Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 45

"Forget about her! I told you about the development plan a few days ago. What do you think? "

Ji Rui doesn't want to argue with Yang Sheng about Letong, and he doesn't want to admit that Yang Sheng's over maintenance attitude towards Letong makes him a little upset.

Yang Sheng was also an interesting person. Seeing that Ji Rui didn't want to talk about it any more, he turned to the development case. But in the heart, but secretly made the plan to talk to Letong, as long as Letong is willing, he will find a better owner for her.

Yang Sheng basically heard about Letong's past from his professor. In addition to appreciation, there is also sympathy and the consequent desire for protection. Therefore, even if the person who wronged her was his boss and good friend, he could not sit by and ignore.

In the evening, Letong and Yang Sheng sat in a western restaurant not far from the company. They ordered a meal, chatted a little and talked about each other's recent situation. After that, Yang Sheng went straight to the topic.

"Tongtong, elder martial brother, if I ask you a question, you should answer me honestly!" In front of Letong, Yang Sheng is rarely so serious.

Le Tong looked at him inexplicably, "well, elder martial brother, you said."

"Is Ji happy with his job?"

Yang Sheng actually wants to ask if Ji Rui has embarrassed you in the past six months? But she was afraid that such a direct and sharp question would make her dare not tell the truth, so she changed a euphemism.

Letong did not expect that he would suddenly ask like this. After a little thought, he gave the answer, "well, it's OK."

Yang Sheng was as like as two peas. She gave the answer to the same answer as Ji Rui.

He understood Letong's answer as: although it's not satisfactory, it's still barely passable to endure. Because Ji Rui's answer is just like this.

As a result, Yang Sheng is now basically sure that Ji Rui and Letong do not have a good impression of each other, and they are even tired of seeing each other.

"Tongtong, if you are not happy, elder martial brother can find you another job with similar conditions."

Yang Sheng thinks that since his younger martial sister's good Ji Rui doesn't know how to appreciate her, he will help her find a good owner who knows how to appreciate her. Good birds still have to choose trees to live in, let alone people?

Letong thinks that Yang Sheng probably heard some ugly words from Ji Rui, but she knows very well that where there are people, there are right and wrong, there are oppression, no matter where they go, they will definitely be treated unfairly. As long as such unfairness does not touch her bottom line, she can tolerate it.

What's more, if you insist that Ji Rui, the president of the company, makes her unhappy, who can guarantee that if you change the company, the boss will treat her as a Buddha?

"Thank you, elder martial brother. I think Ji is very good. I have no plans to change jobs for the time being. " Letong shakes her head and refuses his kindness. Yang Sheng has been treating her well. She doesn't want to embarrass him.

Yang Sheng didn't believe it. He looked at her with his cheek in his hand. "Then why are you so thin?"

At this time, Yang Sheng has arbitrarily regarded Ji Rui as the culprit for Letong's loss of weight. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he should rescue the younger martial sister as soon as possible.

Letong has a headache. How can she explain that she loves this job so much?

Her mood has not been very good these days, and her mood has been depressed for a period of time. It's normal that people will be thin.

But the reason why she was in a bad mood and depressed was that she couldn't tell Yang Sheng. She told a harmless lie“ Some time ago, I got acute gastroenteritis. I couldn't eat and sleep well. After several days, I became thin like this. "

Yang Sheng looked at her suspiciously. He glanced back and forth on her smiling face, but he couldn't see any clue. He just sighed.

"Tongtong, although elder martial brother is not a big man, if you are wronged in the company, you can still stand out and plead for your injustice."

Letong raised his hand to him with a smile. "Elder martial brother, I swear that if I am wronged, I will cry for elder martial brother for the first time. Is that all right?"

Yang Sheng couldn't help but smile at her. He naturally stretched out his hand and patted her on the head.

"This is what you said. If you are wronged in the future, you must come to me. Don't be alone in your heart!"

Letong nodded, winked at him, covered his stomach and said pitifully, "elder martial brother, I'm so hungry!"

Yang Sheng knows that she just wants to get off the topic, but it's not easy to expose her, so he has to raise his hand to recruit a waiter.

At the urging of Yang Sheng, the waiter quickly brought up the delicious food, and the heavy topic suddenly stopped.

During the meal, Yang Sheng talked a lot about what he had seen and heard in foreign countries for more than half a year. Letong seldom had the opportunity to travel, so she listened with interest.

When Yang Sheng talked about the rise, he asked the waiter to open a bottle of red wine. While they were chatting, they tasted the wine. Unconsciously, they drank up the whole bottle of red wine.

A simple dinner, two people from the beginning of the lantern to eat nearly 10 o'clock, the people in the western restaurant, gradually from the white-collar dinner into a pair of dating couples.

If it wasn't for tomorrow's work, Yang Sheng would drag Letong to the restaurant to close.

"Tongtong, the car stops over there. I'll take you back."

Yang Sheng pulls Le Tong's arm and signals her to follow him.

Letong stopped at the same place and said, "elder martial brother, my house is just across the road. I'll just walk back. Go back and have a rest early."

Yang Sheng didn't listen to her. Seeing that she didn't move, he put his hand around her thin shoulder, half dragged and half pushed her to his car, opened the door and put her in the car.

"I just know now, the elder martial brother also has a domineering side." Letong teases Yang Sheng who sits beside her and closes the door.

"Not because you are too disobedient?"

With that, Yang Sheng told the driver to drive to the lane across the road. After that, he turned his head and looked at Le Tong.

"The professor said that you are docile and have a good temper. Tut, I'm surprised. Your stubborn temper is like a cow, and I also call it good temper?"

After drinking some wine, Yang Sheng is a little angry. The younger martial sister would rather be angry with Ji Rui than complain to him. She is either too stubborn or looks down upon him.

"Elder martial brother, are you going to hold a critical meeting?" Letong looks at Yang Sheng with a smile.

"How dare I? You've got a lot on me! If I want to maintain this beautiful image, I have to be careful to look at my younger martial sister. You look like a man! "

Two people you a word I a language ground fight mouth, the car soon stopped in the alley.

"Good night, elder martial brother."

Letong stands outside the car, holding the door with one hand, bending to say goodbye to Yang Sheng.

"Why don't you invite me up?" Yang Sheng looked at her very carefully.

"No, it's inconvenient to be alone!"