Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 713

Looking at such a girl, Dabao felt very sad. He hoped that the little girl would be soft first and say sorry to him. Then he could give himself a step down.

After all, little girl pain, he has to follow the pain, not cost-effective!

But the little girl's eyes were full of tears, but her eyes were still very stubborn. Her lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, and she was always unwilling to let go and take the initiative to be soft.

Dabao was angry. Looking at his pink lips, he felt an impulse to chew them down to vent his anger.

With this in mind, the body took a rational step first, opened its mouth, held her lips, and bit hard.

"Ah Niu Niu couldn't help breathing out. She didn't expect that her brother, who had always been gentle and considerate to herself, would suddenly turn into a wolf. She not only pinched her chin as if she was going to take it off, but also bit her lip just now!

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Dabao. In his eyes, he was not only stubborn, but also aggrieved and resentful.

Bursts of blood seeped into his mouth from his lips, and Dabao woke up. He suddenly let her go, put his hands on her shoulders, and his eyes fell on her bloody lips.


Dabao was so flustered that he raised his hand to touch her lips.

Above, in addition to the dazzling bright red blood beads, but also very eye-catching clear teeth!

With tears in her eyes, Niu Niu stares at him. She stands up and runs back to her bedroom, slamming the door.

Dabao stared at his hand, which was left out in the cold, and his mind was in a mess. Waiting for his reaction, he ran to coax Niuniu, but found that the door was locked from inside.

"Niuniu, I'm sorry, let my brother in, OK?"

Dabao was close to the door, pleading in a low voice.

There was no response at all. Dabao called again according to the door. Then he stood for a long time and left disappointed.

In the bedroom, Niu Niu was biting her lips. When her teeth touched the spot where she was bitten by Dabao, she didn't stop the bleeding. The snow and frost made the bleeding more.

She put out her tongue, salty and fishy smell in her mouth in a moment, bursts of sadness came to her heart.

She didn't know what happened to her brother? Why did you suddenly do this to her?

Not only yell at her, but bite her!

She admitted that she was not wrong, but she made a friend. Could her brother be so generous?

She is no longer a child. She will eventually have her own friends, just like he has several good friends of Zhihao's brother. Why can't she have her own friends?

She knew that her family loved her very much, so she was always very careful to protect and spoil her.

But she is eleven years old, and besides her family, she is also eager to have friends she can talk to. But just now her brother's attitude seemed that she didn't even have such right.

Is it because she is stupid and stupid that she should be deprived of the right to make friends?

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable and aggrieved she felt. She wanted to cry, but the tears were swirling in her eyes, but they couldn't flow out.

The smell of blood in her mouth became more and more strong. She raised her hand to wipe her lips, and then wiped the corners of her eyes.

In the end, even Niu Niu didn't know how she fell asleep. When she woke up, she only felt that her lips were sore and her eyelids were heavy.

Niu Niu was lying lazily on the bed, judging by the light coming in from the curtain. It was already late.

In the air, the smell of mummy cooking breakfast was faintly floating.

Niuniu feels depressed and in a terrible mood. She remembers last night very clearly, but she doesn't want to recall it.

I stayed in bed for a while, and finally got up reluctantly under the urging of a gentle knock on the door.

In the mirror, she looked so embarrassed.

One head of loose curly hair was fluffy and chaotic, like beggars begging on the street. There were several dark red dry blood stains on the lips, and two long dark red blood stains on the corners of the eyes.

Don't think about it. She must have wiped her tears after wiping her lips last night.

There was a knock outside the door again, and then Xiao Bao called out“ Sister, get up for breakfast. "

Niuniu shakes her head and tries to shake off her bad mood. Then she holds two handfuls of cold water in her hand and pours on her face. The cold water drops slip from her collar into the clavicle and slide to the heart. The piercing feeling penetrates into her heart from her skin.

My brother hates her!

The idea of freezing her temperature suddenly came out of her mind.

But why do you hate her?

Wasn't it good before?

Is it because she's so clingy that he hates her?

Or, he really made a girlfriend, so her sister became dispensable and no longer important?

Niuniu felt as if there was a devil in her head. This devil kept instilling into her a lot of thoughts that made her heart cold and her hands and feet cold.

She wanted to refute the devil, but the fact is that her brother had been on a business trip for more than ten days, and he didn't call again except for calling back twice at the beginning.

After so many days apart, the brother and sister were supposed to be as tired as before, but they broke up because of an ordinary phone call.

Is this brother really her brother?

Niu Niu brushes her teeth carefully, cleans her face, combs her ponytail and looks at herself in the mirror. Except that her eyes don't look good and her lips are slightly swollen, there is nothing different.

The collar was stained with blood, and Niuniu changed into a clean suit before she went out.

Everyone in the dining room was already having breakfast. When she came in, she looked at her with all eyes.

The Yue Tong of the sharp eye then Piao sees the wound on her lip, "Niu Niu, how did your lip hurt?"

Niu Niu subconsciously touched her lips, "go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, get up and knock on the bedside table in a daze."

Yue Tong is dubious, "does it hurt?"

"It hurt a little last night, but it doesn't hurt now." Niuniu, as usual, pulled away the chair between Dabao and Xiaobao and sat on it.

"That eye is because knock painful, so cry swollen?" Letong's suspicious eyes turn on her daughter and eldest son's face.

"No, it was reading and crying last night." Niu Niu took a piece of bread as if nothing had happened, tore it and put it in her mouth.

Her answer surprised Dabao, but Letong believed it.

Because she had seen Niuniu cry when she read those youth literature books, so she didn't think much.

Dabao, however, knows why Niuniu's lips are hurt and why her eyes are swollen. Now, he looks at Niuniu in confusion. He doesn't understand why she lies to help him cover up.

And last night, he did not sleep well, lying in bed, he thought a lot.