Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 588

"Check it first." Dr. Dong is also very cautious. After all, it's about other people's family harmony.

"Well." Ji Rui thought about it for a while and said to Dr. Dong, "Dr. Dong, I'll send those drugs and this bottle of unidentified articles to the hospital first. Now is it convenient for you to arrange for the people in the laboratory to work overtime?"

Dr. Dong immediately calls to arrange. Xiao Li is responsible for sending a small box of goods to the hospital. Here, the rest of the people continue to search in the mansion.

Several people are busy again soon. Ji Rui stands on one side and looks at it silently for a while. Thinking about the baby, he picks up the phone and goes to the window and dials Letong.

"Ji Rui? The baby is sleeping very well, and there is no sign of fever for the time being. " At this time, it was more than one o'clock in the morning, but Letong's voice was still clear. Obviously, she did not dare to close her eyes and stare at her baby for a moment.

"Well, if you're tired, you can sleep for a while and let the special nurse guard for a while. I may have to wait until dawn on my side."

Ji Rui's conjecture is really right. After a whole night's tossing, several people finally checked the corners of the mansion.

One of the policemen is the captain.

"Mr. Ji, do you want to check the garden near the house?" The captain asked very conscientiously.

Ji Rui watched everyone busy all night, and they were all tired. He waved his hand and said, "don't use it. Let's see if there is any match in these items. Besides, I'm going to trouble you tonight!"

Ji Rui calls housekeeper Li and instructs him to pay close attention to the family for the time being. Any suspicious situation should be reported immediately.

After giving orders, Ji Rui personally escorts several policemen to the parking lot. On the way, there is another round of greetings. Ji Rui promises to the team leader that he will donate a large sum of money for the investment of police facilities and personnel training.

The team leader happily takes his men to the car, while Ji Rui returns to the hospital with Dr. Dong.

All night, Ji Rui made more than ten calls to Letong, about once every half an hour. Every time, Letong told him that the baby was in good condition, so there was no need to worry.

Ji Rui begins to doubt whether Letong is cheating him. When he goes back to the ward, he sees his baby son who is sleeping like a pig, and his heart is finally released.

"How's it going?"

Letong is afraid to quarrel with her baby and pulls Ji Rui out of the terrace.

Ji Rui sees that Letong is only wearing a sweater. He takes off his coat and puts it on for her.

"All the suspicious items have been taken back. Dr. Dong has asked the people in the laboratory to work overtime for the inspection. As soon as possible, there may be a result tonight."

Ji Rui says in the mouth, the line of sight has never left Le Tong's face.

Seeing her obvious shadow at the moment, she was even more distressed. Her slightly rough fingertips gently wiped her eyes, "otherwise, you can go home and sleep for a while!"

Le Tong didn't even think about it, so she shook her head, "no, I'll stay here with the baby."

When Ji Rui put forward the suggestion, he already knew that he would get such an answer, but he squeezed her waist and sighed, "Alas, it's hard to gain weight. Now, I'm afraid I'll lose weight again."

Letong took the initiative to get into his arms, "don't worry, Dr. Dong just said it, in the afternoon nothing, you can be discharged, at night I can have a good sleep."

Ji Rui lowers his head and kisses her hair. He says with guilt, "it's Christmas Eve today. There's nothing in the house yet..."

Originally, he also wanted to accompany her and her two children to have a hot Christmas, now it seems that this good idea is going to be ruined.

Letong doesn't care. "It's OK. I'll wait for my baby to take a nap later. I'll sneak out to buy Christmas presents. We'll put them in our socks tonight. Isn't there a big celebration in the theme park tomorrow? Let's take baby and Niuniu to play together, OK

Ji Rui thinks that this is the only way to do it now.

However, because the baby has been with the old man, so, never more than Christmas. This year, Letong and Niuniu have been with him, which is the biggest surprise and the best gift for him.

"OK, you make up your mind. I have to leave soon. The designer will go abroad early tomorrow morning to participate in a competition. He won't come back until a week later. I have to go to those two plots with him first."

"Well, I asked brother Li to buy breakfast. You can go there after breakfast. I'll get rid of what I have in hand as soon as possible. I'm going out at noon. You ask brother Li to pick me up. "

After breakfast, Ji Rui kisses the baby's face and leaves in a hurry.

After the baby wakes up, the spirit is very good, however, he is very sensible not noisy, even if he does not feel uncomfortable, or obediently stay in the hospital. Knowing that Letong is very busy recently, as soon as he finishes breakfast, he takes out his computer and plays games next to Letong. Letong naturally takes out his laptop and handles his business.

During this period, I held a small meeting with two directors of the advertising department. When she finished the meeting, I turned off the video. The little guy who had been quietly playing games next to her was staring at her as if he didn't know her.

At this time, Letong is in a sensitive state of being all soldiers. Seeing that the little guy is not normal, his face has changed. He puts his hand on his forehead. The cool temperature makes her a little relieved.

"Baby, is there something wrong with you?"

The baby is still staring at her, shaking his head, "no discomfort, I'm fine!"

What else did Letong want to ask? The little guy said, "Mommy, you are so powerful."

Le Tong didn't respond. What did he mean by this, "huh?"

"Aren't you daddy's secretary? You know a lot

Only then did Le Tong realize that this little guy probably heard that he was having a meeting with two ministers, so he couldn't wait to flatter him.

"Mommy is not only your daddy's secretary, but also his wife! So you can't let your father be tired alone, can you? "

The baby looked at her for a while, then nodded.

"Mommy, I want to call home for Niuniu."

Letong wanted to refuse. After all, xiaoniuniu has only been for more than two months. She giggles at most. She doesn't know how to communicate with her baby?!

However, the baby's strong desire, all written in the eyes of the face, Letong do not want to agree.

"Well, go and get the landline."

The baby jumped to the phone happily and quickly pulled out a serial number.

Yue Tong looks at his exuberant appearance, and the sad clouds in her heart scatter a lot.

Letong heard the baby call his grandfather on the phone. After that, it was probably the other party who asked about the baby. The baby had been saying good things to comfort the old man.