don't have to push yourself so hard. Why bother? Daddy, mommy and I don't care about that." Dabao thinks that no matter how Niu Niu is, Ji family's people, including him, have no less love for her.

"But I care!" Niuniu answers quickly.