Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 527

"Aren't you busy? Why do you have time to greet us?"

Yue Tong is very strange. It's just ten o'clock at this time, and the banquet just begins. Shouldn't he be the host and protagonist of the banquet?

"The old goblin and his sons and grandsons are watching. It's nothing without me. When you come here for the first time, I'll show you around my home."

Obviously, Yang Sheng wants to take Ji Rui and Letong to visit his home while they are away.

"But you are the protagonist of today's banquet. We can visit any time we want." Letong doesn't want to embarrass Yang Sheng because of them.

"It's OK. His sons and grandsons wish I wasn't there! I should be more interesting and give them one last chance to woo the old goblins. "

In Yang Sheng's eyes, the president who other young people of the Yang family are fighting for is a hot potato.

Yang Sheng led two adults and two children into the big room. A nanny like woman came up to him. "Master Sheng, the snacks and sweets you told us to prepare are ready."

Yang Sheng patted the baby on the head. "Baby, there are many snacks and cakes you like to eat in the dining room. You can go to see what you like. There is a small garden behind the dining room, in which there are two huskies. The baby can also go to have a look, but you should take good care of Niuniu, you know?"

As soon as the baby heard that there were delicious food and dogs, he was not polite. He probably knew that the adults wanted to help him talk about something. Pushing Niuniu, she followed the nanny to the side hall.

"Shall I show you upstairs?" Yang Sheng didn't mean to stay downstairs.

Letong and Ji Rui have no objection and follow Yang Sheng upstairs.

Only then did Le Tong realize that Yang Sheng didn't bring them in to visit the house.

Yang Sheng leads them into a room on the third floor. Although Letong has never been to Yang Sheng '.

"Your bedroom?" Letong is always a woman. Compared with Ji Rui, she has more gossip.

"Well, you sit down. Would you like something to drink?" Yang Sheng asked them to sit down on the sofa in the small living room.

"No, say what you want!"

Obviously, Ji Rui, like Le Tong, has seen through the purpose Yang Sheng brought them up.

Yang Sheng answered, opened the door that was supposed to enter the bedroom, and quickly came out.

"Here you are!" Yang Sheng presents a card to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui raised his head and looked at him silently for a while.

"I don't need it!"

Letong didn't say a word. That card is a black gold card. It's estimated that the money in it won't be too small.

"Rui, you should know my situation in Yang's family. So, for the time being, I haven't been able to influence my grandfather's decision. The money in this card is not much. It's the money I've earned with you in Ji's these years. Anyway, it's useless for me to ask for the money now. Take it as a spare. "

At first, Letong thought that Yang Sheng's annual salary was more than one million yuan. Later, after becoming Ji Rui's lover, she realized that Ji Rui had transferred 5% of his shares to Yang Sheng. Therefore, compared with Ji Rui's wealth, the money in this card may not be much, but compared with an ordinary person, it's money that can't be earned for decades.

"Yang Sheng!" Ji Rui frowned and stressed again, "I don't need it!"

Yang Sheng seems to be a little angry. He hands the card to le Tong and says, "Tong Tong, take this card as if I lent it to you!"

Letong looked at Ji Rui, and naturally did not dare to answer, "elder martial brother, let's talk about it later."

Yue Tong is not sure what Ji Rui thinks in her heart. Even though she knows Yang Sheng's good intentions, she doesn't dare to accept them.

"Ji Rui! In order to prevent me from escaping, my grandfather froze all my domestic accounts as soon as I came back. You opened this account for me in country y. now, I'll give it to you. You can fix the number of years. Anyway, I'm not giving it to you for nothing. You can take it if you have seed. "

Ji Rui is still looking at Yang Sheng. Yang Sheng is more and more worried. "Ji Rui, what do you care about with me at this time? Aren't we brothers? If you don't take the money, my grandfather will find it sooner or later. Then, I can't help you! "

Yang Sheng's posture is so urgent that he almost starts to fight Ji Rui. Letong can't look down and reaches for the card.

"Elder martial brother, let me borrow it from you! 10% per annum! "

She understands Ji Rui's mood, but she also understands Yang Sheng's mood.

Since Ji Rui's self-esteem doesn't allow him to accept the help, let her accept Yang Sheng's favor.


Ji Rui turns his head and stares at Le Tong. It seems that he doesn't expect that she will turn around.

"Well, it's none of your business. I borrowed the money from my elder martial brother. Whether you want to use it or not is your business. Anyway, I don't have any money to pay the interest at that time. My elder martial brother wants me to work for Yang's family to pay off the debt. Don't blame me. "

Letong said seriously, but Yang Sheng couldn't help laughing at her.

"Ha ha, younger martial sister, it seems that I really don't have to worry that Rui will bully you!"

Ji Rui looked at Bai Yangsheng, "see? This is the gentle and lovely little girl you are trying to sell

Yue Tong vomits his tongue to the two of them, "if you stay with the wolf for a long time, the little sheep will also be wolf like."

Yang Sheng laughed for a while and changed his serious face. "Rui, now you want someone to transfer the money from my account. Otherwise, my grandfather will notice that you can't borrow the money."

Ji Rui doesn't get tangled after this tug of war. He picks up the phone and pulls it out. He communicates with the other party in English for a while. He takes Yang Sheng's card, tells the other party the card number, and then says the password. In about ten minutes, Ji Rui makes an OK gesture to Yang Sheng!

Only at this time did Le Tong understand why Yang Sheng didn't even make a phone call to Beijing during this period of time, and he was rarely able to reach him online.

It is estimated that since he was brought back to the Yang family by the Yang family's bodyguards in Ji's family, his personal freedom and all other freedoms have been completely restricted and monitored by the Yang family's old man.

However, Le Tong does not understand that Yang Sheng has been fighting with Ji Rui in r city for so many years. The Yang family has been indifferent and does not interfere. Why is Yang Sheng's freedom limited now?

These questions, Letong only dare in the heart, did not dare to ask Yang Sheng.

Ji Rui should know the answers, but he won't tell her.

After all, it's Yang Sheng's private affair. It's Yang Sheng's affair, not Ji Rui's.