Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 715

Niuniu's little mind can't hide Dabao. She thinks that in order to protect Sijun, she has learned to use circuitous tactics.

Get it! If you don't want me to see him, I'm going to see him.

Turning around, Dabao made a phone call to his lawyer, saying that he wanted to go to the orphanage in person about donating money to the orphanage. Lawyer Zhao is a lawyer of Ji's group. The prince said that he would not go to the West.

On Monday, Niuniu went to school as usual. Dabao went out early in the morning, but instead of going back to the company, he asked lawyer Zhao to come and take him to the orphanage.

The Dean was surprised to see Ji Dabao, who was too young. "This is Mr. Ji?"

For a moment, she even suspected that the good news she got from the phone was just a joke of the young man. After all, the donation and materials of more than one million yuan did not seem like the young man could get it at random.

Ji Dabao has been able to cope with this kind of situation for a long time.

"Hello, Dean Luo. My name is Ji Yu."

Unlike his father, Dabao is a talkative person, of course, if he wants to.

He followed Dean Luo around the orphanage, and he basically understood everything he wanted to know, including the boy named Si Jun.

President Luo's mouth, Si Jun really as Niu Niu said, 13 years old, people are very sensible, study well, also take good care of the children in the courtyard.

Anyway, judging from the frequency of president Luo's appearance, this Si Jun should be the most outstanding child in the orphanage and the most satisfied child for president Luo.

Dabao didn't say a word about Niuniu's coming to the benefit show. Of course, he didn't mention that Sijun wanted to learn violin.

But, very tactfully, I want to see the more prominent children mentioned by the dean.

After a turn, president Luo's initial concerns were almost gone. I can see from this young man's speech that he is rich or expensive, and his background is not simple.

Dean Luo, who has no worries, naturally won't refuse Dabao's request. She is a dean who loves children, but her strength is very limited. The orphans here will start to be independent by the time they graduate from junior high school, and earn money to support themselves. A small number of good students who want to go to high school or university can only rely on their own work study program or support from well intentioned people to complete their studies.

At present, she also hopes that these children can arouse the pity of this young Mr. Ji, and their future will be brighter more or less.

The children are in class in the classroom. The Dean invited Dabao and lawyer Zhao to his office, and then personally led the four excellent children she spoke of.

Of the four children, three are male and one is female. Among them, Si Jun is the oldest and the tallest.

Dabao looks at Si Jun with a hidden look. From his heart, the boy is medium-sized, but he is very good-looking. Although he is a little thin, his eyes are very vivid. Moreover, from the moment when they meet each other's eyes, he knows that he is proud and determined.

If you don't hide some thoughts from Niuniu, Dabao will definitely say that Niuniu's eyes are good!

But the fact is, his mind to Niu Niu, for the time being, can't be revealed, but it's hard to give up.

Therefore, the feeling of Si Jun becomes very contradictory and complicated.

President Luo briefly introduced Dabao to several children, and Si Junding looked at Ji Dabao.

Dabao's heart thumped. Does he know his relationship and identity with Niuniu?

Dabao's heart is murmuring. Si Jun steps forward and looks at him excitedly“ Hello, brother Ji Yu

Big treasure tiny a Leng, shouldn't be Niu Niu that silly wench be fooled by the person at will, obediently put own identity to light out?

"Little friend, do you know me?" Dabao's face is smiling. Everyone looks like a big brother.

"Well, brother Ji Yu, you are my idol!"

Dabao realized that he was not an illusion just now. The boy's eyes were full of excitement and admiration.

"Xiaojun, you say that senior Ji Yu is this Mr. Ji?" President Luo looked at Ji Yu in hindsight.

"Well, yes!"

Si Jun's eyes are full of brilliance. At this time, he can no longer be as calm and mature as he was just now. Instead, his whole body is full of vigor and sunshine more in line with his age.

Dabao looks at Sijun and Dean Luo in bewilderment, but it's certain that Niuniu doesn't disclose any information about her special identity to this boy.

Si Jun changed into a man. He graciously took a teapot to add tea to Dabao and lawyer Zhao, and briefly told the story of knowing Dabao.

"Two months ago, the president took us to visit r university. At that time, there was an award ceremony in the auditorium. I saw Ji Yu's brother receiving the award on the stage."

Si Jun said that the award ceremony, Ji Yu did come on stage to receive awards, is an academic award.

"Brother Ji Yu, you're only seventeen, aren't you? It's amazing. I'm only three years older than me, but I know so much. Besides, I heard that you have to take care of your own company, right? "

Hearing this, Dean Luo knew that it was not his illusion. It turned out that the young man was not an adult.

"Well, now that I am a senior, I seldom go back to school. I need to invest a lot of time in the entrepreneurial stage."

In the face of Si Jun, Dabao can't give him a cold face for a moment. Even he can't afford to hate him.

"I've played that new game of your company. It's very well designed from plot to picture, but..."

Mentioning the new game, Dabao's mind was shifted and he looked at him with great interest, "but what?"

Si Jun a little embarrassed to smile, "however, I have no money to buy equipment, and, I want to learn."

Dabao didn't say much about this. Because, he also does not approve of too young children to indulge in the game endlessly.

However, he remembered that the boy told Niuniu that he would save money to buy a violin.

"Do you have any ideas about that game? I'll give you an email number. You can write down all your opinions and ideas and send them to us. If we think they are valuable, we will pay you a reward. Are you interested? "

Dabao thinks that this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he may get some valuable feedback. On the other hand, when Si Jun has money to buy a piano, he will have less opportunities to pester Niu.

Of course, when he came here, there were other things that also gave Dabao a headache, but as for the possibility that these things might make Sijun pester Niuniu, Dabao has now found a solution.