Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 438

After the opening ceremony of the theme park, Ji Rui and Letong temporarily put aside all the work at hand and accompanied the baby for a day. The next day, it was the baby's sixth birthday.

I don't know if the baby is compassionate with his parents, who are very busy these days, or if he really wants to go back to play with his friends in the kindergarten. When he asked him how to celebrate his birthday, he said that he would go back to the kindergarten during the day, and the teachers and children would hold a birthday party for him. In the evening, just as usual, just have a happy dinner at home with his parents.

Ji Rui and Letong are really busy. Since the baby has said so, they are not reluctant to go to work during the day, but in the afternoon, they both leave work early and go to the kindergarten to pick up the baby.

When the three of them had a happy dinner at home and cut the birthday cake, Ji Rui gave the baby the latest limited edition fighter model brought back from abroad as a birthday gift, while Letong gave the baby a green and transparent Yupei.

Ji Rui suddenly sees the jade Pei. He is surprised. He can't help but look at it carefully.

"Letong, did you just buy Yupei?"

Ji Rui does a little research on jade antiques. If he remembers correctly, at an auction he attended a while ago, there was an ancient jade similar to Yupei. The auction price was nearly ten million yuan.

Judging from the appearance, Yupei is natural and transparent. It doesn't look like a fake or an imitation. Conservatively, it's worth at least three or several million yuan. Where can Letong buy Yupei for such a large sum of money?

Yue Tong shakes her head. "I didn't buy it. My father left it to me. It's not necessarily valuable, but somehow..."

Letong's eyes suddenly darkened, and after a pause, she pinched the baby's face, pulled out a slightly farfetched smile and asked, "baby, do you like it?"

The baby pounced on her face and gave her two kisses. She replied with a smile, "I like everything as long as it's from Mommy!"

"Well, Mommy gave it to the baby. The baby should take good care of it." The baby gently into the arms, Letong heart mixed feelings.

This Yupei is the only thought that Letong's father left to Letong. At first, Letong dreamed that one day, his father would recognize him with this Yupei, but as the years went by, this illusion became a dream.

Now, she is very glad that her baby doesn't need to draw the outline of her beloved's smile in tears and miss like she did when she was a child, because no matter she or Ji Rui, she will always accompany her baby until the end of her life.

Ji Rui's eyes have never been away from Letong's face. Seeing her slightly drooping eyes, her face is a little sad. I think it's because I think of those unhappy things when I was a child.

The long arm stretched out to take the big one and the small one into his arms.

At first, Letong was still a little resistant, maybe a little awkward and embarrassed, but gradually she was a little nostalgic for the temperature in his arms, so she put her arms around her son and leaned lazily in his arms. Neither of them wanted to speak, just quietly cuddled up with each other.

It was not until the doorbell of "Ding Dong Ding Dong" rang that Le Tong broke away from Ji Rui.

"I'll see who it is!" Ji Rui let go of Letong and Baobao, and quickly walk to the porch. On the screen of the video intercom, the face of Ji Laozi appears.


Ji Rui also wants to pretend that he is not around and ignore the old man, but the little guy who comes after him has sharp eyes. Seeing the old man on the screen, he cries happily.

"Happy birthday, baby. Grandpa is here to celebrate your birthday. Open the door quickly!" Heard the voice of Ji Laozi immediately said.

Ji Rui's face is cold, and he is really not willing to open the door. However, seeing the baby's cheerful face, it's not good for him to sweep away his happiness. He reaches for the door, holds the baby, turns around and walks back to the living room.

"Daddy, my grandfather must have brought my baby's favorite cake!"

Over the past few years, in order to coax the baby, Ji Rui has invited many famous cooks to keep him in the big house. To say that Ji Rui has less understanding of the baby's taste than Ji.

"Well, I'll eat what my grandfather brought me later."

Ji Rui glances at the customized birthday cake on the table. Although he increasingly dislikes him, he does not deprive his precious son of the right to enjoy family affection.

He knows very well that Mr. Ji may not be sincere to his son, but he puts 80% or 90% of his heart into the baby. Otherwise, the baby would not be so comfortable in the mansion these years.

Put down the baby, Ji Rui follow up the kitchen to find Letong.

"He is expected to leave after a while, and then he will pass." Ji Rui hugs Letong's waist, whose back is facing his fruit cutting, and gently pacifies him.

Although Letong doesn't like to see Ji Laozi, her idea is the same as Ji Rui, and she can't bear to let baby down.

"I'm fine. The baby is the biggest today."

In fact, there is a serious ambiguity in her words. It should be said that in her heart, no matter when, the baby is the biggest.

One of them went out with fruit and the other with tea, just to meet Mr. Ji who came in.

As the baby expected, Ji was carrying a big birthday cake in one hand and a beautifully packed box in the other. Looking at it, it should be a birthday present.

"Grandfather! Baby thought you forgot! " The little guy had already rushed over and rubbed his face against the old man's waist.

"Oh, how can grandfather forget the baby's birthday? It's a birthday gift from grandfather. Do you like it or not?"

Ji put the big box into his baby's arms, raised his eyelids, glanced at Ji Rui and Letong, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

Le Tong politely nodded to him, "good chairman!"

She couldn't think of a more suitable address than that.

Ji Rui nodded to him coldly. He said hello. He put the tray on the coffee table and sat down.

"Mommy, the baby wants to eat the cake brought by grandpa!" The baby has already put down the big box, and painstakingly holds the big cake box to Letong.

Letong didn't say anything. She took the box, took out the cake and put in the candle.

"The baby is six years old. Do you have any birthday wishes?" Ji Laozi squatted down and hugged the baby.

Baobao hugs Mr. Ji's neck and kisses him twice. Then he looks up at Letong and Ji Rui. After thinking about it, he asks Mr. Ji seriously.

"Grandfather, no matter what birthday wishes the baby makes, does grandfather promise the baby?"

Ji old son Zheng Zheng, knead his face to smile a way, "say to listen to?"