Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 597

A small part of the birthday cake was used to paste the faces of the three people. Some of it was eaten in the new home, and the rest was taken back to the apartment and put in the refrigerator.

Letong divided them into several small pieces, and in the next few days, breakfast, afternoon tea and supper were all birthday cakes.

At first, Baobao and Ji Rui felt very happy. After all, it's a very happy thing that the fruits of my hard work have been affirmed and loved.

However, seeing that Letong ate it on the first day and ate it on the second day, Ji Rui threatened to throw away the cake left in the refrigerator on the third day.

Letong stands in front of the refrigerator door, guarding her food.

"I can't throw it. I like to eat it!"

Letong is right. She is a foodie and has no immunity to desserts like delicious cakes.

"Well behaved, you like to eat. I'll make them for you every day. They've been put away for a few days. Eating them is not good for your health!" Ji Rui coaxes Le Tong in a soft voice.

Letong's eyes brightened, "will you really do it for me in the future?"

Ji Rui nodded busily, "as long as you want to eat, I'll make it for you!"

Therefore, President Ji Da, who always believes in the tenet of "gentleman's far blister kitchen", has gradually developed his unique skills because of a promise made by Letong on her 25th birthday.

The cake he made is superb. No matter what it looks like or what it tastes like, it's no less than a professional Baker. In the following decades, Letong has been the most loyal supporter of the cake he made.

And he, in the next few decades, is the only one who can do it!

Letong gets Ji Rui's guarantee, and obediently gives everyone the cake to eat.

On the third day of the new year's Day holiday, Ji Rui and his family went out to sea to take wedding photos on a cruise ship that is said to be given to their baby by father Ji for his third birthday.

The photography group is a famous photographer invited by Ji Rui from abroad. All the dresses of Ji Rui, Baobao and Niuniu, as well as Letong's wedding dress, are designed by a famous designer according to their own characteristics. Each set is unique.

All the jewelry used in the wedding dress and dress are sponsored by Zhuo Jiarui. Of course, boss Zhuo begged president Ji for a long time, and President Ji had to agree.

At that time, his original refusal was, "I'm not bad for money!"

Later, Ji Rui bought several sets that Letong liked, and the others were returned to Zhuo Jiarui after taking photos.

The photographer asked Ji Rui in white dress to lean on the guardrail with Letong in purple and blue wedding dress. The sea breeze lifted Letong's black hair with a wreath, and the purple long shawl fluttered in the air, setting off a pair of golden children and beautiful girls, just like a prince and Princess falling from the sky

The setting sun is red and hanging on the golden sea. Ji Rui and Letong wear casual clothes. Ji Rui has a handsome baby lying on his body. Letong holds a lovely and beautiful girl in her hand. The whole family points to the big red sun and says something

The photographer's hand, constantly pressing the shutter, photographed all kinds of beautiful pictures of the loving couple and their lovely children. It was only a moment, but it became eternal under the camera.

Just like the love between Letong and Ji Rui.


Le Tong thought that after choosing the wedding dress and taking the wedding photos, the wedding should be ready.

Who knows, Ji Rui is very interested in the proposal of the wedding company. He has already gone to the capital to ask for a wedding before. However, he stubbornly prepared a lot of traditional betrothal gifts according to the custom, and asked the pilot to send them to the capital with these betrothal gifts in his private plane.

Yang Sheng greets them at the Yang family's small airport. When he sees the servants remove the same and the same traditional gifts from the plane, Yang Sheng can't help teasing Ji Rui.

"Rui, haven't you mentioned kissing? How can you do that? "

The old master of the Yang family on one side immediately gave Yang Sheng a white look.

"Sheng boy, don't talk nonsense."

These gifts are traditional betrothal gifts, the price is not expensive, but the preparation process is complicated. Ji Rui is so busy, but he still insists on doing these traditional procedures one by one, which shows how much he attaches importance to Letong and this marriage.

Nowadays, many young people don't want to follow these complicated rituals, but Ji Rui insists on making every detail perfect because he doesn't want to have any differences or disagreements with Letong.

But his these actions, let Yang family old master treat him differently. Looking at Ji Rui pointing the servant to move the goods back to the house, the old man secretly says to le Tong.

"Girl, give you to him, grandfather is very at ease!"

Letong is very grateful to Ji Rui.

Nowadays, even young people with ordinary wealth may not be willing to please their wife's elders.

Ji Rui, however, is arrogant and conceited, and his status is no different from that of the old master. Such a man, for her sake, is willing to make friends with her family again and again in the modest and polite way that the younger generation should have.

"Grandfather, he's fine! Really

Yang Sheng was a little upset when he said, "Tut, he's the best one who hasn't married yet?"

Le Tong took his arm, "of course not, brother, you are as good as him!"

"That's about it!" Yang Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

Letong always thinks that Ji Rui is the only man in the world with such strong possessiveness and jealousy.

Now, she knows that her brother has the same temperament as Ji Rui.

No wonder these two people can be close friends.

"Girl, your wedding will be held on February 14. Do you have any plans after that?"

The old man who was playing with the baby suddenly came in and asked.

Letong blinked. According to Ji Rui, the next day is the beginning of their honeymoon.

However, at the moment, it seems that there are other arrangements to listen to the old master?

"Grandfather, Ji Rui and I haven't thought about our future trip yet. We still have a month to go. It's not urgent."

Letong didn't immediately tell the master of her original plan, because, with her understanding of the master, if she said it, he would respect her choice.

The old man hesitated for a while, "then on February 15, my grandfather wants you to come back to the capital and have a return banquet, OK?"

Originally, as the grandfather of the woman, he could make this request in a big way.

But he is ashamed of Letong. If Letong doesn't want to, he will never force him.

Letong's heart thumped for a moment, secretly scolding himself for such negligence. This custom is indeed followed by many people. If a big family like the Yang family doesn't return to the banquet, it will make the old man lose face.

"Grandfather, this should have been, it was my negligence. Let's talk about the details of the party later, OK? "


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