Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 610

Dabao didn't blame him either. He pinched his little face and said with a smile, "little fool, my brother will definitely come back. Don't cry, you know?"

This little guy is used to lawlessness, and he has a lot of courage. He seldom cries when he falls. Dabao thinks his tears are very high, but he will cry because he can't find himself. It seems that the little guy still loves his brother very much!

Dabao is bubbling in her heart. Niuniu, sitting next to Xiaobao, takes out a lollipop from somewhere. She peels the wrapping paper carefully and hands it to Xiaobao. "Sister gives sugar, Xiaobao doesn't cry!"

Xiaobao took the lollipop, blinked and passed it to Dabao as if to please him, "brother, eat..."

Dabao put out his tongue and licked it lightly. The sweet and greasy taste ran around at the tip of his tongue. He raised his hand and pushed the sugar back to the little guy. "Xiaobao, eat it!"

Xiaobao hands the lollipop to Niuniu, "sister, eat..."

Niuniu also imitates Dabao's appearance, reaches out the tip of her tongue and licks it. With a pair of beautiful smiling eyes, Niuniu pushes the lollipop back to Xiaobao's mouth, "brother, eat..."

Xiaobao amused his elder brother and sister, and then he leaned forward and stretched out on the chair. He began to eat sweets. The woodman game that he was clamoring to play just now has quickly retreated to every corner before eating.

Niuniu seems to forget about the game. She puts her hand around Dabao's arm and cries softly, "brother..."

Dabao bowed his head and gave a kiss to the little curly hair

"Niuniu wants to go to school..."

Big treasure strange, this little girl, clearly a few months ago is still dead to tumble, do not want to go to school, this, how suddenly changed her mind?

"Why? Isn't Niuniu trying to play with Xiaobao at home? "

Niu Niu's face gently rubbed against Dabao's half exposed arm, like a clever dog.

"Niuniu also wants to accompany her brother..."

Dabao was dumbfounded and laughed. He stretched out his hand and twisted the little girl's face gently.

"Silly girl, my brother doesn't need Niuniu to accompany me!"

Niu Niu's shining eyes darkened in an instant. She bowed her head and pursed her lips.

Where does Dabao see Niuniu's lost face? She's kissing and rubbing her face. "Silly girl, even if Niuniu goes to school, it's impossible to accompany her brother. Niuniu goes to kindergarten and her brother goes to junior high school."

Dabao patiently explained to the little girl that he knew better than anyone else. The little girl must have thought that school was just another place to play.

"Kindergarten? Junior high school The little girl didn't understand. She raised her face and looked at Dabao in confusion.

Dabao looked at the girl's foggy eyes and was fascinated.

Most of the people in their Ji family are smart, and most of them are cunning and shrewd. Xiaobao, for example, is very young and can show Niuniu's puzzled expression. Probably because of the difference, Dabao always thinks that this kind of girl is cute. He can't help rubbing her lips against her thick eyelashes.

"Kindergarten is a place for children as big as Niuniu to play. In junior high school, they are all brothers and sisters, you know?"

Dabao tried to be simple, because he was afraid Niuniu couldn't understand. After explaining, for fear that she didn't understand, she took out her iPad and searched several pictures of kindergarten children playing together and junior high school students in class for Niuniu to see.

Niu Niu finally understood that even if she went to school, she couldn't stick to her brother, so she said with her iPad, "that Niu Niu doesn't go to school, she will accompany Xiao Bao."

After a while, Niuniu pointed to a picture of a junior high school student and asked Dabao, "brother, Niuniu is so big that she can accompany her brother to school, right?"

Dabao thought, when you grow up, your brother will be in his twenties, probably already working and still going to school?

Dabao opened a picture of the whole family with a smile. "Silly girl, when you were so old, my brother became like this."

Dabao points to Ji Rui's appearance in the family photo and laughs. Others say that he looks like Daddy. It's estimated that in the future, he will be no different from daddy now.

Niu Niu desperately shakes her head, anxiously points to Ji Rui in the photo and argues, "this is daddy, not brother."

Dabao slightly side of the head, in the window to see his one with a little childish face, seems to understand Niuniu's mood, also denied.

"Yes, this is daddy, not brother."

In the little girl's mind, she probably thought that if her brother became like Daddy, he would be as serious and steady as daddy.

She probably thought that her brother Dabao would stay like this forever. That way, you can always be around her, tell her stories, play games with her and coax her to sleep

Peep into the little girl brain wave Dabao, no longer trying to let the little girl understand, everyone will grow up, will change. Since she thinks brother Dabao will never change, let her continue to think so.

Dabao glances at Xiaobao, who is lying on his back, enjoying lollipops and humming tunes beside Niuniu. Compared with Xiaobao, he is more likely to be soft hearted when facing Niuniu.

Maybe it's because she's a girl, or maybe it's because he can't forget the situation when he saw Niuniu crying in the woods.

Until now, Dabao still can't figure out how there are parents willing to leave such a beautiful and clever girl behind.

However, if you don't understand, Dabao is always secretly glad that the cruel parents left Niuniu, which made him have such a beautiful and lovely sister

When the three brothers went to Ji's, they became the focus of their eyes from the moment they entered the gate. Dabao often went to Ji's in the past two years, and the employees were familiar with him, but Niuniu and Xiaobao never came. As soon as they entered the gate, Xiaobao broke away from Dabao's hand and ran around the hall like a wild horse.

Dabao didn't care much. Niuniu and Xiaobao were chasing each other in the middle of the hall. He followed them slowly. Not long after that, Letong, who received a call from the front desk, came out of the elevator and saw her three children chasing and playing in the middle of the lobby. She went to stand and clapped her hands.

Niuniu and Xiaobao follow the sound to see, also don't chase, directly change direction, open arms toward Letong rushed over.

"Mommy! Mommy Running and screaming.

Letong squats down, grabs one in one hand, holds it and stands up. Dabao is too tall for her to hold. However, she still loves to stick to her. No, she holds two small ones. Dabao stands beside her and holds her waist with her long hand.

"Mommy, why don't you get off work early today?" Dabao stands on tiptoe and kisses Letong on her face.


Letong was a little depressed just now because of her work. Seeing three babies, her mood became clear immediately.

At this moment, she even felt that she had the whole world, everything else was not important.