Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 690

"How do you know? She told you? "

Dabao shook his head. "No, she didn't tell me. My friendship with her is not so good!"

Dabao straightened up, put his hand around Yin Zhihao's shoulder, and said meaningfully.

"Zhihao, I tell you, she came here for an internship, not because she wants to work with you, but because she likes me!"

This kind of stabbing at a friend's heart is not what Dabao would do. As a result, Dabao didn't want to say that. After all, there is nothing to show off about this kind of harm to others and self-interest.

But he can't watch his friends being used by such a woman again and again!

The so-called good friend does not mean the person who says you are beautiful every day and praises you smart every time.

On the contrary, when people praise you, he dares to give you a pot of cold water. Such a person is a real friend.

However, it is obvious that Yin Zhihao does not fully understand the definition of friend.

He stared at Dabao incredulously, his nose flapping with shortness of breath because of anger.

"Ji Yu, don't make fun of this kind of thing. It's not funny at all!" He said angrily, holding up his elbow and propping up the big treasure on his body.

Dabao released his hand, moved his butt, and opened the distance between them a little. Sometimes, when people are too close to each other, they can't see each other clearly.

"Zhihao, I'm not kidding. She likes me! From junior high school to now, of course, I'm not sure if she likes me purely, but I'm sure she doesn't have any interest in you! "

Dabao said it with a serious face. He was ready to be beaten by his impulsive friend, so he was on high alert.

Yin Zhihao stood up and pointed to Dabao angrily.

"Ji Yu, you t * m * D enough. It's satisfying to step on me under your feet, isn't it? I know you are genius, you are handsome, you are smart, you are rich, you are prince, many girls like you. But are you too narcissistic? Do you really think all the girls like you? Yuxin, she's not the person you want to be! I'm sorry, I'm too amorous and always treat you as my good brother

After yelling, Yin Zhihao kicked his feet on the tea table, and the lunch boxes and chopsticks on the tea table were scattered all over the floor.

"Zhihao! Calm down and listen to me Dabao also raised the volume to stop Yin Zhihao from getting angry. He stood up and reached for his wrist.

Yin Zhihao shook his arm and waved Dabao's hand. "Listen to me! You hypocrite, you are sick to death

After scolding, he left without looking back.

Dabao stood at the door, but didn't catch up, because it was very late at this time, and the noise in the corridor would affect the rest of other employees in the apartment.

Moreover, now Yin Zhihao has been blinded by anger. Even if he catches up, they can't talk about it.

Dabao turns around and closes the door. The house is in a mess, and the smell of food is everywhere. In this way, he is afraid that he can't sleep tonight. Can be so late, let cleaning aunt to clean up seems not too close to human feelings, and he himself, really tired!

Dabao frowned and sighed helplessly. He quickly changed his suit, took the key and left the apartment. He opened a suite in the hotel opposite the company and made do with sleeping for a night.

The next day, after breakfast, Dabao went back to the company as usual. After passing the service desk, Dabao asked the front desk lady to find a cleaning aunt to clean the room, and then went back to the office.

There are still many things waiting to be dealt with. The affairs of Yin Zhihao are soon forgotten by dabaotong.

At noon, Zhong Hao came in with Dabao's lunch in his hand and a stack of documents in his hand.

"Yu Shao, you still have half an hour to eat. We'll go to the Cultural Bureau later."

Dabao is a little strange, "Cultural Bureau? Didn't you submit the application materials last week? It's supposed to be the fifth working day, so there should be results, right? "

"Well, in the morning, he called me and said that the information was not perfect. He was returned intact. Now I have rearranged a piece of material according to their requirements. Please come with me this afternoon, because they said that the person in charge must go in person. "

"OK, you wait for me for twenty minutes."

Dabao and Zhong Hao spent an afternoon outside, and things finally turned for the better. After the other party roughly looked at the materials, they finally gave a clear statement, saying that after the materials were approved, approval documents could be issued.

Zhong Hao drove Dabao back to the company in his car. Dabao, who was sitting on the copilot, kept his eyes closed all the way.

In fact, if Ji's headquarters applied for the approval this time, it would save a lot of trouble. Naturally, it would not experience these unexpected twists and turns.

But Dabao insisted on applying in the name of glory. On the one hand, Zhong Hao felt that the prince was in a hurry. On the other hand, he was moved by his backbone.

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Le Tong's sake, he wouldn't have agreed to let him talk to this hairy boy.

However, after two or three years of fighting side by side, Zhong Hao's attitude towards the prince has changed from suspicion and disdain to admiration and exclamation.

Often in front of others to evaluate his boss, he has only four words: the younger generation is formidable!

When the car drove into the underground parking lot, Dabao finally opened his eyes.

"Yu is little, just now too busy, I forgot to tell you one thing."

"Well, what's the matter?" Dabao lowers his head to unfasten his seat belt and turns to look at Zhong Hao.

"People in the design department said that Zhihao didn't go to work today and didn't ask for leave. He called him and turned off his mobile phone. Did he have something to go back to school temporarily?"

In Zhong Hao's impression, both Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi are very down-to-earth people. If they are absent from work suddenly, there should be something unexpected, or they may not have said hello to Dabao in advance.

Dabao frowned slightly, pushed the door open and got out of the car. Until he got into the elevator, he said to Zhong Hao, "Uncle Hao, please go and ask him for two days' leave."

Zhong Hao should a, then no longer mention this matter.

They left the elevator one after the other. Zhong Hao turned to the design department and Dabao went to his office.

Dabao carefully recalled last night's event, did he really say too hard?

Dabao was still thinking about Yin Zhihao in his mind. He opened the door and immediately heard a voice that was too familiar. "Dabao, you're back at last!"

Then, he was hugged tightly.

"Hey, let me go! Who said I was sick yesterday, but now I'm not? Hold it so tight! "

Dabao pushed the other side away with his hand in disgust. Without looking at him, he went straight to his desk and sat down.