Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 532

Only the old man was staring at the crystal clear jade Pei on the little girl's chest!

The wrinkled hand, trembling slightly, reached over and picked up Yu Pei. Everyone thought he looked strange. Only Yang Sheng gently reached out and pulled him, and whispered, "grandfather..."

The old master of the Yang family shook his hands and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "take it down and let me have a look..."

Although Le Tong was strange, she didn't ask any more questions, because she also heard Ji Rui say that old master Yang, like old master Ji, especially likes collecting antiques.

At this time, she only thought that the old man saw a rare treasure.

Yupei is exactly the piece that Letong gave to the baby. The baby gave it to Niuniu without permission. Letong has no objection to it. Anyway, when Yupei gives it to the baby, the baby has the right to decide.

For her, the meaning of Yupei is just a souvenir left by her father. It's the same for baby or Niuniu.

The old master took Yu Pei, and Yang Sheng dragged a chair to support him. He hung his eyes, shook his hands, and rubbed Yu Pei up and down with his rough fingers.

Here, a few people are just around Niuniu, and no one pays attention to the reaction of the old man.

"Mr. Ji, did she go anywhere just now?"

"Stay in the garden for a while."

"It's not about the ointment. It's specially made by me. It's very mild and suitable for children. It's probably due to pollen allergy. Now I'm prescribing some medicine for the little girl. Don't worry. It will be OK soon." The doctor confirmed the source of the disease, and by the way, also gave the old man a clean.

Ji Rui, Letong and Baobao are relieved.

Unconsciously, but in a week, Ji Rui and Letong have completely accepted Niuniu. Now in their minds, Niuniu is their children, just like Baobao.

"Where did you buy this Yupei?"

Mr. Yang, who has been sitting and studying for a long time, stares at Ji Rui and asks.

Ji Rui shook his head, "I didn't buy it!"

"You made it yourself?" The old man's tone became very strange, and his eyes were so deep that people could not understand.

Without waiting for Ji Rui to answer, the old man lowered his eyes again, stared at Yu Pei and murmured, "impossible..."

Yue Tong can't bear to see the old master like this. "Yang Dong, this jade Pei is not Ji Rui's, it's mine."

The old man suddenly raised his head and glared at her as if he wanted to put a hole in her face. His eyes seemed to be looking at her, but they seemed to be looking at someone through her.

"What's yours? Did you buy it? "

The old master repeated the question he asked Ji Rui just now.

"Well! It's mine. It's not bought. It's left by my father. "

The confusion in Letong's heart is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that some truths are breaking the ground little by little.

Letong shakes her head and puts aside the idea that suddenly appears but makes her feel impossible.

"Is your father Yang Weikang?" The old man's voice trembled fiercely, faintly, and seemed to have some expectation.

Hearing the name, Yang Sheng and uncle Jing's eyes changed at the same time.

However, Letong this client, but a face muddled appearance, "how possible? My father's name is Le Ming. Who is Yang Weikang? "

Although Letong feels that Yang Weikang should have a close relationship with the old master, father and son? brother?

Ke Ketong stops herself from further research. After all, she doesn't know who Yang Weikang is, and it has nothing to do with her.

The old master took the jade Pei and stared at Letong's face for a long time, "impossible... Impossible..."

Although Yang Sheng's eyes were full of confusion, he was the first one to calm down.

"Grandfather, what's the matter? You can make it clear."

Yang Sheng said, motioning everyone to sit down.

"Sheng boy, you don't know Yu Pei?"

Yang's hand was still shaking. He handed Yupei to Yang Sheng. I didn't know whether he was uncomfortable or choked. He coughed for a long time.

Yang Sheng took Yupei and looked at her carefully. Looking at Yupei and Letong, he said uncertainly, "it's the same as my father's piece?"

The old master of the Yang family was finally relieved by Uncle Jing's service of carrying water and clapping his back.

"Well, this Yupei is your little uncle's piece."

Yang Sheng stared at Letong incredulously, "Grandpa, are you sure?"

And Letong, with the same incredible look on her face.

At this time, she had understood that Yang Weikang was the son of the old master, that is, Yang Sheng's little uncle. Yupei may be Yang Weikang's, but I don't know why she was transferred to her father.

The old man seemed to calm down a little, "sure! However, you can find a master to identify it. "

The old master said to Yang Sheng, his eyes turned to Letong's face again, "what do you say your father's name is?"

"Le Ming!" Although Letong doesn't quite remember his father's appearance, his name is clear.

After all, it was the man who gave her life, and it also gave her a short but beautiful childhood.

Leaving aside the psychological shadow brought to Letong by his sudden disappearance, her father is an impeccable good father.

"Where is he now? May I ask him to come and see me? " The tone of the old man was a little urgent, and his face was full of wrinkles. He had lost the spirit he had just shown on the stage, but with strong vicissitudes and helplessness.

Yue Tong is silent for a moment, shook his head, "Yang Dong, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

The old man's face changed slightly, and his tone was raised a lot of decibels“ Why? "

"I haven't seen my dad since I was five years old. I don't know where he is now." Even after so many years, mention this, Letong still can't let go.

The old man was stunned, and his face was full of disappointment. "How could this happen..." he murmured.

"Tong Tong, are you sure Yupei is your father's own property?" At this time, Yang Sheng also cared.

After all, one is his favorite little uncle, and the other is his younger martial sister who has been familiar with him since he first met.

He didn't know what direction he wanted this thing to go, but he knew very well that he would be very happy if the younger martial sister he loved in his heart was his younger sister!

"I'm sorry, elder martial brother. I'm not sure."

Letong tried to recall all kinds of childhood, but those past events, after all, have a long history. Now in her mind, she can't remember anything except dad's kind smile.

Moreover, Yupei was not handed over to her by her father, but by her mother.

Listen to mother's meaning, this jade Pei is father to give her a token of love, can also be said to be a dowry.