Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 63

When Letong delivers coffee and pizza to the president's office, Ji Rui takes a look at the pizza on the table, frowns slightly, and looks up at Letong, "why not porridge?"

"Not at home, not last night. Also, I'm sorry for yesterday's promise to make breakfast for the president. I'll go back on it. "

Letong didn't give any explanation for her regret, didn't give Ji Rui the chance to ask, didn't say half a redundant word, turned and walked out.

After Letong goes out, Ji Rui is eating pizza and drinking coffee. The more he eats, the worse he feels. As a result, President Ji, who never bothers people, especially women, did not hesitate to call his secretary.

"What do you mean, Letong?"

When he said this, the expression on his face was still very indifferent, holding the piece of pizza in his hand, but he suffered for no reason, and was unconsciously held in the palm of his hand, squeezed into a ball.

Sitting in the Secretary's position, Letong, holding her painful and heavy head, returns to him with a turbid voice with a little nasal sound.

"President, literally. This pizza is on me this morning. It's an apology for my repentance. "

Letong will not say that the porridge she cooked is not worth money. What is worth money is actually her heart. But Ji Rui such a man, does not deserve to enjoy her heart, even if he will pay, she does not want to sell him!

Ji Rui listens to the busy sound of "dududu" coming from the phone. He is slightly surprised. His anger rises slowly. His little secretary dares to hang up with him?!

Ji Rui has almost never enjoyed the treatment of being hung up, but the person who let him enjoy the treatment of letting his whole body blood rush to his head is actually the little secretary he once thought was obedient?

Ji Rui couldn't understand the reason of his anger, or just because his authority was despised, a little secretary dared to refuse him, the president who could control her life and death? Or are there other reasons?

Before he can make it clear, the phone on the desk rings, Ji Rui's anger calms down for no reason, "say!"

His tone was very bad, because he thought it was Letong on the other side of the microphone.

"Rui, did you eat gunpowder early in the morning?"

The person on the other side of the phone is not le Tong, but Yang Sheng.

"What's the matter?" Ji Rui didn't ask.

Ji Rui is seldom so impatient with Yang Sheng.

Probably aware that Ji Rui is not easy to be provoked today, Yang Sheng immediately put aside his teasing tone and said in a very correct working tone.

"Send me a copy of yesterday's information."

"Ask Letong!" Ji Rui finished and hung up the phone.

I don't blame him for being so angry. Yesterday, after checking in the clinic, Letong suddenly left him, ran into a taxi and called her, but she didn't answer. Finally, she simply turned off the machine.

When she came back in the morning, she intended to ask her why she didn't answer his phone call yesterday, but before his question came out, she threw him another thing that made him more angry.

If Ji Rui is an ordinary person, he will probably know how much damage he did to Letong.

However, as a young master of Ji family, he has enjoyed the treatment of the stars from the moment he was born. He has always been regarded as a man only by others, but not by others.

Even if he has done too much, he will rarely be criticized or asked to correct by others. Over time, he has enough self-confidence in his own words and things. He is very subjective and thinks that he is always on the right side. Therefore, when he talks and does things, he basically does not care about other people's feelings.

Even though Le Tong showed her dissatisfaction with him so obviously and refused to make breakfast for him, he still didn't realize it. It was his behavior that hurt her first, and she would repent, which was a matter of course.

Ji Rui is angry. The pizza sent by Letong only takes a small bite.

He is not a picky eater. He never asks for breakfast or even lunch or dinner. He will eat whatever he has.

But today's pizza, there is a kind of hard to swallow feeling. Probably, it's because there is a huge gap with the soft rice porridge originally thought?

Ji Rui pushes the pizza, which is only short of a small corner, to his desk and begins to work.

Le Tong outside the office, received a call from Yang Sheng, "Tong Tong, yesterday's 10-year information, you send me email."

"Well, I'll send it to you right away."

Holding the phone on her shoulder, Letong opens the folder and sends the information Yang Sheng needs to the other party's mailbox.

"All right! Elder martial brother, I'm sorry. I got up a little late this morning, so I didn't bring you rice porridge. "

Yang Sheng, who can only eat pizza and coffee for breakfast, has received a sincere apology from Letong.

"Fool, you have no obligation to do this for me. What do you want to eat at noon, elder martial brother?"

Yang Sheng's attitude towards the change of breakfast varieties is quite different from Ji Rui's.

Letong, with her dizzy head burning, even the greedy insect in her stomach, seems to have given up her job. Yang Sheng has offered several delicious places, but she refuses because she is busy today.

"Well, since my younger martial sister is ungrateful, I have to let president Ji Da accompany me to lunch."

Letong doesn't care who Yang Sheng is having dinner with. When she hangs up, she feels that the screen in front of her is blurry and her head seems to be more dizzy than just now.

Letong holds her head, closes her eyes, takes a rest, opens her eyes, and the situation seems to have improved.

These days, I have been helping Ji Rui and Yang Sheng to sort out other materials. As the Secretary of the president, I have accumulated a lot of things on my desk.

This information, if put in peacetime, Letong will not put in the eye at all.

But today, she took out a piece of material that needed to be translated. Half an hour later, she only translated less than one page. Except that her head felt heavy and heavy, her brain was like a ball of grass.

Letong took the forehead stick to measure her temperature, but it was still 38 degrees. In such a working state, Letong felt that she probably needed to ask for leave to have a rest.

Letong picks up several documents and sends them to the president's office. Ji Rui is busy and doesn't look at her. She put the document on the table, dizzy, she used her hands to support the table, trying to make his blurred vision focus on Ji Rui's face.

"President, I want to take a day off sick."

Ji Rui didn't look at her at all, but said coldly, "there are many things, no way!"

Le Tong stares at him and wants to say that even if you don't let me ask for leave, I can't do anything sitting here. Instead of this, let me go back and have a good rest.

"Don't forget that you are my secretary. Don't think that you are different from others!"