Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 530

"She had a 19-year-old baby, so it's well maintained!" Ji Rui responded calmly.

Other people all have the appearance of chatting. No one dares to talk rashly to this kind of conversation with strong choking meaning.

Obviously, the person who said that Letong didn't look like the baby's mother was obviously mocking, implying that Letong might not be the baby's mother.

But Ji Rui doesn't bother to worry about him. This man is one of the people he just asked Letong to be more careful. He is Yang Sheng's biggest cousin, and he is the eldest son of the Yang family.

The eldest son, who should have been the most respected, was defeated by Yang Sheng. You can imagine how unwilling he was. Yang Sheng's relationship with Ji Rui is no longer a secret. Now he comes to find Ji Rui, naturally speaking with thorns, and takes the opportunity to spread his anger on Ji Rui.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Ji Rui and overestimated himself.

"So Ji always eats tender grass?" The young master of the Yang family smiles with interest.

Ji Rui's face was calm, "I ate it and took responsibility. I swear, I've never done anything wrong to her. I don't know which one is more shameful than young master Yang, who is merciful but ruthless all over the place

Ji Rui's words are quite direct. Although there is still a light expression on his face, the irony in his words makes the young master of the Yang family's face slightly changed.

In addition to the word "endure" in Letong's and Ji Rui's dictionaries, he doesn't need to endure others, let alone look at their faces.

What's more, this young master of the Yang family is a famous dandy. His relationship with Yang Sheng has always been bad. Ji Rui is even more lazy to look at his face, and his words are very merciless!

"Young master Yang, I've been standing outside for a long time, and I think I'm suffering from backache. I'll go out to loosen my bones and beat my back. Maybe I can make my old master feel better and give him some benefits. It's enough for young master Yang to be romantic for a long time!"

Ji Rui's words are so clear that no matter how cheeky the young master of the Yang family is, he can't stay any longer. He stares at Ji Rui with a black face, and leaves with a cup and a sleeve.

Ji Rui ignores him. He glances around, only to see that the baby has disappeared. Yue Tong is surprised, so he nods to everyone. "Sorry, I'll go and have a look at the two children."

Once upon a time, Ji Rui was a well-known cold and hard to get close to in the upper class social circle. But this time, he appeared as a good "husband" and a good father. While his glasses were broken to pieces, he took the opportunity to flatter and admire Le Tong, who took such a man into his hands and tamed him!

"What's the matter?"

Ji Rui walks up behind the baby and leans over to see what happened.

"Daddy, Niuniu's face is bitten by insects..."

Baby pointed to the stroller lying on the girl, is very distressed to say.

"Where's Mommy?"

Ji Rui touches Niu Niu's face. There is a red and swollen protrusion on her pink face. It looks like she was bitten by an insect.

"Mommy goes to Uncle Sheng to get the medicine." Baby bent to tease Niuniu, as if afraid that she would cry if she was upset.

Ji Rui stands up straight and looks around, but he doesn't see Letong.

"Did Mommy say where to go?"

The baby pointed to the direction close to the podium, "Mommy went that way. She asked me to stay here and wait for her to come back."

Ji Rui didn't ask any more. He picked up the baby with one hand and pushed the pram toward the direction of the baby.

President Ji Da, who has always been high above others and has been admired by countless celebrities, has suddenly become a very close father. He pushes one by one and embraces the other, which does not damage his handsome and handsome image at all. In addition, he has a sense of stability and security that only mature men have.

"Daddy, will Niu Niu's face leave scars?" The baby is still worried about the little girl's face.

"Nothing!" Ji Rui gently coaxes the baby. After coaxing, he bows his head and kisses the baby's face.

In his and baby's eyes, this is a natural move, but in other people's eyes, it is warm and love to burst!

As a result, those women who originally admired Ji Rui were heartbroken.

You know, the saddest thing in the world is not that you didn't meet the right person.

But, to you, the right person is right in front of you, but he already knows that the grass has its own master!

That is to say, to you, he is the right person.

But to him, you are nothing!

Ji Rui can feel the strange atmosphere and eyes around him, but he strides forward like no one else.

"Really?" Baby has always been a strong child, even when he was seriously ill, he had never been so worried about gain and loss.

But now, he was worried about a red and swollen pimple on the little girl's face.

Visible, this just appeared in his life a week of little girl, for him how important.

"Of course, when did Daddy cheat the baby?" Ji Rui assures his precious son.

Between father and son, Letong flashed out of a room, holding a piece of ointment.

The one who follows her is not Yang Sheng, but the old master of the Yang family who has a serious problem with Ji Rui.

"Mr. Yang, please, old man!" Letong turns to thank the old man.

The old man waved his hand and glared at her as if he didn't want to see her. Then he turned and walked to the rostrum.

"What did he give you?" Ji Rui holds her son and pushes her to the back of Letong, which gives Letong a fright.

"Ointment, it's said that it's a special ointment specially used to wipe insect bites." Letong didn't hide anything and conveyed the old man's words once.

"What did he say?" Ji Rui chin toward the rostrum to lift.

"Well, I'll go to see my elder martial brother. The old master volunteered that he had special ointment." Letong has no doubt about this. After all, the former president of Tangtang Yang group can't cheat her for such a trifle.

Ji Rui put down the baby, took the ointment, unscrewed the cover, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it carefully.

The ointment does have a strong taste of traditional Chinese medicine, but he is not sure whether it is really symptomatic.

"Ji Rui, the old man is not so careful. He can't get along with a little girl who is just over a month old!" Letong thinks Ji Rui is too careful.

Ji Rui doesn't think so, "Letong, you don't know the Yang family, let alone the girl who has nothing to do with him. Even if this is his great grandson, it depends on his mood!"

Le Tong is slightly stunned. Ji Rui, apart from having a great prejudice against her in the past, is generally objective in looking at people and things. It is estimated that it is the Yang family's old man who has done too much to him or Yang Sheng that he will evaluate the Yang family's old master like this.

Letong can't help hesitating. Is this ointment used or not?