Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 721

After coming back from the orphanage, Letong seems to have a better feeling for Sijun.

Once, Xiaobao even said to Letong in front of everyone when Letong and Niuniu were talking about cheese handsome, "Mommy, please wipe your saliva. You look like someone's mother-in-law talking about son-in-law."

Le Tong stares at him, "nonsense! What's in your head, you little devil? That's your sister's friend. Don't tarnish other people's pure friendship with a mess of things. "

Niuniu, the client, is only joking as Xiaobao, because she doesn't have such a mind at all.

But after hearing this, Dabao, a bystander, always felt confused.

Si Jun, Yu Niuniu, after a period of mutual understanding, can be divided into the category of good friends.

But for Yu Dabao, Si Jun is a humble barb. He accidentally stabbed his heart. Pulling from time to time can make him sweat.

Dabao is very uncomfortable, but reason tells him that even if he is uncomfortable, he has no right to interfere and control Niuniu's friends.

In the morning, you just need to wear a thin sweater and a coat to keep out the cold. In the afternoon, the wind is mixed with heavy rain, and the temperature drops to nearly zero.

Dabao is sitting in the office, thinking that when he goes out in the morning, his younger brother and sister just wear a sweater in their school uniform, which is strange if they don't freeze to death.

When she called home, she wanted to ask aunt Guan to send the driver two down jackets to the two kids. But the phone rang all the time and no one answered.

Dabao hung up, picked up his bag and rushed out.

He took a taxi and bought a few down jackets at the clothing store along the road. Two of them were sent to Ji's parents by the store. He wore one on himself, and the other two were sent to the school in person.

Outside the classroom, I saw two wretches listening to the class. The teacher called the two kids out of the corridor. Dabao reached out and touched their faces. They were as cold as ice.

Dabao quickly handed the down jacket to them and waited on them to put it on quickly. Niu Niu, who had always been afraid of the cold, pulled the zipper to her chin and put her hat up on her head. She only showed half of her face and muttered as she lowered her head to straighten her clothes.

"It's so cold. I don't know if Si Jun will be frozen?"

Dabao originally stretched out his hand to help the little girl sort out her messy hair. When she mumbled, her hand stagnated and her heart was cold.

As a brother, he worried that his younger brother and sister would be frozen. He left his work all the way and bought clothes to keep warm. He didn't get a little girl's thanks. He didn't hear her care whether it was cold for him to come all the way, but he heard her thinking about whether her friend would be frozen.

Dabao thinks that he is not a careful person. He can't even tolerate a little boy. After quarreling with Niu Niu about Si Jun for the first time, he reflected on it and understood that his anxiety for the first time was a bit of a fuss. Besides, it's not worth hurting his feelings with Niu Niu for an outsider.

Can be cold to hear Niu Niu out of such a sentence, undeniably, he is really angry.

"He's not a child. What are you worrying about?"

Even though he was angry, he forced down her anger, lifted her hat, rubbed her head hard, and rubbed her hair in a mess. Then he helped her to rearrange her hair.

"He's not a child, but is his clothes warm enough?" It turns out that the little girl is not worried that he doesn't know how to take care of herself, but that he doesn't have any clothes to resist the cold wind.

The string in Dabao's mind was finally broken.

"Ji Sihan, are you his mother? It's none of your business whether he's frozen or not and whether his clothes are warm enough! " Dabao roared in a low voice, holding Niuniu who was roared by him and pushing her to the other side of the classroom.

"Please go to class for me, don't think about something. If you lose the place in this test, I'll show you!"

Niu Niu is so big that she is threatened by her brother for the first time with her academic performance and ranking.

Niuniu and Xiaobao are pushed into the classroom by Dabao at the same time. When Niuniu comes back to herself, the influence of Dabao has disappeared in the corridor.

"Xiaobao, brother, why is he suddenly angry again?" Niuniu looks at Xiaobao inexplicably. She thinks she has done nothing wrong, but her brother's face and temper become faster than today's weather.

When I put on the clothes for her, I teased her with a smile like a popsicle and changed her face in a twinkling of an eye.

Xiaobao is very clear, "for the sake of Sijun."

Xiaobao felt that if he was a brother, he might be angry, but his stupid sister didn't seem to understand. Of course, at Xiaobao's age, he didn't understand his brother's real feelings. He just felt that Niu Niu's reaction was enough to make his brother angry.

Niu Niu was silent when she heard the answer.

Xiaobao wants to say something more. Seeing her thoughtful appearance, she is too lazy to say anything more.

At about six o'clock, Letong, who has come home from work, receives a call from Dabao, saying that he and Zhihao will have a few parties tonight and will not go home for dinner. Moreover, he may go home later.

Letong didn't think much about it. She just wanted him to have a good time. She called back at about the same time and asked someone to pick him up.

Like Ren weiqi and Letong, Yin Zhihao didn't think much when he heard that Dabao was going to have dinner together. After three people had dinner in a restaurant that suits everyone's taste, Dabao proposed to sing.

Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi are lively people originally. Although some strange people who never take the initiative in ordinary times actually take the initiative to sing today, they just think that he is to comfort them for their endless hard work.

Sitting down in the KTV box, Zhihao ordered a dozen beers and a pot of orange juice.

Dabao is a very self disciplined person. Before, no matter singing in KTV or dining out with everyone, he always used to drink juice on the pretext that he was a minor and never touched a drop of alcohol.

But today, when the waiter brought up a dozen beers, Dabao took a can of beer by himself, and "snapped" the pull ring open and asked to drink it.

"Ah... What's the matter with you today, Dabao?" Yin Zhihao was quick-sighted and pressed his hand, "aren't you a minor? What wine to drink

Yin Zhihao has always said that Dabao doesn't drink. There must be another secret. However, in order not to lose face, he only used underage as a reason.

After all, this is the most grand reason, no one can say anything about him.

Therefore, at present, Yin Zhihao does not dare to let Dabao drink, for fear that something out of his control will happen if he really drinks.