Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 619

Dabao got out of the car with Niuniu in her arms until she entered the house. The little girl still held him tightly.

"Niuniu, will you come down first? Brother, go wash your face. " Dabao coaxed the little girl in her arms in a soft voice.

Niu Niu is deaf and buries her head on Dabao's shoulder. She doesn't want to let go at all.

Letong leads Xiaobao to come in. Seeing this situation, she can't help but feel funny.

"Niuniu, my brother won't leave. Let him wash his face first, OK?"

"No!" Niuniu still didn't give in.

Dabao had no choice but to hold her into the washroom. After coaxing her a few more words, she relaxed her hand and sat quietly on the washdesk.

"Can Niuniu tell her brother why she doesn't like to go to kindergarten?" Dabao took her little hand to the tap to wash it.

Niu Niu bit her lip and said nothing. Dabao twisted a towel to wash her face. "Are you afraid?"

Niuniu raised her long eyelashes and stared at Dabao. After a long hesitation, she nodded gently. "Well, Niuniu only likes her brother and Xiaobao. Niuniu doesn't go to school, OK?"

"Silly girl, there's nothing to be afraid of. The teacher told my brother that all the children in the class want to be friends with Niuniu very much."

Dabao coaxes Niuniu, washes her hands and face, and then walks out of the living room with Niuniu in her arms.

Xiaobao was chasing his car all over the room with the remote control. When he saw Dabao's figure, he raised the remote control in his hand and yelled, "brother, race car."

"Xiaobao, play by himself for a while."

Dabao looked at Xiaobao sweating. He thought to himself that if Xiaobao's heartless temperament could be slightly neutralized with Niuniu's sentimental temperament, he would not have such a headache.

Xiao Bao glanced at Niu Niu, who was still clinging to her brother and didn't want to come down, but she was also cheerful, "OK, brother, please accompany my sister!"

Dabao patted him on the head

He held Niuniu and sat down on the sofa, "or, Niuniu, ask your brother if he made many friends in kindergarten?"

Seeing Niuniu nodding, Dabao said to Xiaobao who was kneeling on the ground and didn't know what he was studying, "Xiaobao, how many friends did you make in kindergarten today?"

"A lot of them!" Xiao Bao didn't lift his head, but he answered very well.

"Is kindergarten fun?"

"Of course it's fun!" For Xiao Bao, a lively child, more people means fun“ Xiaobao plays football with the children, and has a somersault game.... "

Niuniu leans on Dabao and listens carefully. Dabao holds Niuniu down to the ground. "Xiaobao, teach elder sister to do somersault, elder sister won't do it."

Niuniu has been quiet and restless since she was a child. She usually plays at home because she thinks she is her sister and has to take care of Xiaobao, so she has to follow Xiaobao around all day. She can't do somersaults.

With the influence of his family, Xiaobao gradually has a sense of protecting the weak. After listening to his brother's words, he dropped the car remote control and ran over to hold Niuniu's hand.

"Sister, come on, Xiao Bao teach you."

Dabao sits on the carpet with his knees crossed. Xiaobao turns over several somersaults and demonstrates them several times. Then he patiently breaks down the movements to teach Niuniu. Dabao looks at the two little kids arching over and touching the carpet head with their hands and their buttocks facing the sky. He can't help but take out his mobile phone and snap a few pictures.

Niuniu's hand foot coordination is poor. She even turned over several times, but she turned over half and then tilted. Dabao thought that she would cry, but unexpectedly, she was very stubborn, biting her lips and seriously learning Xiaobao's movements.

Dabaoyan watched her turn more and more beautiful. He was very happy. When the two little guys were tired and lay down on the carpet to have a rest, he would lie down in front of them.

"Niuniu, Xiaobao, you learn a new skill from kindergarten every day, and then become each other's little teacher, OK?"

Xiao Bao immediately raised his hand and answered with a loud "yes!"

Niuniu timidly looked at Xiaobao and Dabao, hesitated for a moment, then raised her hand and said, "OK!"

Dabao nodded with satisfaction, "OK, today Jihuan teaches jisihan to do somersault. What new skills do you want to teach Jihuan?"

Xiaobao immediately turned to look at Niuniu expectantly. Niuniu was slightly distressed. After thinking for a while, she said, "can you teach Xiaobao to read the Three Character Classic?"

Dabao touched her head with a smile

Therefore, Niuniu shakes her head with her clear voice and begins to teach Xiaobao, "at the beginning of human life, human nature is good. Sex is similar, habits are different. If you do not teach, you will change your nature. The way of teaching is to be professional... "

Xiaobao also learned from her, shook her head and began to read, "at the beginning of human life, human nature is good. Sex is similar, habits are different. If you do not teach, you will change your nature. The way of teaching is to be professional... "

In the kitchen, Letong, who is helping to arrange dinner, hears a pair of young children reciting. She leans out her head and says with a smile, "Niuniu, Xiaobao, good job!"

So, two little guys read more energetically, small head swing that call a lively. And Dabao, seeing his younger sister's smile slowly recovering, finally breathed a long breath.

The agreement between Dabao and the two kids greatly dispersed Niuniu's fear of kindergarten life.

The next day, when Dabao went to pick her up again, although she was depressed, she didn't cry. That day, when she came home, Niuniu taught Xiaobao to sing little rabbit. Xiaobao is very proud of her sister. Niuniu teaches her seriously, so he sings with his little hands behind his back like his sister.

Xiaobao, on the other hand, teaches Niuniu to play Yongchun. Dabao thinks that it's just a random action of throwing a few fists and kicking a few feet. However, when he sees his younger brother and sister blushing in the yard, he shouts and waves his hands and feet, and doesn't poke anything.

On the third day, when she saw Dabao's brother, she didn't rush over like the other two days. Instead, she politely waved goodbye to the children and the teacher behind her. Although her voice was very small, she still got a special reward from the teacher.

Because of this little red flower sticking on her chest, Niuniu's mood immediately rose a lot. After showing off with Dabao, she went out to school and saw Letong, then pointed to the little red flower and showed off, "Mommy, the teacher awarded Niuniu a little red flower!"

Letong gives her baby a big kiss, "Niuniu is great!"

Compared with the two sons who are full of confidence, this daughter really distresses Letong. Even though she is too clever and beautiful, her inferiority complex seems to be innate, which has not been so obvious before, especially since she went to kindergarten.

"Hey, hey..." Niuniu was praised by mummy, embarrassed to bury herself in Dabao's body and smirk.

"What a wonderful sister Xiaobao also gets on Dabao and kisses Niuniu in the face.