Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 630

Xiaobao is honest for a long time after being beaten by Dabao. Niuniu doesn't blame Xiaobao at all. Even she never thinks Xiaobao is bad.

In her small head full of innocence and trust, the crab incident is nothing more than her own clumsy hands and feet, which has nothing to do with her lovely brother.

Of course, Ji's family secretly punished Xiaobao. It's even more impossible for Niuniu to think of such a thing.

The next morning, the little girl came out of the bed. As soon as she opened her eyes, the first thing was to rub her eyes and ask vaguely, "where's Xiaobao?"

Dabao came to kiss her, "little silly girl, Xiao Bao slept with daddy and Mommy last night, forget?"

Dabao explained with a smile on his face, and quickly tied her two pigtails with rubber.

"Good morning, little princess!"

"Good morning, brother Dabao!" The little princess pursed her lips on Dabao's lips.

After the kiss, the little girl rolled out of bed. Before Dabao could react, Niuniu had already run to the door barefoot. "Brother, Niuniu, go to wake Xiaobao up, and she'll be late..."

Dabao ran after her and picked her up. "Fool, it's a holiday today."

"Oh... Right..." the little girl suddenly realized that the injured little hand was lifted up, as if she wanted to scratch her head. Dabao was so eager that he grabbed the little hand she raised to her head.

"Does it still hurt?"

"A little bit..." Niuniu probably didn't want to worry about Dabao. She smilingly compared her finger with a little bit.

Dabao took Niuniu into the washroom, put her on the stool, squeezed the toothpaste on the toothbrush and handed it to Niuniu's mouth.

Niuniu wants to pick up the toothbrush, but Dabao signals her to open her mouth, "brother, help you brush."

Niuniu injured her right thumb, index finger and middle finger. It was really inconvenient for her to hold a toothbrush.

"Thank you, brother!" Niuniu tears a smiling face at Dabao and opens her mouth obediently.

Dabao is already a skilled technician who helps Niuniu brush her teeth. He holds up her chin in one hand and brushes her teeth in the other hand with moderate strength and patience.

"Well, it's clean! Let's see if it's white for my brother? "

The little girl bared her teeth and asked Dabao to check. After getting the affirmative answer, she kissed Dabao's face again. "Thank you, elder brother!"

Elder brother is not invented by Niuniu, but by Xiaobao. However, when they are in a good mood, they sometimes call Dabao that way.

"Well, what else is your royal highness commanding?"

Dabao helped her wash her face and smilingly put a hot towel on Niuniu's face. The little girl's face was very small, and her face was covered with a towel.

"No!" Niuniu pulls the towel and winks mischievously at Dabao. Her innocent smile is so dazzling that Dabao has a flash of spirit

"Elder brother, Niuniu wants to eat wonton." Her royal highness buried her face in the neck of Dabao.

"OK, brother, I'll pack it." Dabao readily answers, puts Niuniu on the sofa, turns around and goes to the kitchen to see what materials are missing.

"Niuniu helps her brother!" Niu Niu said expectantly, holding his arm.

Ji family has an unwritten rule that all wonton making is Dabao's job, and all cake making is president Ji's job.

And Niuniu and Xiaobao are little helpers.

Of course, the two little guys are not so much helpers as troublemakers. However, no matter Ji Dabao or the president of Ji Dabao, what he cares more is not the taste of wonton and cake, but the process and fun of a family working together happily to complete a thing.

"Niu Niu's hand is hurt. Don't help today." Dabao turns around and resets Niuniu on the sofa.

"But..." poor Niuniu still wants to fight for it. In her opinion, the wonton made by her brother is delicious, and it's fun to make wonton with her brother.

Dabao put away his smile, "Niuniu is a good girl, but my brother is a good girl."

"OK..." Niu looked down in frustration.

Soon, aunt Guan helped to make up the stuffing and wonton skin. Dabao took out the stuffing and wonton skin and put them on the tea table.

Xiaobao, who has already got out of bed, has rolled up her sleeves and is ready to join the team of making wonton at any time, while Niuniu slouches in the deep of the sofa and doesn't say a word, only looking at Dabao pitifully with her big black eyes.

In the end, Dabao is still soft hearted. Take a look at Xiaobao kneeling on the carpet and waiting at any time.

"Xiaobao, brother, who's going to compete with you

"Good!" Xiao Bao raised his hand happily, and his eyes were full of smiles. It was obvious that he had forgotten all about Da Bao's beating him.

Dabao looked at Niuniu, "Niuniu, would you like to be a recorder?"

As soon as Niu Niu heard that she could participate, she immediately became energetic. Just now, she was a little flower with a drooping head. She straightened her neck, just like sunflower saw the sun.

"Good! Niuniu is a recorder. "

Xiaobao can't compete with Dabao, but what Dabao cares about is not the result of the competition. He deliberately slows down and slowly cooperates with Xiaobao's snail like speed.

Xiaobao is not only slow but also ugly.

Even Niu Niu, the little recorder who has always been the most protective of Xiaobao, can't help wrinkling her nose and teasing Xiaobao.

"Brother, you are so ugly!"

Xiaobao, ugly or not, just wants to win over Dabao.

Xiaobao looks at Niuniu impatiently, with a look of disgust on her face. "Oh, sister, you are so noisy. It's good to eat. Whether it's ugly or not..."

Dabao starts to tap his head with his fingers, and Xiaobao covers his head with a whoop.

"It's well wrapped. In the afternoon, I can go to the amusement park with my brother and sister. It's ugly. I'll give Dabai and Xiaobai a bath at home." Dabao added an additional condition.

Originally, Dabao only took this as fun. Originally, he didn't mind whether it was ugly or not. However, seeing that Xiaobao disliked Niuniu, he couldn't help saying that he changed the rules.

Xiaobao is a smart boy. He can be so ugly just because he pursues speed too much. After listening to his brother's words, he muttered that Dabao was bad and Dabao was fierce, but Xiaoshou slowed down and made a well proportioned and full wonton like Dabao.

An hour later, Niu Niu, the recorder, announced the result of the competition. In terms of quantity, brother Dabao won. In terms of appearance, brother Dabao and brother Xiaobao drew!

The three brothers had a happy wonton dinner at home. In the afternoon, the driver took them to the amusement park for a whole afternoon. It was not until sunset that the parents, who had been busy in the company for a whole day, went to the amusement park to pick up their three children and eat seafood at the seafood boat by the sea.