Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 651

When Niuniu goes to bed, Letong doesn't trust that she is sleeping alone. She accompanies her into the bedroom and watches her climb into bed. Then she goes to the bookshelf to get a fairy tale book and sits on the edge of the bed to tell her bedtime story.

The little girl lying on the bed said, "brother, talk!"

Letong is trying to explain that her brother is in the military camp and can't call back to tell her a story. The little girl has turned over and knelt by the bed, leaned over to open the bedside table.

"My brother said there was a story he told in it."

Letong realized that Dabao had expected that the little girl would not adapt, so she recorded the story early and stored it in the iPad.

Niuniu opens the iPad, and there is a folder on her desktop called "Dabao brother's story clip".

Without waiting for Letong to say anything, Niuniu has already laid down on her bed and opened the folder, which is full of videos of stories. They are arranged in order according to the date, one story a day, and then look at the date of the last story. It's just like Dabao said on the phone, the day before the end of his military training.

Niu Niu, no matter how much, opens the first story and concentrates on looking at Dabao's brother on the screen. She tells her story vividly and vividly, as if she has completely forgotten her mother sitting on the edge of the bed.

Letong secretly praises Dabao's carefulness and consideration, and she is also ashamed of her mother's negligence.

Dabaolu's story is not too long, about ten minutes. When dabaolu's story is finished, the little girl's eyes are sleepy.

Letong takes the iPad in the little girl's hand and puts it back into the bedside table. She helps the little girl cover the quilt and kisses her face. She doesn't get up and leave until she is completely asleep.

From Niuniu's bedroom, Letong goes to Xiaobao's room to have a look. Xiaobao, who also says that she wants Dabao's brother very much, is lying on the quilt with a small stomach and snoring. She can't see that she misses her brother at all.

Sure enough, boys are big hearted and don't care about anything.

In fact, Letong's conclusion is only suitable for children with such temperament as Xiaobao, because her big baby son, who is in the dormitory of the military camp, is tossing and turning and can't sleep.

Originally, tired all day, it should be easy to fall asleep, but Dabao is thinking about his brother and sister.

He sleeps on the top bunk, right next to the window. Dabao, who couldn't sleep, just sat up and looked out of the window with his knees in his arms.

The moonlight outside the window is like washing. The shadow of the tree is reflected on the tree trunk. The night wind blows over the top of the tree and rustles.

I don't know if Niuniu and Xiaobao have slept?

Xiaobao must have thought about his brother, and then fell asleep in bed in a few seconds.

Niuniu, that little girl, may cry to find herself, or she may sleep obediently after listening to her story

Dabao didn't force himself to lie down again until midnight that night. He didn't know what time it was and then fell asleep.

The next day, before it was bright, the bugle of assembly rang out, and Dabao jumped up quickly. Of course, he didn't sleep well that night, but he didn't practice in vain with the instructor of his family in recent years. Compared with other students, his physical quality was obviously excellent.

The training intensity of military training is very high, but Dabao can easily cope with all kinds of difficult and high-intensity training from the next day, except for the first day when he is slightly uncomfortable. Other students are crying bitterly, and Dabao also feels bitter.

But his sufferings are different from those of others. His sufferings are that he misses his family, his parents, Xiaobao and, in particular, Niuniu, who is crying bitterly when he wants to see off.

From the day he brought Niuniu back from the woods, he never separated from Niuniu for more than ten hours. Therefore, for Dabao, the separation of Niuniu for half a month is the first time he has experienced the agony of missing her.

At this time, he was very glad that he did not choose universities in other cities.

Like him, Niuniu is also very depressed. She always has a smiling face. These days, when she is thin, she is always taut, like everyone owes her money.

Ji's family knew the reason, so they tried to spend more time with her to coax her, but the school teacher didn't know. On the fifth day after Dabao went to military training, Niuniu's head teacher called Letong.

In the past, Niu Niu and Xiao Bao were the sole agents of Da Bao in school. Therefore, in recent years, the teacher contacted Le Tong for the first time.

"Mrs. Ji, Ji Sihan is in a very bad mood these days. Is it because her test results at the beginning of school are not so good that she is frustrated?"

Niuniu's grades have always been ranked in the middle position. Even if there are talented students like Dabao and Xiaobao to tutor her, it doesn't seem to improve much. People around the Ji family don't demand it. They all feel that as long as she does her best, there is no need to demand good or bad grades.

"Miss Wu, you misunderstood. She is not frustrated because of her average grades. She is depressed because her brother has gone to military training. She is not used to it. It's OK. Just wait for her brother to come back! "

Teacher Wu was dubious. After he hung up, he nagged his colleagues. "Sure enough, rich people are different. They don't care about their children's grades at all. However, it's exaggerating to say that they are depressed all day because their brother is not at home."

Although the teacher didn't believe it, she didn't dare to offend Ji Sihan. When she was in grade one, she was scolded by Dabao, which left a shadow in her heart. She was very careful with Ji Sihan and Ji Huan, for fear that she would lose her job if she was not careful.

In the past, when the children got up and saw Letong, they all gave a kiss, saying "good morning, Mommy!"

Now, Niuniu's first words to see Letong after she gets up every day are "Mommy, how many days does my brother have to come back?"

Every time, Letong doesn't have the heart to tell her the real answer.

Finally, on the last day of Dabao's military training, Letong can easily answer Niuniu's questions more than ten times, "your brother Dabao can come back this afternoon, baby!"

Niuniu actually knew for a long time that the small schoolbag was very big. It was a pile of snacks and drinks that her big brother loved to eat and drink that she secretly stuffed into it last night.

"Can we pick up my brother?"

Niu Niu's big, shining eyes are full of stars looking at Letong. Where can Letong say no?

"Well, you and Xiao Bao have a self-study class in the afternoon. Mommy will ask for leave for you. Then, you will come out after the second class. Uncle Li will take you to pick up your brother."

"Great, Mommy, I love you!" Niuniu, who got the consent, took Letong's face and gave it a loud kiss.

[there's another watch. There's still a few votes to go today]